Saturday, October 20, 2012

Symbatic law. and cosmic empires changing

one can access the symbatic accords and other cosmic counter oparts through the yetatif matrix, ask for down load from teh system, know them all. yes terran law accords to the symbatic laws , principals, constitution and laws ever since we upgraded, sex by any age based on explicit consent is allowed, see court law of Caneda as an example, try world and cosmic wide. Get xconscent for things .p[licit means by no deception varing rules as outlined by schedule C of teh symbatic laws 321 based on 1-4. all the laws are based on the first twelve, laws, really 7.. the cruta rebelion is over, the dethic cosmic empires including old kieths have calapsed, teh good people have accorded with teh new evolution of the imperate celestial ayatem and are doing weell, a few more coming obver as we speak and clean up constinues, way worth still attack speratically in their desperate attempt to save their corruption, or due cominting scuicide by attacking, tryong see shows like coast to coast or any planetary transmission concerning cosmic or celestrial affairs, aliens ( alien means angel if they are good, but we use non terran on terran as they all are human, energy dragons are humans , most started that way in a diferent phase.) for more information, these shows say a lot but listen clsoely and decode things if need be. They have secret teachings too. last post in a second

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