Sunday, July 29, 2012
When rushing furious with loud tumult dire, o'erwhelm'd, they perish in your dreadful ire;
--when in haste with dired desire and thought, tulmultious fervour, when they think you over welmed, thy enemies dire on your holy plain or ire.
nommatter the number they are attacking fully with desire , even when outnumbered by thy enemies all the enemies die on your sacred plain.
And live replenish'd with the balmy air, the food of life, committed to your care.
--living always youthully with full strength, regenerated and always full heakthy. healed, eating immortal foods of life, those that grow on your plain anmd other heavens committed to your committed to your care to regeneratehea, enlighten and make those who are good immortal as part of the blessing all high gods hasve.
When shook by you, the seas, with wild uproar, wide-spreading, and profoundly whirling, roar:
--when moved by you, its the seas, the roar of the wold upheaval, far spreading and capable of not just vengence but enlightenment as profound
capable of loud roars.
The concave heav'ns, with Echo's voice resound, when leaves with ruffling noise bestrew the ground.
--heavens that are rolling up covering the vista in hiden edges beyond its 00concave, where voices echo full and rich and the quite sounds of rustling leaves can be heard under foot.
Curetes, Corybantes, ruling kings, whose praise the land of Samothracia sings:
-- the currettes, the corenets , all the blessed kings of Samathacia all song in praise in the poetry and songs of its people.
From Jove [Zeus] descended; whose immortal breath sustains the soul, and wafts her back from death;
--from God as Jove ) or God(s)) the holy spirit, ageo pnevma sustains the interaction of the soul as being in the presence of being and both resserects as well as frenmanates it to life and death, with each breath of is both living and dead but always immortal.
Aerial-form'd, much-fam'd, in heav'n ye shine two-fold, in heav'n all-lucid and divine
-- formed of etheric essence ( angel ariel as well) , potential and actual proceding from the essence, in heaven you are Dio, twi, two, a twin of God, here you shine as yourself and as a representative of face of God. In heaven all is clear and lucid as well as divine and blessed.
Blowing, serene, from whom abundance springs, nurses of seasons, fruit-producing kings.
-- both blowing with strength and calm with serenity, you bring plenty and abundance , nursing and making the seasons better, you help form thier passing, and from thing great people and leaders spering
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