Monday, December 31, 2012
happy new year and epoch
happy new year everyone, may the new year be better than the last, we are kicking butt, the enemies of god are 90% destroyed and the new epoch is begging
Our enemies are being eradicated
resistance is futile assimilate or be exterminated
ne cannabis strain is now available, five leaf pot, gungu is extinct,
idiots tried making sleep gas out of it, dumb enemies of God(s) you are now dead, excuted yesterday by militarum terran and god powers by right of self defence
military dufut is defunk.
same idiots bought and mass harvested all pot of that strain to extinction, new bud, flowr 80% + thc.
new improved drinks coming to, no more beer yeast, idiots detroyed it and source has been extinct since 1640s
but we keep it going, new ale like drinks made from mysticithin, are available tonight
beware some might try to sell you water as beer you will know.
bhang available too
cannibus is being commercialism the new stuff amazing
hash is safe, it was divinely protected from morons near its beggining.
to a divine wise sharp world.
that side is eco dead,. pure pitch black for hope, they thought they could stand against the godz including you me and the someone, ya right, god is power they are short witted
12% of terran lives, that be us
67 % of pre war pre resserected lives sealed with us, many were reserected but we the virtuous really have kicked thier asses. more fun later.
see s and m turture by cibsect as for steal at some porn shops, or confessions and the enemies of god, explicit material, see general gaha of former us, be beaten to tears , wimp by somebody
praiose God,
fool you thought you could kill children poison those in amerathan and the world, l;ike akll those with you
enjoy the pain
considered dead as he will be excuted for crimes against huimanity and the cosmos.
video ends before sniff ghis superior on the same video is snudffed
imperial dog die
peace soon comes
universal quantuum be with us all
all self defence by right and law
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Golden fleeces and Jason
Golden fleeces and Jason
Before embarking on the journeys of jason and the aurgonauts we should examine Jason a bit and get familiar with him prior to the tale, we will examine him as we did orpheus.
here is one of the source material for the quest:
Jason was the Hero who obtained the Golden Fleece from the Land of Colchis with the Argonauts. He was the son of king Aeson of Iolchos (Volos) whose brother Pelias had unrightfully overturned him and seized the throne. An oracle had told Pelias that a one-shoed man would revenge Aeson.
In the tale we are about to embark on Hason was renowned as retriving the golden fleece that will now side route us into a quick examination of what the golden fleece is and were it came from.
from :
Athamas the Minyan, a founder of Halos in Thessaly[2] but also king of the city of Orchomenus in Boeotia (a region of southeastern Greece), took as his first wife the cloud goddess Nephele. They had two children, the boy Phrixus (whose name means "curly"—as in ram's fleece) and the girl Helle. Later Athamas became enamored of and married Ino, the daughter of Cadmus. When Nephele left in anger, drought came upon the land
so I will let you read up on it and continue tommorow
Monday, December 24, 2012
Orpheus;. legacy and merry tidings
In Attic vase painting, however, the women who attack Orpheus appear to be normal Thracian women, who are irritated that the bard's songs have stolen their husbands away from them.
recalling the women claimed that it was orpheus who stole thier men from them, because he was teh father of teh male side of teh orphic relogy begun in thrace by him and his wife that caused an epoch change.
the vase drawings were more created as play claiming orpheus was truly compitition ffor the males bueatiful wives. Only for now defunk mosegenists.
A large number of Greek religious poems in hexameter were attributed to Orpheus, as they were to similar miracle-man figures like Bakis, Musaeus, Abaris, Aristeas, Epimenides, and the Sybil. Of this vast literature, only two examples survive whole: a set of hymns composed at some point in the 2nd or 3rd century AD, and an Orphic Argonautica composed somewhere between the 4th and 6th centuries AD. Earlier Orphic literature, which may date back as far as the 6th century BC, survives only in papyrus scraps or in quotations by later authors.
A style was formed by orpheus and orphic peoms were atributed at first to him then to the style he fostered.
in the third century ad a new version of the orphic works were compiled and some of the original works of orpheus work dating to 28000 years ago have been fopund in collection (s) dating to the 6th century bc. recall peopkle often used a limited 10 000 year caledar to fit historic events so they fit religious views, religy does not report to limited calanders. Mkaes more sence, adiests agree scientific explanations add to the real undrrstanding of religy.
the age of the works shows in teh tatere3d remnanst that remain concerning themm, though in higher level archives entire works exist. Thses archives are more higher level and inexcesible , though copies of works do appear.
In addition to serving as a storehouse of mythological data along the lines of Hesiod's Theogony, Orphic poetry was recited in mystery-rites and purification rituals. Plato in particular tells of a class of vagrant beggar-priests who would go about offering purifications to the rich, a clatter of books by Orpheus and Musaeus in tow (Republic 364c-d). Those who were especially devoted to these ritual and poems often practiced vegetarianism, abstention from sex, and refrained from eating eggs — which came to be known as the Orphikos bios, or "Orphic way of life".
as was Hisiod orpwehus' work is a store house of mythology and his psalms have been used in rituals and rites through out history. It imports into mcontemporary religy like the christ religy. Plato tells of priesta who would purify using orphic rites ansd scripture offering his works and Nuseus in tow. Many rituals that had persisted till today like obstaining from sex like the former monks, vegeterinism like lenting, and even odd practices like obstaining from eggs known as the ophikos bios which is still practiced, they only eat eggs twice a year then obstain from it though two kmeals a year using eggs are religeously ordained. THUS MANY RELOGY AND OTHER RITES AND PRACTICVES STEMMED FROM THE DIVINE WINNERS OF oROPHEUS AND WIFE. tHIER LIGHT AND WISDOM STILL SHINES TO THIS DAY.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
happy winter solstice feasts-update
so the world has now begun sincronising holidays, it will ease things in teh new epoch
all mesogenists amongst others, including the destruction of every religious rite not part of teh right of God one, has been defunked, no atheist exists, they all werre sealed and left behind on dec 19-20
the old world has died says teh mayan, when teh world ends anotehr begins, as all ends are beginnings
all relogic rites are now drawn through the someone.
I experienced the defanth or day the new dead visit the say goodbye and prepare for their purging during death, the doors for teh ritual closed 6 hours after it started.
so teh days are getting longer and that side is in immanent economic calapse, those who have joined us are safe, those who bound top gods rule of one cannot do anthing bad and thus cannot be kicked back to that side,
this hristmas will kill them, last chsmas as we now calll it christ mas. add a T, free of teh crap of teh old that included people who were added originally to cheer up but are now trying to cause holidays blues, depression gasses, cold chems so on and so forth,
they are being eliminated
resistance is futile you will be assimulated or exterminated, and assimulation is living free of crime and able to partake in all the good things you always did without cvausing harm, smoke, drink, or not, just be all that you can be
I recommend binding and or coming to this side, but steal and do no bad here if not bound as you get kicked back, but bind and free yourselves or come over, food here is cheap and we made money this year and not starved trying to take over or cause harm to a lawful world that is conscented to by a high strong majority
More Orpheus later today in the evening.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Orphic man love
After the death of Eurydice, Orpheus swore off the love of women and took only young men as his lovers. He is reputed to be the one who introduced male love to the Thracians, teaching them to love the young in the flower of their youth.
here is a famous part of orpheus; myth that is mentioned in plato's republic, proving orpheus' wife who also goes now by eurodyke, a divine goddess name, died. In plato'sd republic orpheus is said to have swore off women and did not want to be bored by one again, in any life.some though he had become homosexual. He ttok only young men as lovers, socrates knew he was like him platonic towards males. In fact if you recall the earlier analysis we have done, he represented teh male part of teh cult. Thus he was in charge of educating, which plato calls in Alcibeadis ! the love of a teacher to platonically love a student to educate them. So as socrates told alcibiadis he did not love him in a sexual way but loved him as a teacher loves a student and this was agapi between teacher and student. Orpheus was renowned for introducing a non sexual love between men to ancient thrace. Prior to his period debates about love and sex occured but it was deamed that only couples having sex truly love and orpheus being straight introduced a love between men that did not necessiate sex between them, Socrates and plato used these lessons to help found what we call platonic agapi amongst men and even omen , this was teh platonic addition, taht men and women can love each otehr platonically without having to have sex with each other, this foostered in the christ religions later as love even your enemy, turn the cheek and if they try to strike again god destyroys them.
Ok till next week.
Yes my internet does workl at hom,e though I am using a cafe site. Why cause it takes 4 hours to upload a page, many returned to cable, as the war continues and it is overloaded, but yes it works, we are working to fix it so it can be used.
all good. recall according to teh law it should be free.
keeper of death and corrector of same
Death of Orpheus, Louvre G416
In Greek legend, Orpheus (Ορφέας) was the chief representative of the arts of song and the lyre, and of great importance in the religious history of Greece. The mythical figure of Orpheus was borrowed by the Greeks from their Thracian neighbours; the Thracian "Orphic Mysteries", rituals of unknown content, were named after him.
The name Orpheus does not occur in Homer or Hesiod, but he was known in the time of Ibycus (c. 530 BC), and Pindar (522—-442 BC) speaks of him as “the father of songs”.
From the 6th century BC onwards he was looked upon as one of the chief poets and musicians of antiquity, the inventor or perfecter of the lyre, who by his music and singing was able not only to charm the wild beasts, but even to draw the trees and rocks from their places, and to arrest the rivers in their course. As one of the pioneers of civilization, he was supposed to have taught mankind the arts of medicine, writing and agriculture. As closely connected with religious life, he was an augur and seer; practised magical arts, especially astrology; founded or rendered accessible many important cults, such as those of Apollo and Thracian god Dionysus; instituted mystic rites, both public and private; prescribed initiatory and purificatory ritual.
While several etymologies of the name "Orpheus" have been proposed, the most probable is that it was an actor-noun derived from a hypothetical archaic verb *orphao, "to be deprived, to long for". Cognates would include Greek orphe, "darkness", and English "orphan". "Orpheus" would therefore be semantically close to goao, "to lament, sing wildly, cast a spell", uniting his seemingly disparate roles as disappointed lover, transgressive musician and mystery-priest into a single lexical whole.
According to the best-known tradition, Orpheus was the son of Oeagrus, king of Thrace, and the muse Calliope. Sometimes, Calliope and Apollo were his parents. Orpheus learned music from Linus, or from Apollo, who was also his lover and who gave him his own lyre (made by Hermes out of a turtle shell) as a gift.
