Saturday, September 22, 2012
metaFramework,part III
the meridioric belt is made up of these constituents that act like self originating systems but lead through the regul;ation of the medioric belt: Metamode the dimetional pitter programs. The meta frame which is the meta oprigin of the framework systems of the mesooric systems, this is similar to creating plains and dimetionsion that govern the systems of plains, like plaisn of fire that determine the nature of fire in teh frame of the diatic systems, diatic means systems concerning dimentions , plains, continuums and multiplicities ( multicontinuums and other types of spaces/plains/ domains/ realms). these were the kitters and teh kafd. pitters are the smallest points one can observe as dimetions that are equal to teh bottom of the diagram, although the minioric programs and unbreakable realities are on teh impart l;ine called the meterioric bellt in the diagram they are located at the bottom of the frame or mesoric belt
inside the mesoric belt is the haldoric belt that can be drawn as dotted lines with a line connected the sorounded nods , they are enclosed inside teh half oric belt or box that is inside the emnclosed mesoric belt, fotted lines can join it to the edge of the enclosure to the half oric belt to signify they are test systems that join only when in congruence to the system rules of teh meta framework.
next is the middleoric belt that like the mesoric belt is also located, teh command command and programe nods /pods are on teh meteric belt but in the diagrame the mesoric belt is above the minioric belt and the middle oric belt is located above the mesoric belt and all these belts are drawn along side the meteriric belt on the line between ythe the impart levels and the reality middleoric belt. These meterioc belt represented on the meteric belt funbction as i9mpart level programs that are higher divine house city as archetype and programs,
the metaopric or medioric belt, from the word medi, as divine intercesor from asalm, medi like in a stereo medi,
the mediroric is above this but its systems are represented as meterioric standard programs, the medioric is not represented on teh medioric.
you can draw each metabelt mod above the system of the metaframe that coincides with it,m li8ke meta reality over teh reality belt part of the emterioc belt. use solid lines to draw the four connections of the meta origin boxes inside the meridioric belt as they can be linked and everysystem often uses unities of each
if you sting system mods together you use the metastructure to build meterioic arrays and programs.
if you are trying to wrute a divine program you use the metamediate programs that sets programs as i they wewre medioric.
the meta logic builds programs based on logic or logos m which neaboric and the meta idea builds them as if they were logos of logos or mediumoric. the meta essence builds essences, in philosophy essences refer to teh greater presence of something that brings into being and encompasses as teh slate program all ideas and concepts and precepts.
meta logic uses precepts and meta ideas concepts, essence ises the totality of something unsaid but encompassed as teh nuance or essencial being of that things that is that thing, the essence of coffee is more that the idea or logic that causes it, smell and preceptiosn are part of teh essence,
somepeople use all these systems to build a larger system craeting the programs useing each halforic system.
you must be atleast 5 pke to start otherwise think and use the normal ideas of creating ideas that pass through teh grace and god to craete a system, you can pray and dag and wish according to older systems, but you cannot use th halforic systems, 5 pke is a gopod person taht cannot deevo;ve backwards.
so a three can write a story amnd hope the system allows some of it to come true, a nine ple can structure systems more actively and form programs the systems accepts.
the meform is the form astructure of a something, not how it interacts with dimetions influenced by it or in interplay but the form the substance takes, how it tare bot how the tare happens cause you pulled on it, the latter is a pafd pitter system.
the form of is it tearable based on what it is versus teh essence of tearing in it.
meta reality builds system sof realities simalr to the impart systems that govern greater reality, iot can be said it builds srealities. recall, some are breakable, some are stained and are unbreakable, thsope built on symbatic laws are not breakable, you robbing a bank and always gettinh away with it is not unbreakable.
ritters are the smallest piece of reality that can be used to build reality systems.
the metainflextion is using divine or traits not nature to something and inflecting that quality imnto something, holy communion can be based on metaemidate traits, the wine tasting hightened is a metainflection, floss not tearing to add to tyhe tesil strength of teh thread is a inflection. creatinga ceremony that could change gold into platinum, the system is metamediate the quality that allows led to be turned into gold is a metainflection or a law of physics taht can also be meta framed and even based on realities if not each system used in a system.
if a system works it ascends.
yes anyone can think about these systems but unless you create a good nature you cannot use the systems actively, you ne3ed wisdom and virtue and a divine nature , you must act as good as god to actively use tehse as god does.
recall, premerital sex was not an isue, spraying epople with chems to keep them from doing things like having sex is forbidden,
get it conbscent by any age clearly checked by God themselves.
teh system checks all conscent by optimals, so by living and abinding yourself to teh rpincipals you cannot fail and you are guiilded to highervirtuous behaviour.
it will noy le you do bad, you can also just accept teh rules and reach hight, live them and they will never let you fail, I listed them earlier in teh blog.
after confering with the someone and due too the use of the idea of the demi as the new foormer mob connected to the senata system, demioric is dropped as a comncept. I suggested it but after thought and time it was deamed that it is best to call it the medioric belt in its entirety.
the half oric belt is still fully encompassed in teh ,mesooric belt as it represents the test systems to build the systems mentioned before. They do not have a function until they work
they are similar to programing language programns like C +++, pascal,
you set up the programs that also use other systems from teh other test programing systems and build a running system that obeys the rules that allow the program to run, the symbatic ;aws ;ole consent, virtue and the l;ikes.
till next week.
orphius life myth is next,
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