Saturday, July 28, 2012
Demi and imperiates
Demi and imperiates
The last few days have been exceptional, last year as you recall the someone collected the bathic rites to represent God in the cosmos and inaugurate authority , both social and political by blessing and authetic rational and sympathetic thought.
as you recall there is a political system called teh celestial system that includes one cosmic government that represents everyone existing and beyond existants that exist in what ever way they do.
the earth has a detheta council made up of the demi councils or teh good former mob as well as new good people, they society police and get paid by the government to do so as part of the society policing system. Parentarchy of the religious heads, patriarchs and matriarchs, vote for a member in the damot or empirate part of teh political system, the demi council or dethata votes for one representative that is equal to the religious rep. These are the demotwho sit in the dretha council who elect dethibas or the next level who elect drathi who elect the imperate central council. the present and elected house is elected by teh demos or people and the senate is based on imperal monarchical land representation rites called the refata versus the cratha on planets and senate of solar systems based on the latter rites, the former rghts ( same as rite root there of) On terran earth stem seven hianda seven 2 posithy, there are nine imerial rites and 109 cratha or monarchical rites.
the demi is the name of the organisation, the demirye the leaders, the demiryeey ( demi ge ee) the demathat are the normal people though the demoyata or those not part of this system but always part of socity in general and interactive with teh demi anyways, as the demi police and help guild society including store, it was teh old good side of teh mafias. their leaders are elected, the demithea otr goddriven are the gangs who through the demithea demi are a demi and part of teh dethata council. The bikers now called riders are part of the de0thethea demi which is in the detheta system. recall the directive councils vote in the central council inm the solar system government.
in the imperial system teh central council is central for all dethereas which are imperetta by another name, each has a legislature based on popular votes and a senate based on imperiate rules, imperiates use ordinaces while demi rules and religions dictems.
the presedency for the imperiates is voted in by the all dethereas or imperetta. this causes balanced juxtaposition and antistancy between demos, imperial area/ ancestry rites and teh social religious element of the polity. it has been up since last august 5th and like the cosmic national side of politics has agency and policing as part of the whole cosmic system. For instance demi help police things on planets as part of the cosmic demi system and the demithot( political side) , the cosmic demi includes everyday business but is part of teh demithotic system
recall teh senate made from teh universal councils and divine interstellar councils vote all togetehr for reps, there are about a 1000 of each of these prganisations, made up of high end gods and start electing senators at the galixy and higher level. each sends deligates and represent teh conceptual evolution of the cosmos as universal councils and much more and teh business security side of authority and diviny used by all, like god ha and tyratham, godhead is of teh former groups as is dentha. see earlier part of teh blog
orpheus tomorrow.
now the moral side of the society or religion and the ethonos side of teh demi are represnted in cosmic fovernment and this instills peaceful prosperity and policing, safety through teh system, the above , below and moddle weave. teh who system is called demithot.
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