The Argonautic expedition
Despite his Thracian origin he joined the expedition of the Argonauts, whose leader Jason had been informed by Chiron that only by the aid of Orpheus would they be able to pass by the Sirens unscathed. The Sirens lived on three small, rocky islands called Sirenum scopuli and sang beautiful songs that enticed sailors to come to them. They then ate the sailors. When Orpheus heard their voices, he withdrew his lyre and played his music more beautifully than they, drowning out their music.
Death of Eurydice
But the most famous story in which he figures is that of his wife Eurydice. Eurydice is sometimes known as Agriope. While fleeing from Aristaeus, she was bitten by a serpent which brought her to her death. Distraught, Orpheus played such sad songs and sang so mournfully that all the nymphs and gods wept and gave him advice. Orpheus went down to the lower world and by his music softened the heart of Hades and Persephone (the only person to ever do so), who agreed to allow Eurydice to return with him to earth. But the condition was attached that he should walk in front of her and not look back until he had reached the upper world. In his anxiety he broke his promise, and Eurydice vanished again from his sight. The story in this form belongs to the time of Virgil, who first introduces the name of Aristaeus. Other ancient writers, however, speak of Orpheus' visit to the underworld; according to Plato, the infernal gods only “presented an apparition” of Eurydice to him. Ovid says that Eurydice's death was not caused by fleeing from Aristaeus but dancing with Naiads on her wedding day.
Orpheus and Eurydice, Anselm Feuerbach, 1861
The famous story of Eurydice may actually be a late addition to the Orpheus myths. In particular, the name Eurudike ("she whose justice extends widely") recalls cult-titles attached to Persephone. The myth may have been mistakenly derived from another Orpheus legend in which he travels to Tartarus and charms the goddess Hecate.
__the claim that eurodike was a tale added to orpheus in the modern age is tenious. The connection the author points to is the unity between Eurodike, Canathea is another name and teh original. The connection to persephone is the cult ties of orpheus ' wife with the death cult exeplified by teh story of her death, the myth that explores the death rituals that led to a change onm epoch, there is more to orpheus that just the destruction of the old nased on the death rituals, but the new ideas concerning death helped shape the reality of teh ancients who were exposed to it. Orpheus descent into hades that predates tarturus as a name for teh place of teh dead is a myth atht predates modern time, as the material appears in texts such as plato and ariostophany. The tale of clasatha appears in cults that worship persephony and other gods and goddess of death and change, she is most renowned for calling birds to perch and message through song and cherping. Orpheus descent in taturus was his journey to complete the mournful rituals and ideas of immortality anmd scention, in this takle hacade is charmed by him and given a crystal sceptor to rule over the punishment plains and correction plains that lie below hades. she keeps the dead and he corrects thsm. each has a place in teh otehrs realm."
next post coming up.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Common reaction to Orpheus
In Attic vase painting, however, the women who attack Orpheus appear to be normal Thracian women, who are irritated that the bard's songs have stolen their husbands away from them.
here is an extra added to the previous section concerning Orpheus.
this catches us up for this week.
here the female thrACIANS WHO ATTACK ORPHEUS ARE REPUTED TO BE THE ORDINARY WOMEN OF THRACE WHO ARGUE THIER SINS AND HUSBANDS HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED OR BRAINWASHED BY THE oRPHEAN CULT, OR THE BARDS SINGERS. Thus orpheus'songs rituals and rites had swade the population of ancienmt thrace and some peoples did not like the epoch consciouness shift that had already had been occuring and was innevitable.
ok till this weekend/
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Sunday, December 2, 2012
new version of Orpheus myth in the last post
His head and lyre—still singing mournful songs—floated down the swift Hebrus to the Mediterranean shore. There, the winds and waves carried them on to the Lesbian shore, where the inhabitants buried his head and a shrine was built in his honour near Antissa. The lyre was carried to heaven by the Muses, and was placed amongst the stars. The Muses also gathered up the fragments of his body and buried them at Leibethra below Mount Olympus, where the nightingales sang over his grave. His soul returned to the underworld, where he was re-united at last with his beloved Eurydice.
new version of myth( same page same place, divine message through orpheus and wife, pleased we were dead on with interpretations, meaning correct but more exists as always, the more we learn says socrates the more we realise we have much more to learn) see posts on Theseus for similar phennomena of passages added to in same section to help us flesh out the truth behiond the myths and vuild more ideas with them.
here the head and lyrer are still singing mournful songs of death rituals, foated down the hebrys river to teh mediterranean representing its journey to international aclaim. Here the song was carried to lesbos and the rites of both women and men were added to by the relogies tehre. His head was buried and teh ehad represents teh wisdom of Orphius the lyre the divine songs. Near aptissa a shrine comerating Orpheus was built. The muses gathered up his body parts, the parts of his teachings and beleivers and buried them Leibethra below Mount Olympus, thus representing teh divinification of the corpus of hios thoughts , ideas, beliefs, mysteries, psalms and songs. The body of his woerks foundthemselves at teh foot of the holy mountain of olympus( now olymbesa) the nightengales sang over his grave comeerating his teachings in song and proving his program even appears in nature and is saved by nature for all. His spoul returned through karabesis and a fake death to hades, here in the underworld or the worl;d beyond death he was reunited with his wife, reunited in hades through the mourful songs and then moved to elesthatha next to the elisian fields, as jason knew them , god plains for virtuous heros like him and orphius, families included. the reunity represents that the couple even beyond death remained together.
ok till next week,, one post ahead we are, rain has washed the fake rain away, the even used things like sugar, what a waste. the are being policered.
on wards
Saturday, December 1, 2012
fake winter and snow.
If you have noticed this year the war to cause teh weather to be erratic is being lost bythe corrupt ones. Today fake snow fell in torono. The tecture of the snow was not real. it was flax, barley white flakes, some use to be made with snowq machines, but this is very illegal, They have used machines like crafties that make the enviroment, they cause cold. Cars and other vihecles have been equiped with fans and other cold making machines to cause cold as they drive down, do a policery redate and you can have these things eliminated, including a location lock on them, you do not need to keep them on, you can turn them off by commend as they are illegal, otherwise the power " off" would not work.
They have been trying to ruin the enviroment for eons based on militation and other reasons, it is being policered and militated.
I will continue orpheus tommorow.
but yes other tactics like heaters steamers have been used to over heat teh summer, we use counter measures to heat the planet.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
divine songs for loves reunion
His head and lyre—still singing mournful songs—floated down the swift Hebrus to the Mediterranean shore. There, the winds and waves carried them on to the Lesbian shore, where the inhabitants buried his head and a shrine was built in his honour near Antissa. The lyre was carried to heaven by the Muses, and was placed amongst the stars. The Muses also gathered up the fragments of his body and buried them at Leibethra below Mount Olympus, where the nightingales sang over his grave. His soul returned to the underworld, where he was re-united at last with his beloved Eurydice.
Orpheus' head and lyre was equated in this formulation. His wisdom and lyre or divine song are the same. The sjrine on lesbos represents teh transcendence religion he had created. It sang the song through the winds and teh waves, the song found to reflect teh cosmos and entailed in it.. It is a divine program that functions like printi code , substructure code for teh universe, it joined teh programs of other Gods in functioning the operation of the way things workk in the cosmo and the cosmos itself.
To retrive his wife he needed to get buried and return by ritual to hades, there through his own death rite interpretations, that wetre added to his divine song as teh sorrowful songs of death orpheus transcended all realms and ascended itno heaven as a divine song added to teh stars and functions of teh cosmos, all such songs conttain the prompt code for running their own version of reality. It is through a unity of katabesis or descent and anebasis or ascention that the belt of teh goddess was com-leted and Orpheus and hos wife were reunified as equals. This completion is why the song ascended fully to the stars and cosmic function as well as unity between his wife the shania lesbian, which is platonically the womens rites though males had their cults as well, and his wides new hadian religion as her desire to ascend through teh new religion, or is that descend, was tulmulteous based on her being bite by teh serpent which as you know is the way high priestesses were refered to, saint patrick converned teh serpemts in former ireland and these were teh druid and withean realigy(religion)
Ok till the next post
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Orpheus avatar of God
According to a Late Antique summary of Aeschylus's lost play Bassarids, Orpheus at the end of his life disdained the worship of all gods save the sun, whom he called Apollo. One early morning he ascended Mount Pangaion (where Dionysus had an oracle) to salute his god at dawn, but was torn to death by Thracian Maenads for not honoring his previous patron, Dionysus. It is significant that his death is analogous with the death of Dionysus, to whom therefore he functioned as a priest and avatar.
According Aeschylas Orpheus begins to worsgip in only one God personafied or represented by the sun or what others might call Appollo Ascending mount Panagon mimicing dionysus, Orpheus to solute God at dawn, He was turned to pieces by Thracian Maenads for forsaking the gods including his patron Dionysus. This represents how orpheus new ideas concerning divinity conflicted with other peoples older ideas of tehy gods, orpheus did not forsake teh gods but spoke of teh diaphana or unity God of all the Godz. He pretended to die because the older realogic peoples attacked him for his new formalation of the God who is the plurality of Godz shared as a single soul and shared oness of Godhead and good Hood. He was an avatar of God or the god he refered to , equal to dionysus and the opther gods as teh sun shines equally through all of them. Orpoheus was not smug so his formulatrion explained how as a priest and avatar of God he was also a god.
Ovid (Metamorphoses XI) also recounts that the Thracian Maenads, Dionysus' followers, spurned by Orpheus, first threw sticks and stones at him as he played, but his music was so beautiful even the rocks and branches refused to hit him. Enraged, the Maenads tore him to pieces during the frenzy of their Bacchic orgies.
