Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Parthenon program is up

The Parthenon program is up The final movement of the parthenon program is now in system upgrade. We have achived an output and teh system being divinely organic will continue to upgrade and grow, its all controlled by the safeties we have been creating punishment places for those who misuse powers and try to bother people a lot of people bound themselves to eth principals that blessings are good things to people aND CURSES THE SAME BUT TEH REVERSE IS TRUE IF TEH PERSON IS BAD. IN FACT WHEN YOU TAKE TEH PRINCIPALS TEHRE ARE SAFETIES THAT DO NOT ALLOW YOU TO DO ANYTHING BAD YOU DO TRY TO MAKE THIS your NATURE . If you cosine to being bound to teh safeties and the symbatic principals of good the program God(s) will not let you faulter but you must also try not to faulter. A yes maybe no sex date will be stopped by providence without trouble if teh situation is not right at teh time the program checks ultimate optimums and future results though some like now or later are as good are allowed the awareness of when you go ovcer the line is already therem here you chose teh safeties of the ultimate outcomes. it perf4ects itself though the optimal is truly set divinely no interference from anythong may thge Gods be with us all Godz power QUS UQS I will discuss some of teh divine systems next week. Including the meta frame of teh universe and the symbatic blue print of all things created

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