Friday, September 14, 2012

Metaframe part I

Ok the cosmotronic framework rtefers to the COSMIC MECHANISMS OF PLAINS AND DIAtics ( plains dimentions and so on)the metaframe refers to metaphysical mechanism of the universe the modeoric belt sits at the to and is symbatically unified to all its the mode of law and principals conceived in a unity with eth logos of logos which is conceptua;l and the logos which is elemntary and logical. the modeoric is the logos of the logos of logos or the word on reasoned logic. the logos of logos that is a concept verse the precepts of logos or logic is called the mediumoric belt abd truly is formed based on logic the structure of being and the symbatic unity of laws and dictems the meANORIC BELT IS THE LOGOOS AND IS BASED ON PRECEPTS AND ELEMNTARY LOGIC THINK MEANS - MEANORIC MEDIUM - MEDIUMOPRIC AND mODE -MODEORIC MATH MEANS MEDIUM MODE TILL TOMMOROW i WILL FROM NOW ON BE POSTING DURING TEH WEEK WENSDAY TO THURSDAY YES YOU CAN CONTINUE READING ON THE WEEKENDS IF YOU WISH.

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