Ovid recounts how orpheus divine song protected him from teh stones and sticks thrown at Orpheus. The divine song is part of teh lesson of divinity that the thracean maenadss did not like, so he was torn to pieces based on an orgy where the followers of teh old view of dionysus, the confused by time version of dionysus, attacked him through an old ritual,. one that caused his new views to look less important, Orpheus triumphs based on teh divine music and not rituals meant to entice people even afainst their better will and thought. It is not the orgy that was teh realogi but the idaes that made orpehus dionysus equal as a avatar of God.
till next week.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Eurydice goddess of death and Orpheus
The idea is that orpheus' wife was bite by the feaver of a serpent and became one practicing death rituals that caused Orpheus to have a descent or katebasis. The wife he sought was teh new one ahead of him as she also marked the begging of a new epochm the old pre serpent wofe was dead and to be with ehr he had to look forward to the new wife, as teh old with the old epoch disappeared. This also portrays an introduction of these rites in ancient helenia. These rituals enriched the helenists and developed into rituals for teh new epoch. It was enriching as teh fake death christ suffered prior to tranmsfiguring in his tomb, his wife, after teh death of teh first mary teh aunt, went to pilot for teh death potion, which was teh only ingrediant missing to transfiguring, as they had tried everything, two days later she transfigured and ended up equalling chist, her tomb is kept by teh chatholics fomer tehre of and the male the orthi christs, both are christs.
The famous story of Eurydice may actually be a late addition to the Orpheus myths. In particular, the name Eurudike ("she whose justice extends widely") recalls cult-titles attached to Persephone. The myth may have been mistakenly derived from another Orpheus legend in which he travels to Tartarus and charms the goddess Hecate.
The4 myth concerning Euridike concerning titles as rep to teh new cults of Hades fits our sopposition that the serpent love bite is really an interest in teh empowerment of teh priestesses Eurodike represented as one of teh introduces of teh cult and rites to ancient helenia. It definately portrays that she was connected to a death cult as percephone who was anewer goddess around orpheus time was also called the goddess of death, she first appears in calamadus two centuries prior to oddyseus and is routed in south eatern ivory coast.
After the death of Eurydice, Orpheus swore off the love of women and took only young men as his lovers. He is reputed to be the one who introduced male love to the Thracians, teaching them to love the young in the flower of their youth.
Adter the transcendance of his wife orpheus opened a male monastic cult or order to represent the male side to his wifes religion, teh women congregated with teh women that was led by Eurydike.
The orphic rites are an amulhgamation of teh rites formed by both his wife and himself. Both have also stemmed relallohies (religions) claiming to either as the parent to their realogi, though both had effect on the others ideas and cults born of them.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Orpheus and Eurydice
Death of Eurydice
But the most famous story in which he figures is that of his wife Eurydice. Eurydice is sometimes known as Agriope. While fleeing from Aristaeus, she was bitten by a serpent which brought her to her death. Distraught, Orpheus played such sad songs and sang so mournfully that all the nymphs and gods wept and gave him advice. Orpheus went down to the lower world and by his music softened the heart of Hades and Persephone (the only person to ever do so), who agreed to allow Eurydice to return with him to earth. But the condition was attached that he should walk in front of her and not look back until he had reached the upper world. In his anxiety he broke his promise, and Eurydice vanished again from his sight. The story in this form belongs to the time of Virgil, who first introduces the name of Aristaeus. Other ancient writers, however, speak of Orpheus' visit to the underworld; according to Plato, the infernal gods only “presented an apparition” of Eurydice to him. Ovid says that Eurydice's death was not caused by fleeing from Aristaeus but dancing with Naiads on her wedding day."
from :
The story of Eurydice is said that while trying to escape Aristaeus
from :
"An ancient Greek pastoral deity, the son of Apollo and the nymph Cyrene, but also Uranus is mentioned as his father. Aristaeus was made immortal by Gaia.He is the patron of the hunt, agriculture, cattle, and especially bee-culture. Aristaeus also taught mankind how to cultivate olives. " Running from a God of pastoral agriculture and famerering Orpheus wife fell to s snake bit. The snake or serpent is a sign of power and sometimes the fear of gatherers. Aristaeus was not a god of gathering but rather cultivation. Upon her death Orpheus played a powerful new version of his divine songm ( divine program reflection of reality} He was abe to descend into hades and meet the keeper of the dead , husband and wife, hades and persephene. His music unlocked and convinced teh nymphs and the gods including teh keepers of the dead that there was a reserection occuring. He was told as long as you do not look back you will not lose your wife and she will return with you. in zeal and anxieety he looked back on his way out of hades or the epoch change where teh old was dieinga nd the new was coming to life, the sife is really not behind him but reprsnets teh ciy or epoch chaning. The past when you look back vanished, in some versions a pillar of salt appears. However vanished is sufficient to claim that the wide or epoch just like lots wife changed and vanished as teh old was destroyed and died to the new,
this copy of the story is used by Virgil and vergil is newer.
in older randitions it is Plato who leads orpheus through a ritual of change by preasenting only an imahe of his wife as a means to portray the change of the epoch.Ovid ' story is that Eurydice's "death was not caused by fleeing from Aristaeus but dancing with Naiads on her wedding day" Here ovid who is middle to the other authors points out that it is her wedding day that has here bitten by the serpent of the old ways to transcend so taht Orpehus marryings a daughter of god and one of hades as the ritual changed her, she had a descent or karabasuisi( see earlier part of blog)Eurydice and orpheus went through hell for each other,, her like w benejeseret witch transmuting the poison and dancing with death to become enlightened and him with song and mourning for the old as it changing unlocking reality and causing a reserectuion of the old into the new. Th serpent ritual predates agriculture, it is of picking fruits of knowldge when one is wed with power and enlightenment, the old vanished and its knwoldge appeared infront of them as teh future they aproached, the old wofe and city died and the old was were reborn anew in the new city as part of teh new archetypes like the children of angels killed by enouch and the same arts including in the city builders line fron canes side, the arts are the children and tehy were jusdged by the new upgraded paradigms and added to the new city as part of theirer ssytem according to the new ways and upgraded virtuous of teh new epoch, new and old as one, jusdged and cleaned and born as part of the new epoch.
ok till next week.
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Orpheusm Argonauts, Ulyses and the sirens.
The Argonautic expedition
"Despite his Thracian origin he joined the expedition of the Argonauts, whose leader Jason had been informed by Chiron that only by the aid of Orpheus would they be able to pass by the Sirens unscathed. The Sirens lived on three small, rocky islands called Sirenum scopuli and sang beautiful songs that enticed sailors to come to them. They then ate the sailors. When Orpheus heard their voices, he withdrew his lyre and played his music more beautifully than they, drowning out their music.:
Orpheus was part of the crew of the Argonauts. Jason was informed by Chiron, who was an avatar of cronos and a paradigm of justice, civilisation and intelligence told Jason that Orpheus and only orpheys could help him suceed in passing teh sirens.
::Like the satyrs, centaurs were notorious for being wild and lusty, overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, given to violence when intoxicated, and generally uncultured delinquents. Chiron, by contrast, was intelligent, civilized and kind, but he was not related directly to the other centaurs.[2] He was known for his knowledge and skill with medicine. According to an archaic myth[3] he was sired by Cronus when he had taken the form of a horse[4] and impregnated the nymph Philyra.[5] Chiron's lineage was different from other centaurs, who were born of sun and raincloud, rendered by Greeks of the Classic period as from the union of the king Ixion, consigned to a fiery wheel, and Nephele ("cloud"), which in the Olympian telling Zeus invented to look like Hera. Myths in the Olympian tradition attributed Chiron's uniquely peaceful character and intelligence to teaching by Apollo and Artemis in his younger days.
Amphora suggested to be Achilles riding Chiron. British Museum ref 1956,1220.1 .Chiron frequented Mount Pelion; there he married the nymph Chariclo who bore him three daughters, Hippe (also known as Melanippe (also the name of her daughter), the "Black Mare" or Euippe, "truly a mare"), Endeis, and Ocyrhoe, and one son Carystus.
A great healer, astrologer, and respected oracle, Chiron was said to be the first among centaurs and highly revered as a teacher and tutor. Among his pupils were many culture heroes: Asclepius, Aristaeus, Ajax, Aeneas, Actaeon, Caeneus, Theseus, Achilles, Jason, Peleus, Telamon, Perseus, sometimes Heracles, Oileus, Phoenix, and in one Byzantine tradition, even Dionysus: according to Ptolemaeus Chennus of Alexandria, "Dionysius was loved by Chiron, from whom he learned chants and dances, the bacchic rites and initiations."[6]:
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Orphewus II
While several etymologies of the name "Orpheus" have been proposed, the most probable is that it was an actor-noun derived from a hypothetical archaic verb *orphao, "to be deprived, to long for". Cognates would include Greek orphe, "darkness", and English "orphan". "Orpheus" would therefore be semantically close to goao, "to lament, sing wildly, cast a spell", uniting his seemingly disparate roles as disappointed lover, transgressive musician and mystery-priest into a single lexical whole.
Tje anove attempt to find the root of the term is less than satisfactory.
Orpheus means ortho: Orpho means true , so his name means true one, it is the root of the word orthodox, which is dirived from the words Prtho and doxa, true doxa or true blessing/praise.
According to the best-known tradition, Orpheus was the son of Oeagrus, king of Thrace, and the muse Calliope. Sometimes, Calliope and Apollo were his parents. Orpheus learned music from Linus, or from Apollo, who was also his lover and who gave him his own lyre (made by Hermes out of a turtle shell) as a gift.
Orpheus was the son of Oeafrus who was the avatar of apollo. His mother was the muse Calliope and a muse is a goddess. Orpheus also became both his mothers and fathers and the avatar they were said to resemble, christ was the avatar of adam and called himmself the son of adam ( humanity) Avatar means they share souls as one, there is a spiritual dimention regulating the soul merge, it occurs as a mearge, the someone is many avatars . Often a spiritual show occurs during merging, sometimes people faint at the merging. the someone saw darkness felt primitice and saw white globes of lights wisp away from him when he be3came the avatar of adam. he felt heavy but did not faint, it lasted secounds. ( see earlier part of the blg for more)
Orpheus had linus teavch him music and linus was also an avatar of apollo but as an avatar of apollo and dionysis amongst others Orpheus trhe true one was taught directly by the avatar merge the divine songs and was o9f these gods. mehetic energy is formed with impressions that allow a merge of distinct phases and frequencies of gods when people meet the prerequisits that inlude being a good person. God(s) loved Orpheus so much as the divine being called appolo did who granted him a divine song built by hermes or knowledge and thus the true ones divine sing was based on arts, magic, literacy, astrology and knowledge. Orpheus also recieved a metal lyre as a gift from apolo made by hermes to represent his wisdom and gain , the metal lyre that he played was a gift and enhanced orpheus' gifts and skill.
