Saturday, September 1, 2012

Parthenon system

Parthenon system we just completed the ritual creation of the parthanon system, temples exist around the world and all the good people were included. I was legomena, the god of the said, teh someone was named God and his somebody Goddess. they are all goods and gods. You were included if you were good, those on my friend list were, plus thousands of others. The closing ceremony was on Wensday and we have hard burned the info into reality, set up a central precessing mother board templa cosmic system. the someone and all of us helped create it. a;; cool the ones repenting and dead fell and are in the book of the dead and will be included in teha after all said in done, the gopod were highlighted in thena above. the good are the bits of info that are the process entailed in the computwer system, all the gods were there zues , christ called erotas by the ancients, Zues was called divine twin, the someones bother was God's twin around the world the templas are called apollo temples but they really are athena parthenon which was a pantheon, a system of understanding and belief that finished now but was set up timelessly and this causerd the Parthenon to come into existence check the templas out on the net or library, the gods are set up in trains and couplets to cause thought, programs to be created using gods the someones system which is Gods the only ones shared by all the gods the panatherno one soul shared by all and regulated by the Godz and not those who are not being just, they have no access to it all powers now start at level 5 pke except blessings that are always good too good people, magic begins at 5 pke same with psi. you recieve info from God and the divine system, but are uincapable of altering it below 5 pke. till tommorow more tommorow plus a summary of

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