Tuesday, October 9, 2012

happy thanks giving season and new war machine

if you noticed we in the east celebrated our thanks giving early this year, janapa and brayanda and krayet and janapur celebrated this thanks giving, next is the west this coming weekend, the idea is diferent areas of amerath and athiathitha will celebrate a thanks giving a draha celebration up till the second week of november in areas so people can in anarea or from other areas can celebrate together, the celebration was extended through the world though areas near each other chose to celebrate thanks day, when the tinnel they are building across braha ( former atlantic) three unifing continents one will be able to celegrate across the planet. one can walk from asiaatta to athiathitha alomng the brentha ridge. a road is being built along the drathara ridge so the world is unifying yes a bridge in teh north is being built aswell, what ever makes you comfy for travel. we just completed a 62 day dit time forward and fought the cosmic bratha vattles that are part of the cel;estia wars, what some terrans call wolrd war three. unifoed armies not settled with the conditions of the new system as thier old system calapsed stole a - w project weapomns and foght a two month war against our upgraded dredd techno militation machine. servo teck ships capable of even space battkle, ugmented for battle fought striker one level fighters, ours are faster and more monuevaravle, each fitted for certain dominate tarrean situations, but capable of fighting in any. We won, we defeated them, om the 62 day the last corp american tefers surrendered at tifera in bwala south of former bali. somepeople chose to skip past it and appeared today, days will be retracted three a night till the end of octover, then calader will reflect its days accurately again. peace all right till the posts for this weekend sometime after tommorow.

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