Yes there is a science to avatars.
the soul which is scientifically quantifiable as inducated by its measurable presence has rules. energies, sprit energy( spirit) and substance) Thus merging as avatars is based on science, quantuum
its time tio start looking at Orpheus the character. after this we will look at the aurogonauts tale with both Orpheus as mention and its lead Jason.
citation :
Death of Orpheus, Louvre G416
In Greek legend, Orpheus (Ορφέας) was the chief representative of the arts of song and the lyre, and of great importance in the religious history of Greece. The mythical figure of Orpheus was borrowed by the Greeks from their Thracian neighbours; the Thracian "Orphic Mysteries", rituals of unknown content, were named after him.
"Orpheus was highly renowned in Thrace which was west to northwest of the areas now known as elesua ( former Greece)"
-- As we have mentioned prior the ideas of masgic , ritual, song and the lyure are accorded to the divinity oof Orpheus. The divine song and the lyre it is played on is the representation of the divine song or program Orpheus represented. We have already covered the mysteries as in the psalms ( see earlier part of blog )
"The name Orpheus does not occur in Homer or Hesiod, but he was known in the time of Ibycus (c. 530 BC), and Pindar (522—-442 BC) speaks of him as “the father of songs”."
"From the 6th century BC onwards he was looked upon as one of the chief poets and musicians of antiquity, the inventor or perfecter of the lyre, who by his music and singing was able not only to charm the wild beasts, but even to draw the trees and rocks from their places, and to arrest the rivers in their course. As one of the pioneers of civilization, he was supposed to have taught mankind the arts of medicine, writing and agriculture. As closely connected with religious life, he was an augur and seer; practised magical arts, especially astrology; founded or rendered accessible many important cults, such as those of Apollo and Thracian god Dionysus; instituted mystic rites, both public and private; prescribed initiatory and purificatory ritual."
Orpheus was renowned for his lyre playing. His voice and song are mythically renowned for charming animals and plants. he was said to have spoken to animals and moved plants. His stylings changed the essence of lyre playing. He could move the elements like rocks and even stop rivers. He was a enlightener teaching language, writing arts and agriculture,medacine upgrading people's civilisaing.
Orpheus is considered a high religious figure and God. he was an seer and augur
"The augur was a priest and official in the classical world, especially ancient Rome and Etruria. His main role was to interpret the will of the gods by studying the flight of birds: whether they are flying in groups or alone, what noises they make as they fly, direction of flight and what kind of birds they are. This was known as "taking the auspices." The ceremony and function of the augur was central to any major undertaking in Roman society—public or private—including matters of war, commerce, and religion.
The Roman historian Livy stresses the importance of the augurs: "Who does not know that this city was founded only after taking the auspices, that everything in war and in peace, at home and abroad, was done only after taking the auspices?"[1]"
Orpheus was a magic user and arts considered magic in his time, He was renowned for astrology. Cults of both thracian dionysus and apollo. The cult of Orpheus itself that began soon after his time, and some would claim based on a medium following dutring his time also is seen as a major influence in helenistic religions including Christ syndreates( churhces) The mystic rites and Orphic mysteries are known and the basis of different realogeous( religious) sects and rituals. He created initiation practices, Mystical rites and purification and purging rituals that are part of diferent sects, practices and orphic mysteries themselves.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
time effects amd update on changes.
the tine catch up program after armegedom battles lasting 62 days is working
the remaing days in december were evenly broken into segmants equal to the time missing and we relived it l;ike marks on a sheet pf paper un through by a pen at a slower pace causing the same amount of days to pass as consciouness but still equalling the same time in teh catch up ultamately, full catch up on terran on the winter solstice.
the weather on terran is going back to normal, feels good
most collants missused are either extinct or gone from the enemies of god hands.
alot of celestial activity, the cosmic war continues, lots of pelecering
next post next week will be on orpheus or aqncient myth interpretation.
God(s) always wins
the Godz always win
the good always win
I val always win
and if you are a good person insert your name here and say you always win
Polecery is teh new name for police
polecering policing
polecered the policed.
lots of changing to shake things up and release us from miss use of terms and false claims to rights from teh past not truly indicative of the true legality of teh past put pursued based pn practice, here misprase.
loke doctor is called a physiciat
the names you get use to
doctor was a university word used in teh 70s now changed
all good till next week.
economic update and education update
the degeric fake banks cosmically are falling, the fake shhadow banks run by corrupt ex bankers who prefered breaking laws and charging you money when it was not necessary failed. across the world those idiotic enough to put their money in these system woke up to full loses, they used the money to eat and buy weapons,
though some tried saving as much of those who were not thinking, most agreed to the conditions of the fake syste,
cratha the cosmic pirarates system went down last week.
that side os in deficit, ot only are they not capturiong anything but they wasted thier money bankrupting each other.
the new society services is coming on line this month, some are fully in the nbew system and some in transition to getting thier own accounts at banks, no more checks so no more stealing checks.
one system at a time
new university system, call unidiversity and colleyata
the old college system offers a certificate and a ba now , if youyr grade os under 70 percent or you want the certificate you still get a diploma now, three year ba.
otherwise you can go to unidiversity get a four year honours ba, five year high honours. or six year meritted high honours.
all high school students go to either unidiversity or colloyat
post grade woirkl upgraded but npt mandatory
the young and old love it
oh under 70% can also do pre unidiversity till theuy get in, after two tries try colleyat and then like others go to unidiversity after your three year ba
pre u is twoi tries
colleyat still train you as before as do unidiversity
new system rules and everyone will be college folks, collegial.
upgrade imminant and adult school and upgrades everywhere
thus catch up for yoputhful, all the old will occur at its pace.
all unidiversities conbnected to a cololeyate 24 in torono, each city has a few world and comic reflection updating to equality everywhere.
new education system coming on line for next year, its here but new schools consolidating fully for next year, 12 open this year in to, new number comes on line next year, tonnes of room for all.
Usean elections
The advance polls were done laST WEEK. THE DEHERA tried causing a situation to make the situation look as corrupt as it was. They failed.
Once the first ballot waqs dropped last weekend, the weekend prior to the election, there it is hallowene thrusday, I was one day behind as was teh someone, Usea was legitamised by the electoral system, defence systems tefloda came down, no more bad cia/ ayen government defences afainst unfair take over ended.
So ifd you are registared as a citizen of usea you guys vote next week tuesday november the 5th.
in the new system one still votes only in one election even if you have duel citizensgip
though terrorist former US calling themselves americans are killing themselves, the us ended fully
99% of the populaqtion is p[ro USea
we all win, no more old decrepid system, usea has no deficit, us died in poverty, the good transfered to new system, last of them coming through as we speak, mostly hold outs till thier system ca;lapsed.
happy all hallows day
So the day after collecting candies, going to parties and comemorating everyuthing from the someones battle with the defic knights that he exterminated by right based on being attacked to the day of teh dead comemerated during teh same day when spirits visit the land, epeople mnis use prethic programs to steral candy and cause mischief, programs have been terminated. all good.
the program is continueing as planned.
the cosmic berfra is broke and terran si transitinmg as other planets into the new epoch that fully begins in 2028
pure power pure grace and prosperity for all
its already working and the whole cosmos is working togetehr to achieve it and polery the cirruption to achieve it
ok three posts to catch up
Saturday, October 20, 2012
update on terran and cosmic affairs
we are now on schedule
the battle on terran is going well, the economy on that side suffered and died,
Usea which like all nations , all of which are on our side, have no defecit and are richer each day. smllest last quarter growth is 6.5 % .
neevr seen before but proof our system unlike the old one works
in a few days usea the last country on terran has a election for its new government but recll, the current gov is legita,mate as they had voted ofr this leader and 64% of the south, which rose again, elected they leader, some did not vote as old usual.
defandata submitted to caneda through teh world, temporary prtotetorates that are internationally protected and sactioned will be have independent elections in march, it beat tehic rites of fake natives claiming it was their land forever as long as a country grew out of teh old, but not when caneda or another nation took over, thier full independance is ensured promised governpor genaral of caneda ministar prime and senat prime as well. wolrd voted for their new nations independance and defendating this month
most armies over a billion have been crushed as all resistance to cosmic peace and prosperity, thise whi stand against us have been crushed
smaller armies are still fighting, many surender as we near year three of a 5.5 year long war, cosmic one will end probably in 2028 last campaign starting sometime in 2024. we are wining the advantage of teh good so stay good and always win.
the old cosmic system si coming to its knees as teh new , deficit free , soon, nations and pewoples rise.
We can eat and no one need be jealous of teh other.
Symbatic law. and cosmic empires changing
one can access the symbatic accords and other cosmic counter oparts through the yetatif matrix, ask for down load from teh system, know them all.
yes terran law accords to the symbatic laws , principals, constitution and laws ever since we upgraded, sex by any age based on explicit consent is allowed, see court law of Caneda as an example, try world and cosmic wide. Get xconscent for things .p[licit means by no deception varing rules as outlined by schedule C of teh symbatic laws 321 based on 1-4.
all the laws are based on the first twelve, laws, really 7..
the cruta rebelion is over, the dethic cosmic empires including old kieths have calapsed, teh good people have accorded with teh new evolution of the imperate celestial ayatem and are doing weell, a few more coming obver as we speak and clean up constinues, way worth still attack speratically in their desperate attempt to save their corruption, or due cominting scuicide by attacking, tryong
see shows like coast to coast or any planetary transmission concerning cosmic or celestrial affairs, aliens ( alien means angel if they are good, but we use non terran on terran as they all are human, energy dragons are humans , most started that way in a diferent phase.) for more information, these shows say a lot but listen clsoely and decode things if need be. They have secret teachings too.
last post in a second
inrealities and unrealities
inrealities and unrealities and thier opposite formas were not mentioned last time.
non realities or as some call them not realities are breakaway realities that do not exist.
it sits on the line of the transition of realities and opposite realities and is part of the middleoric belt or mundus reality
form forma realities also sit on this line including grand telic realities made up not of only all reality types form or forma but include both.
a reality that is existance beyond existatamnce ir things like metaphysical stryctures substructure and realities that exist beyond yetic fields , like infinite line , timeless tether beings and the likes
things that exist in ways they exist that are beyond existance but exist as exist ants do existing in the way they do which is existance, see the beyond existence accord of tethari.
better space is beyond existence. infinite line beings that create existance in the subsect of their unity.
yes all things are human in ine form or another even as extentions of teh utterly human GOD.
inrealities are realities formed in a matrix that allows reality to do things that are not normal in that system but still abid by the universal laws of the suband.
same universal principals of teh good govern all these realities though casting a cold spell to cool your own cup of water and never someone elses cup without concent.
to bother someone not concenting to this is heredant or forbidden by God and all the symbatic divine systems including holodecks and matrixes. try planetary and cosmic laws.
yes other realities govern the spell or power that cools or heats the cups and still accords to teh higher principals of teh dictems of teh physics such as what heat and cold can be.
next post coming up.
Friday, October 12, 2012
time anomoly
after close scrutiny we discovered that after the time skip we ended up back in dec 11 2013 but we took the days between the winter solstice which is the 21-22 of dec and counted the days between and segmented chrotic time equal to teh days left so the rituals of teh solstice would be on teh same time on terran. ao catch up is perfect and they will reshuffle days to equal them catching up the lasdt day and experienced the same on teh laast day and onwards normally it was a cosmic battle every secton and place was involved. more tommorow
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
happy thanks giving season and new war machine
if you noticed we in the east celebrated our thanks giving early this year, janapa and brayanda and krayet and janapur celebrated this thanks giving, next is the west this coming weekend, the idea is diferent areas of amerath and athiathitha will celebrate a thanks giving a draha celebration up till the second week of november in areas so people can in anarea or from other areas can celebrate together, the celebration was extended through the world though areas near each other chose to celebrate thanks day, when the tinnel they are building across braha ( former atlantic) three unifing continents one will be able to celegrate across the planet.
one can walk from asiaatta to athiathitha alomng the brentha ridge. a road is being built along the drathara ridge so the world is unifying yes a bridge in teh north is being built aswell, what ever makes you comfy for travel.
we just completed a 62 day dit time forward and fought the cosmic bratha vattles that are part of the cel;estia wars, what some terrans call wolrd war three. unifoed armies not settled with the conditions of the new system as thier old system calapsed stole a - w project weapomns and foght a two month war against our upgraded dredd techno militation machine. servo teck ships capable of even space battkle, ugmented for battle fought striker one level fighters, ours are faster and more monuevaravle, each fitted for certain dominate tarrean situations, but capable of fighting in any. We won, we defeated them, om the 62 day the last corp american tefers surrendered at tifera in bwala south of former bali. somepeople chose to skip past it and appeared today, days will be retracted three a night till the end of octover, then calader will reflect its days accurately again.
all right till the posts for this weekend sometime after tommorow.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Celestic Festivals
by valpetridis @ 2012-10-05 – 02:51:10
soory for the delay on this post, its part of last week. I was timetraveling as the someone knows and we visited the celestic festival in various parts of teh world, there are nine held each year, it started as a artsy show on all loves day 2010, september 25. The someone had gone down to face teh leader of then Canadian insertion, as nobla worriors do. To protect the someone groups ammassed, it was to keep the sides from fighting on that day, the group still exists, I and the someone had seen the leader in a kentuky a week before, this was before teh great war to end all wars, teh cosmic war we are experiencing including the war on terran. the inner court has been closed, no one under now six, was 5 after july 18 2012, now since yesterday its pke 6 to enter here, it will be five in the outter chamber in Jan 5, 2013. The cosmic inner court closes on June 5 2013. the same day teh resserections end cosmically, everyone was given a chance to be human in our epoch so no one argues their chances of success we hindered based on living in a previous time. The old cellestial feastival merged with the artsy feastival to produce a cosmic event, coming to a town near you on any planet and later highlighted in your gorout or political electoral space in your galaxy. Let them warm up top it,. Originally it was the crew from teh show sliders, the canedian art association adn political and other world leaders who set it up to help people be inspired to higher ways of living including astral travel, multidimensional existence.
We started in Torono and will return to Torono in a decade. Twons big enough to house the celebration whill be included. Somecall such twons small cities. The schedule calls them officially medium twons. So it will be coming to a twon/city near you. The tradition is as old as my origin plain, minus 400 000 million years recalling we are 18 billion terran years old, multiply by 1.3 to get cosmioc years.
next post coming up
Reality systems, former forma, middleoric belt.
The middle oric belt is the reality level that we described 2 posts ago pos.
all realkities are governeed by teh mondus reality or grand reality that sits on the impart line between reality of the cosmos and the divine cosmos,
There are opposite realities or teh mold or forma realities, Goddess RT and rafti and malec amongst others help withn the inspiration of these creation as well as the someone the somebody and me.
the originb reality to all things is called the maletic reality , which means origin as engendered or nuetral parantage. it cal be seen as sitting on the up side of the meteroric belt or mondus reality, oPPOSIT REALITIES WHICH ARE ULTIMATELY REALITY
when one uses or builds a opposite reality it is either part of the standard opposite reality or teh full range multi complex opposite reality that encompasses all reality, you cannot enter these realities but trying to set them causes an opposite or reality. recall they are all realities . some are unbreakable and some are destructable these are based on systems that can not subsist, like killing teh someone is brackable as he is invicible and immortal proven to many times by too many scientists , attackers and agents cosmically.
death was an illusion of teh old reality real concrete shared reality is invicible when you are good only bad peoplke die. a penalty box for not playing fare.
there are higher reality fomers lower reality formers , middle or belt realities, these eawach have an opposite reality forma, the rest of teh mondus reality other than the meletic reality sites plush on the impart line half over half below.
somerealities are teletic made up of all the diferent formers and forma programs there are also oppsoite teletic realities, there is a multi complex reality mader up of more than one mode.
there is a former forma program that allows mixing of oppsoite forma realities and fomer realities to be mixxed.
there is still the standard reality former all realities are categorised as, meaning all of them are realities and part of the mondus reality.,
if a reality shatters cause it is not stained and indistructable it fragments into peice programs, sometiomes, otehr times it just pops and disapears,
you can also copy indistructable realities to reun as sub realities that breack.
non realioties shatter, the copy acts like one
yes sub realities and opposite subrealities exists
recall rittiers and hafds built realities and reality systems based on meta realities and the systems of realities that exists, recall they also use some of the other systems like meta modes and the likes in the system, they workl like impart systems but are part of the halforic belt see post two ago. half oric are programing shells that work only after the program fits the rules and laws of teh simband. you must be atleast 5 to begin using them other wise use inspiiring stories and systems checked by god to build inb the older system way.
the last type of reality and opposite reality is the metatronic reeality that governs the workings of plains dimentions and the workings of the metaframe and frame of the mesoric belt, continuums multiplicities fit here,
next post next day or so,
Saturday, September 29, 2012
reality middleoric belt part I
the reality bevel ore middleoric is made up of realities. as mentioned the realities that govern the middleoric bnelt are called the the mondus reality and are part of the meterioric belt. the can be signified as lieing on the line above and below the meteric belt, recall the middleoric belt is located on the other side of that line. someresalities are systems and can be broken, like the idea that immortality does not exist, others are unbreakable like immortality exists. the mnetriric systems that govern the systems of the metaframework, some are unbreakable others are fixable, changable or removable during an undate, less than 2% of the systems remain that have not been rewritten under the new rules that include synbatic, or pancosmic safeties and principals, like no one can attack a good person, some old systems did not stipulate such rules, laws and safeties and though the being who built itm, ultamately uterly human in grace, evenb energy dragons are humans in diferent forms, we are all equals, thus trewat and act as if you are dealing with a normal person in a diferent form, like a transfigured christ or hercules in enbergy form,
all realities are realities
more tomorrow''
Saturday, September 22, 2012
metaFramework,part III
the meridioric belt is made up of these constituents that act like self originating systems but lead through the regul;ation of the medioric belt: Metamode the dimetional pitter programs. The meta frame which is the meta oprigin of the framework systems of the mesooric systems, this is similar to creating plains and dimetionsion that govern the systems of plains, like plaisn of fire that determine the nature of fire in teh frame of the diatic systems, diatic means systems concerning dimentions , plains, continuums and multiplicities ( multicontinuums and other types of spaces/plains/ domains/ realms). these were the kitters and teh kafd. pitters are the smallest points one can observe as dimetions that are equal to teh bottom of the diagram, although the minioric programs and unbreakable realities are on teh impart l;ine called the meterioric bellt in the diagram they are located at the bottom of the frame or mesoric belt
inside the mesoric belt is the haldoric belt that can be drawn as dotted lines with a line connected the sorounded nods , they are enclosed inside teh half oric belt or box that is inside the emnclosed mesoric belt, fotted lines can join it to the edge of the enclosure to the half oric belt to signify they are test systems that join only when in congruence to the system rules of teh meta framework.
next is the middleoric belt that like the mesoric belt is also located, teh command command and programe nods /pods are on teh meteric belt but in the diagrame the mesoric belt is above the minioric belt and the middle oric belt is located above the mesoric belt and all these belts are drawn along side the meteriric belt on the line between ythe the impart levels and the reality middleoric belt. These meterioc belt represented on the meteric belt funbction as i9mpart level programs that are higher divine house city as archetype and programs,
the metaopric or medioric belt, from the word medi, as divine intercesor from asalm, medi like in a stereo medi,
the mediroric is above this but its systems are represented as meterioric standard programs, the medioric is not represented on teh medioric.
you can draw each metabelt mod above the system of the metaframe that coincides with it,m li8ke meta reality over teh reality belt part of the emterioc belt. use solid lines to draw the four connections of the meta origin boxes inside the meridioric belt as they can be linked and everysystem often uses unities of each
if you sting system mods together you use the metastructure to build meterioic arrays and programs.
if you are trying to wrute a divine program you use the metamediate programs that sets programs as i they wewre medioric.
the meta logic builds programs based on logic or logos m which neaboric and the meta idea builds them as if they were logos of logos or mediumoric. the meta essence builds essences, in philosophy essences refer to teh greater presence of something that brings into being and encompasses as teh slate program all ideas and concepts and precepts.
meta logic uses precepts and meta ideas concepts, essence ises the totality of something unsaid but encompassed as teh nuance or essencial being of that things that is that thing, the essence of coffee is more that the idea or logic that causes it, smell and preceptiosn are part of teh essence,
somepeople use all these systems to build a larger system craeting the programs useing each halforic system.
you must be atleast 5 pke to start otherwise think and use the normal ideas of creating ideas that pass through teh grace and god to craete a system, you can pray and dag and wish according to older systems, but you cannot use th halforic systems, 5 pke is a gopod person taht cannot deevo;ve backwards.
so a three can write a story amnd hope the system allows some of it to come true, a nine ple can structure systems more actively and form programs the systems accepts.
the meform is the form astructure of a something, not how it interacts with dimetions influenced by it or in interplay but the form the substance takes, how it tare bot how the tare happens cause you pulled on it, the latter is a pafd pitter system.
the form of is it tearable based on what it is versus teh essence of tearing in it.
meta reality builds system sof realities simalr to the impart systems that govern greater reality, iot can be said it builds srealities. recall, some are breakable, some are stained and are unbreakable, thsope built on symbatic laws are not breakable, you robbing a bank and always gettinh away with it is not unbreakable.
ritters are the smallest piece of reality that can be used to build reality systems.
the metainflextion is using divine or traits not nature to something and inflecting that quality imnto something, holy communion can be based on metaemidate traits, the wine tasting hightened is a metainflection, floss not tearing to add to tyhe tesil strength of teh thread is a inflection. creatinga ceremony that could change gold into platinum, the system is metamediate the quality that allows led to be turned into gold is a metainflection or a law of physics taht can also be meta framed and even based on realities if not each system used in a system.
if a system works it ascends.
yes anyone can think about these systems but unless you create a good nature you cannot use the systems actively, you ne3ed wisdom and virtue and a divine nature , you must act as good as god to actively use tehse as god does.
recall, premerital sex was not an isue, spraying epople with chems to keep them from doing things like having sex is forbidden,
get it conbscent by any age clearly checked by God themselves.
teh system checks all conscent by optimals, so by living and abinding yourself to teh rpincipals you cannot fail and you are guiilded to highervirtuous behaviour.
it will noy le you do bad, you can also just accept teh rules and reach hight, live them and they will never let you fail, I listed them earlier in teh blog.
after confering with the someone and due too the use of the idea of the demi as the new foormer mob connected to the senata system, demioric is dropped as a comncept. I suggested it but after thought and time it was deamed that it is best to call it the medioric belt in its entirety.
the half oric belt is still fully encompassed in teh ,mesooric belt as it represents the test systems to build the systems mentioned before. They do not have a function until they work
they are similar to programing language programns like C +++, pascal,
you set up the programs that also use other systems from teh other test programing systems and build a running system that obeys the rules that allow the program to run, the symbatic ;aws ;ole consent, virtue and the l;ikes.
till next week.
orphius life myth is next,
Friday, September 21, 2012
metaframe part II
the medioric belt is the next section of the metaframe
it is made up of teh dicvine systems, based on principals and rules that includes all the God(s) and godz.
if you desire to split teh programs built up to the m,edioric and teh demi god programs you can call teh latter a demioric belt
this is part of teh belt of the medioric you can also call each of the medioric.
The enxt (next) level is called the meridioric level,. like the word prime meridium
these are the meta origins that build meterioric and other systems.
all things filter through teh meterioric belt which is the next active level of the framework
they contain active systems, all of teh old systems are disected and removed while all teh good systems in them are being saved and transfered to teh new matrix that only allows systtems to be built based on the symbatic principals laws and axiums of the logos of logos and logos itself.
the meterioric bbelt contains the unbreakable realities atht are the floor and the ceiling of teh reality level or teh middleoric belt
these unbreakable realities are being removed from bad m,atrix programs and imported into teh new system byt they themselves are unbreakable, like teh systems that make sure sonsent exists ultamately and expicitaly for something to work.
the principals and dictems laaws and rules that govern consent based on a unanimous consent based on teh divine self, all afforded in 98 and it is god representing you in the system for ultemate choice with no interferance from anyone, its based on teh bind off teh rule of one that is now a subjegation system by aligience or enslavement to teh same divine principals everyone must abidwe with, some are given sanctioary from bad people they new, its teh family binding ensavement to good God dietum program bind.
its permanate all children are born to it by choice it allows no evil to occutre and binds you to never falling by not allowing you to do anything bad, there are marriafe equal binds to it and even christ and all dieties across the planet have bound to it, as policers they use the aligience bind, some like those needed freedom chose to submit and be not foundable by thier enemies even family
I chose equal alligiance bind, its reinforced chosing eth divine principals, by teh end we will all bind in one way or anither to it
its the old enslavement system but its real name was teh family bind gift allowing great fathers and mothers to bind people to their family with laws if thesubmit or get alligiance without having to police them later as they are stuck obeyning it.
this yoke is freedom.
the middleoric belt contains teh systems of reality and teh meterioric is teh unity of the reality level or misddleoric belt and the impart level abovce that is made in away that allows it to perfect itself but like spirits it is made of only good precurers that allows it to only do good things, its nature is to do good things.
the middleoric belt also sits on teh line between the middleoric and the impart levels that include all the logos levels and the meridioric belt or what some call the metabelt.
the mesooric belt is the belt that contains teh frame of teh system,, universes, plains and teh likes
ot is the metatronic system and the things like plains worlds and systems built in it.
the mesooric belt is also located on the meterioric belt whcich is also called reality mondus or the great reality that governs all.
the minioric belt also located on the meterioric belt is the underfooting teh lowest dimentions that govern dimentional interplay as the floor and bottom of teh metaframe system
the reason you should know that these belts all sit on teh meterioric belt is that they are part of unbreakable realities atht act like impart level systems, they are they are on teh line, half above half below. Thus they can never be used.
finally the hal;foric belt is a system located in teh metaframe, if you unify each meta program in teh meridioric belt in a diagram with solid lines unifying seperate whole squares, the half oric blet units are unified with dotted lines, if a system in this half oric works it is impoted uop to higher systems like medioric and the meterioric belts, modeoric and so on. the half oric is completely surrounded in teh mesoric belt and has no power uynless it systyem obeys the rules of teh metaframe incluing getting expicit conent from people and not trying to fool them to allow attacks using bad systems that pretend to be goodm, all uptimals are checked through all evenst in a psudo realm checking future events and they whole system before it is hookled up to have an effect, no over ride on this,
the minioric belt is based on systems of pitters, a subsystem that is located in teh mesoric belt called a pafd that is a system or routine and subrootine of pitters or the smallest dimetional; units that effect diferent dimnetional interplays including the way papers rips. pitters can effect the tecture of food. you create a puitter that is a slice of a dimetional thread long and even infinite seen through the side of the slice thus teh smallest dimentuion posible as footing or flooring is thsu achievedm once you create a routine of pitters in a pafd you see if it worls amd if the system does not crash no function it is locked and added to teh dimetions that govern the thing ot is added to, like the feel and taste of cherries.
the system oncelocked it is syetm utilised and not accessible to be misused.
the quasi diemtion testing systems is evidemnce for court, they bring machines in to show what you thought you would do but was stoped before you started, its fully binding cause itt is what you diod but did not.
the meta mode is located in the meridioric belt or metabelt ansd is the orifng source of building pittrs and pafds.
the metaform is the origin system that builds midfs and used titars as teh smallest form program knowedle to build patters for forms, it governs the way a form is liek the form of a cherry, not how it interacts dimebntionally with other dimentions but its form. yes you can call midfs tafds.
metalogic uses logi or what we call niters and nafds. the smallest logos or logic precept to build logic system. mimics logos meanoric systems.
the metaidea creates ideas and witters in wadf systems.
it mimics creating logos of logos or meanoric systems.
mdta mediates with gittrs and gadfs mimic creating medioric systems
the meta inflection ( TROPHIC OR IMBUEMENT) MIMICS BUILDING systems like characteristics or special endowments or properties to things ,
it uses yitters and yadfs.
the meta structure uses vitters and vadfs and mimics creating meterioric systems.
the meta frame uses kitters and kafds and builds systems as found in the mesooric belt, the plain cintinuum multiplicity systems
the meta essence allows you to build essence systems essence is more than ideas but are contained in it, the essence of cherries versus the ideas or thier lofical existance or even thier dimetionality and way they exist in multiplicities.
meta essences uses zitters and zadfs
finally the metareality is the origin source of realities and opposite realities.
it uses ritters and hafds which can be called rafds too.
all regulated from the above systems of the impart level and determined in unity with the below, govered from above regulated but what exists.
each zdfs system is halforics
till tommorow, orphius coming after I finish meta frames, realoty syste,s and metatronic
Friday, September 14, 2012
Metaframe part I
Ok the cosmotronic framework rtefers to the COSMIC MECHANISMS OF PLAINS AND DIAtics ( plains dimentions and so on)the metaframe refers to metaphysical mechanism of the universe
the modeoric belt sits at the to and is symbatically unified to all
its the mode of law and principals
conceived in a unity with eth logos of logos which is conceptua;l and the logos which is elemntary and logical.
the modeoric is the logos of the logos of logos or the word on reasoned logic.
the logos of logos that is a concept verse the precepts of logos or logic is called the mediumoric belt abd truly is formed based on logic the structure of being and the symbatic unity of laws and dictems
Saturday, September 8, 2012
The Parthenon program is up
The Parthenon program is up
The final movement of the parthenon program is now in system upgrade. We have achived an output and teh system being divinely organic will continue to upgrade and grow,
its all controlled by the safeties
we have been creating punishment places for those who misuse powers and try to bother people
a lot of people bound themselves to eth principals that blessings are good things to people aND CURSES THE SAME BUT TEH REVERSE IS TRUE IF TEH PERSON IS BAD.
If you cosine to being bound to teh safeties and the symbatic principals of good the program God(s) will not let you faulter but you must also try not to faulter.
A yes maybe no sex date will be stopped by providence without trouble if teh situation is not right at teh time
the program checks ultimate optimums and future results though some like now or later are as good are allowed
the awareness of when you go ovcer the line is already therem here you chose teh safeties of the ultimate outcomes.
it perf4ects itself though the optimal is truly set divinely no interference from anythong
may thge Gods be with us all
Godz power
I will discuss some of teh divine systems next week.
Including the meta frame of teh universe and the symbatic blue print of all things created
Friday, September 7, 2012
Orpheus to parthenon rituals
What we discovered reading Orpheus psalms of the ancient helenists is this:
In a fashion similar to the contemporaries they believed in an only begotten the protelegon.
they believed in one god that unified all Gods big and small.
they believed in a female only begotten that was the counterpart of the male, the prlegoa
they believed in avatars, formed with the only begotten and God(s)
they believed Dyes or theon was both a God avatar and the GOD almighty.
they believed hera was both Goddess an
d avatar as well as the Goid almighty godess.
they also believed in God as cronos and Rhea who are both gods and like zues and hera faces of God, the faces or nanes God takes to represent God and these avatars as they had walked with God and become likle christ and brethethga amongst others.
thus the belief of contemporary times is equal to the ancients.
they believed in the same pandemic powers of one soul of God shared by all Gods.
they believed in powerrs we can access as we gain wisdom and power, not to bother others but to live in peaceful co-existance
we found safety systems and powrrs amongst praise for the hero gods and holy saintlky people who championed humanity the gods and all beings as Gods.
We just completed a ritual, last weekend of the parthenon after show , we coded templa templates that are the blue prints of the real original parthenon built billions ofd years ago.
8 billion by tie to deslas religion , liliana amongst others making it the oldest religion base, it draws into all religions and is foiunded on us including the someone, one of its pillars.
all the gods showed up even latheric who is orpheus, God of lovers and his wife the lordess of lkove, his one child desa and rafti the other thir mates desn and dyrith amongst otther. it went cosmic and was mimiked in every space , place, splace and planet and so on.
the code is outputing and the chians meant to upgrade the feet have already consihgned themselves to upgrade.
meaning people are already upgrading.
they believed in plain building powers
two sets of links were created one at the ancles to the someone to upgrade the people from the lower ground, ythe foundary pillars of grace anbd power.
the second was around the heart charchra which was linked to those who use this area for light and power like nuners and monkers who pray focused on its charchra, last time it was the throat charchra
up[grading occuring normally.
till tommorow
Sunday, September 2, 2012
The pantheon system is program outputing
We have been completing teh after afects of the parthenon temple that was built now and passed timel;essly through the ages , including fining base cosmically based on teh universal paradigms of the Gods depected both as divinities and program code for universal access and outputsa of teh divine, remember though that there are safety and protacals, rules and laws as how one accesses the divine so that no one causes others harm, including bothering them. the program is outputing sequences as the templas( temples) included the esoterica and other knowledge base as the great books of its library and wisdoms. More coming as the poutputs continue as they always will
I will refrain from posting a final thought on Orpheus till next week, The psalms of the Hellenism have been proven in interpretation to be congruent and cogent to contemporary beliefs. I recommend looking at the previous posts comcerning the psalms of Orpheus before next week when I will comment on it.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Parthenon system
Parthenon system
we just completed the ritual creation of the parthanon system, temples exist around the world and all the good people were included. I was legomena, the god of the said, teh someone was named God and his somebody Goddess. they are all goods and gods. You were included if you were good, those on my friend list were, plus thousands of others.
The closing ceremony was on Wensday and we have hard burned the info into reality, set up a central precessing mother board templa cosmic system.
the someone and all of us helped create it.
a;; cool
the ones repenting and dead fell and are in the book of the dead and will be included in teha after all said in done, the gopod were highlighted in thena above. the good are the bits of info that are the process entailed in the computwer system, all the gods were there zues , christ called erotas by the ancients, Zues was called divine twin, the someones bother was God's twin
around the world the templas are called apollo temples but they really are athena parthenon which was a pantheon, a system of understanding and belief that finished now but was set up timelessly and this causerd the Parthenon to come into existence
check the templas out on the net or library, the gods are set up in trains and couplets to cause thought, programs to be created using gods the someones system which is Gods the only ones shared by all the gods the panatherno
one soul shared by all and regulated by the Godz and not those who are not being just, they have no access to it
all powers now start at level 5 pke except blessings that are always good too good people, magic begins at 5 pke same with psi. you recieve info from God and the divine system, but are uincapable of altering it below 5 pke.
till tommorow
more tommorow plus a summary of
Sunday, August 26, 2012
cosmos constructing divine programs
here are somre of the divine program builders available to people
A quasilet is a holy place or plain space one builds a plain or universe as a plain in. one plain space universe, yes it has dimentions to the one plain.
a qusbelet is a holy many faceted place or plain space that one builds a continuum in. the one plain space has many sub plains or plains in it as does a continuum, built in one plain space.
a quasinat is a one plain spot space that one built a multiplicity in, a multi continuum multi spacc mutiplicity.
a cosmocoreti is a reflective cosmos built in a realty space or plain space which is a spase. it is a cosmos in a plain space
a plenta is a multi plain spase unity, unified continuum multiplicity that binds more than one plain space though each space can contain any of the above in each spase.
finally completocosmos is a vcosmos that is a full reflection of cosmos like the divine cosmos of God and the cosmos the someone built last week, all 940 continuum stems are found in it, it can be occupied or used in difering ways.
no one cannot reevolve a universe with the crap we are cleanbing out but can evolve an upgraded universe.
unlike a completocosmos THE cosdmocoreti DOES NOT need to contain all 940 continuum stems though it is a complete plain onto itself with a thresholld in a plain space if another is created through it is also has athreshold in aplain spot in a continuum stem in the mmain cosmos and diovine cosmos they all have ione in each, no series bulding of it
crunch code: yug trime ,.e
mrvcio into contunium rep.lacity multiplicity return
use space to refer to void and spase for plain spaces.
in a week or so we will begin our examination of helenic religion and myth
Saturday, August 25, 2012
The Fumigation from Aromatics.
Ceralian [Antaia] queen, of celebrated name, from whom both men, and Gods immortal came;
--divine qieen celebrated both people who became divine immortals came.
Who widely wand'ring once, oppress'd with grief, in Eleusina's valley found'st relief,
w--andering mother , found in demetra's court valley to find peace, divine womb of gods and humans.
Discovering Proserpine [Persephone] thy daughter pure in dread Avernus [Aides], dismal and obscure;
--persephone daughter found invalley who was in dismay in pure dread needed aides to neknowst from her obscure circumstance
A sacred youth while thro' the world you stray Bacchus [Dysaulos], attending leader of the way;
The holy marriage of terrestrial Jove [Zeus Khthonios] relating, while oppress'd with grief you rove;
holy marriage with the terrestial zues, the someone, with jove one zues khthonnios relating while with anger to baddoers, as your sadness was the misery of promepheous and persephony and her daughter were beknowsyt to the evil hidden that they unravel into spring and fall. they were sad cause the people they policed and triumphed over were doping bad things.
Come, much invok'd, and to these rites inclin'd, thy mystic suppliant bless, with fav'ring mind.
come as you are invoked to these rites drawb abd inclined , determined toto equal suppliance and deed the mystical reality we are equally one and unified to, obeying its blessings as blessings as curses to the good are blressings and the blessing the reverse to the bad who suffered twice the misery they caused these earth goddesses, twice the misery for you may do as you please my dears but what you do you will suffer, as bodi say or the divine whore (whore ,eans women hora country source of nations like eve)says in revelations , twice over, so do good things to get twice the blessings and please these goddesses, oncluding hera. with mind of favour from them and the divine pleasure of as mind in oness of essence with the totality of it with the relation of a good and divine nature as ones forst and second nature complete.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
And gave to men, what nature's wants require, with plenteous means of bliss which all desire.
--gave to all what their nature by nature needed with the pleasure with blessings and bliss so happiness is beggoten by those things desired by good will and good advice.
In verdure flourishing in honor bright, assessor of great Bacchus [Bromios], bearing light:
--in being good one flourish is honours bright way to shine flurishing the judge of baccus bearing light, he and his fair judge, for he is her husband and mate.
Rejoicing in the reapers sickles, kind, whose nature lucid, earthly, pure, we find.
--happy and joyful with all reaping of nature and judgement who with husbnand causes, as baccuss is the fertility drive to natures demeter of lucid nature clear and divine transcended thought of matter pure to find and is found..
Prolific, venerable, Nurse divine, thy daughter loving, holy Proserpine [Koure]:
--prolific and everywhere, veneration nurse or rafael to god and trhe divine as she is one as god as he her husband is. rgy daughter precephoni, krama( karmic) and krmat( her son kramic) holy mother and voice of god and anscester opf persies.
A car with dragons yok'd, 'tis thine to guide, and orgies singing round thy throne to ride:
--a car with dragons rise, the power of her vihicle and power and enlightenment, tis yours to drive and guild, the oryees sing divine songs, chorus and angel quires aroubnd this throne you ride.
Only-begotten, much-producing queen, all flowers are thine and fruits of lovely green.
--one with the only begotten prolifetha, producing alot flowering and fruitdul queen and king ( authorites).
Bright Goddess, come, with Summer's rich increase swelling and pregnant, leading smiling Peace;
--brilliant gaddess come with summer come in august summers riegn with an increase and demeted inpreganation lead and help bring peace
Come, with fair Concord and imperial Health, and join with these a needful store of wealth.
come fair concord nd true health unbiaest for all that in honour are good.anmd praise and help , protect those who store priduct to
Friday, August 17, 2012
The Fumigation from Storax.
O Universal mother, Ceres [Deo] fam'd august, the source of wealth, and various nam'd:
--universal divine demetra or wombm famed peak middle and souirce of wealth and of many names and others of named.
Great nurse, all-bounteous, blessed and divine, who joy'st in peace, to nourish corn is thine:
--great nurse of bounty both blessed and divine who is happy when it is peaceful
Goddess of seed, of fruits abundant, fair, harvest and threshing, are thy constant care;
--goddess of seeds and fruiting abundent , fair as in just of harvesting and thrashing and cobnstant care and nursing.
Who dwell'st in Eleusina's seats retir'd, lovely, delightful queen, by all desir'd.
--who dwells ib elated blessing ( place in former greece elacia called by the same name) with thetic retirementm a lovely delightful queen of her monestaries and places dwelled by aLL THOSE INVOLVED WHO DESIRED IT.
Nurse of all mortals, whose benignant mind, first ploughing oxen to the yoke confin'd;
-- BURSING AND NURTURING ALL HUMANS AND BEING whose benign mind who used ox to plough the yoke which was freedom to plant reality. the herd was that being that makes up that reality and benign not causing problems.
will continue this tommorow
And gave to men, what nature's wants require, with plenteous means of bliss which all desire.
In verdure flourishing in honor bright, assessor of great Bacchus [Bromios], bearing light:
Rejoicing in the reapers sickles, kind, whose nature lucid, earthly, pure, we find.
Prolific, venerable, Nurse divine, thy daughter loving, holy Proserpine [Koure]:
A car with dragons yok'd, 'tis thine to guide, and orgies singing round thy throne to ride:
Only-begotten, much-producing queen, all flowers are thine and fruits of lovely green.
Bright Goddess, come, with Summer's rich increase swelling and pregnant, leading smiling Peace;
Come, with fair Concord and imperial Health, and join with these a needful store of wealth.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The Fumigation from Frankincense.
The mighty ruler of this earthly ball, for ever flowing, to these rites I call;
-- to the mighty ruler who has an earthy throne and feast balls, offered by the gods to him and his wife harmony.
Martial and blest, unseen by mortal sight, preventing fears, and pleas'd with gloomy night:
-- utterly mortal and blessed. unsean by mere mortals as he has trabsfigured and chose clerity of levels to be seen, the feast and the hall with the ball. forstalling fearts and pleasure of even dansk night. So the gloom becomes joy.
Hence, fancy's terrors are by thee allay'd, all-various king, who lov'st the desart shade:
--therefore ;over of terrors are lied through you, terrors as in thrills, unified with all kings and authorites who shade in the same shodow of alliance.
Each of thy brothers killing, blood is thine, two-fold Curete [Kourete], many-form'd, divine.
--the many faceted formed divine unity of divergency blessing by blood rite as yours and theres is one, thus all gifted as one in the divine line merged like a chi.
By thee transmuted Ceres' [Deo's] body pure, became a dragon's savage and obscure:
--body transfigured and trasmuted , purity of body and spirit becoming a dragon dinamis of power ferocious and obscure or hard to find equal.
Avert thy anger, hear me when I pray, and by fix'd fate, drive fancy's fears away.
-- be not angry hear my prayers and by fixed predestined fate drive fancy fears from the thrills we experience in life and in all realms beyond it.
This wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia was the first, we are told, for which the gods provided the marriage-feast, and Demeter, becoming enamoured of Iasion, presented him with the fruit of the corn, Hermes gave a lyre (lyra), Athena the renowned necklace and a robe and a flute (auloi), and Electra the sacred rites of the Great Mother of the Gods, as she is called, together with cymbals (kymbala) and kettledrums (tympana) and the instruments of her ritual; and Apollo played upon the lyre (kitharisai) and the Muses upon their flutes (aulesai), and the rest of the gods spoke them fair and gave the pair their aid in the celebration of the wedding. After this Cadmus, they say, in accordance with the oracle he had received, founded Thebes in Boeotia, while Iasion married Cybele and beget Corybas. And after Iasion had been removed into the circle of the gods, Dardanus and Cybelê and Corybas conveyed to Asia the sacred rites of the Mother of the Gods and removed with them to Phrygia. Thereupon Cybelê, joining herself to the first Olympus, begat Alcê and called the goddess Cybelê after herself; and Corybas gave the name of Corybantes to all who, in celebrating the rites of his mother, acted like men possessed, and married Thebe, the daughter of Cilix. In like manner he also transferred the flute (auloi) from Samothrace to Phrygia and to Lyrnessus the lyre (lyra) which Hermes gave and which at a later time Achilles took for himself when he sacked that city. (V. 49, Translation: Oldfather 1970)
harmony married divergency and a wedding feast was offered and hosted by demeter
a lyre, corn as fruit divine. the lire is a musical divine song.
delay due to policing wayworths trying to keep people from imformation, they have been arrested and divinly excuted and those still trying are gomng the same way, Godly bless us all, god and goddess too,
Sunday, August 12, 2012
update on doetic and system access prompts
by valpetridis @ 2012-08-12 – 22:10:23
So pinocle pictures on eastern ave torono has brokered a deal to expand its campus, film studio to increase its size to be comprible to other amerithan and international film companies such as its sister company paramount, who by the way is the company they parade under. they use to be called unicorn and the emblem was a running unicorn, quasinate was another name.
I apologise for the post delay but logistical problems added tp the problems,
if you mark people. say mark, the psi or theological markers examine each person in that sequence, jusde and excute by divine wukk those who fail that judgement.
if yopu aim and say full categoricakl attack or strike which means complete universal categorical attackm it inckudes all those who attacked, by powers physical and not, those whop wanted to be part of that even if they were not, those who wanted to add to the attack, those who thought that would win and so on
its an on going order , its max full attack
redate all things so good cops agents who are cosmic and Gods m they are incorruptible bad cops or those pretending do not show up
temporal astral divine power
intadandant means full max strike cross the full range, its also an on going attack
idiadetha is used to disapate spirits miused
deps are tied to the other spells while duts are titertied.
new cards or power actuation system accesses, recall you must be justiofied based on divine right to have these used other wise you will be access dinied or at least if misaimed you are blessing people, a blessing for the good even if a cursing and correction to the bad even if
you cabn unify these attacks.
form activate to use the form energy or matter and activate its manifestation
for instance form a heat poit temperature 9 degrees activate would achieve creating an energy point with above said qualities
the transmute fix card or actuation power
, priesties use it to make holy communion, its based on it, they use fix to posit it.
you can wine out of water.
to use dietics or dimentional plainier studd, you can build them by saying build or construct then erect the system
diatics means these types of structutes
dimentionms plains continuums and multiplicities.
peace next post orphieus, but I will post it tomorrow for sure
getting a lap top with y5 capabilities so I will be upgrading.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
avatar system
So the olympics are on and the terrans are celebrating the herculean legacy of peace through worship, celebration and peaceful cosmopolitan evenst including athletic compititions. Kirate sa meta ksetha
Godeess and God bless
Here is the rest of teh avatr ladder, it might vary from person to person but here are the basics, after the belt or redemer of the up link and the down load one continues becoming one avatar at a tiem to apreciate the programs and learn how to use them and learn from them to be able to handkle twin or more than one program at a time, like zues and jupiter that occured to the some onme, see earlier part of teh blog. then around 12 to 15 and the pantheon dreams 16- 21 these are liek experiencing eth story and program of a whole religion rather then a croning diedem you get crowning diedems and the diedem of teh religion trepresented as a program to link to all its gods and holy people, saints.
after a while you will be able to link to more and more avatarrs, even bekon them, after a longer while 26-32 you start recieving teh mates and children avatr s while merging to the croning avar of someone,
the children appear after 38-42 and after that you will eventually get to being able to merge to many together and entire plains worth of gods as one, soem avatrs are needed to make ones vessle or self redeady to emrge with them , though they have uplink, down link and belt programs but these take a while to fruit to the knowledge needed by teh prerequisite even when fruited you will needed the prerequists to upgarde to that power and teh next avatrs, though order can vary depending on eth course one takes and is guilded down, universal quatuum bless, qus away.
the parts of eth body full reflections, insects that are like parts of teh mind and other divine impart beings build a god body, divine edifice, other humans hold form as equal form, male female, in teh end even after all who need to are corrected we will all merge and new children will merge the childrens vessles have been dna coded as god ready anmd incepted as adam each at inception, pke 7 is 0 at and before inception for them.
UPDATE time days
it was thursday then suddenly sunday , four days were retracted from the time policing extra days. Yes I was awake everyday and got confirmation from headquarters, system teha is up on terran as for update, link in and het info on such things based on what can be known by you in what ever capacity possible. you can ask other questions too, you must take tutorial first to know how it works, matrix divine system baby.
V types based on first and second life peoples. The day people call to god to save us by killing everyone including themselves. Recall retyracted days do not mean such things are not still policed , often they are retracted into another day, like the first or one next to it, or any one. There not as many of these people on the planet such as terran, the first retracted into the religious extremist day next to it one forward. teh next into mass sucide or murder due to same cause, not just by prayer but action too. the next day was killing people to save them, retracted to the same day as teh one just mentioned. its a huge day but as the old extremists of each rel;igion of teh old style killed thmselves trying to do any of the above, including their civilian counterparts the numbers diminished. the last day is the group who hates the soemone beacsue they are terrans too and prefer god prefer them, these joined with the day that wanted the someone dead by any means.
next post in a bitHod
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Sunday, July 29, 2012
When rushing furious with loud tumult dire, o'erwhelm'd, they perish in your dreadful ire;
--when in haste with dired desire and thought, tulmultious fervour, when they think you over welmed, thy enemies dire on your holy plain or ire.
nommatter the number they are attacking fully with desire , even when outnumbered by thy enemies all the enemies die on your sacred plain.
And live replenish'd with the balmy air, the food of life, committed to your care.
--living always youthully with full strength, regenerated and always full heakthy. healed, eating immortal foods of life, those that grow on your plain anmd other heavens committed to your committed to your care to regeneratehea, enlighten and make those who are good immortal as part of the blessing all high gods hasve.
When shook by you, the seas, with wild uproar, wide-spreading, and profoundly whirling, roar:
--when moved by you, its the seas, the roar of the wold upheaval, far spreading and capable of not just vengence but enlightenment as profound
capable of loud roars.
The concave heav'ns, with Echo's voice resound, when leaves with ruffling noise bestrew the ground.
--heavens that are rolling up covering the vista in hiden edges beyond its 00concave, where voices echo full and rich and the quite sounds of rustling leaves can be heard under foot.
Curetes, Corybantes, ruling kings, whose praise the land of Samothracia sings:
-- the currettes, the corenets , all the blessed kings of Samathacia all song in praise in the poetry and songs of its people.
From Jove [Zeus] descended; whose immortal breath sustains the soul, and wafts her back from death;
--from God as Jove ) or God(s)) the holy spirit, ageo pnevma sustains the interaction of the soul as being in the presence of being and both resserects as well as frenmanates it to life and death, with each breath of is both living and dead but always immortal.
Aerial-form'd, much-fam'd, in heav'n ye shine two-fold, in heav'n all-lucid and divine
-- formed of etheric essence ( angel ariel as well) , potential and actual proceding from the essence, in heaven you are Dio, twi, two, a twin of God, here you shine as yourself and as a representative of face of God. In heaven all is clear and lucid as well as divine and blessed.
Blowing, serene, from whom abundance springs, nurses of seasons, fruit-producing kings.
-- both blowing with strength and calm with serenity, you bring plenty and abundance , nursing and making the seasons better, you help form thier passing, and from thing great people and leaders spering
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