Monday, December 24, 2012

Orpheus;. legacy and merry tidings

In Attic vase painting, however, the women who attack Orpheus appear to be normal Thracian women, who are irritated that the bard's songs have stolen their husbands away from them. recalling the women claimed that it was orpheus who stole thier men from them, because he was teh father of teh male side of teh orphic relogy begun in thrace by him and his wife that caused an epoch change. the vase drawings were more created as play claiming orpheus was truly compitition ffor the males bueatiful wives. Only for now defunk mosegenists. A large number of Greek religious poems in hexameter were attributed to Orpheus, as they were to similar miracle-man figures like Bakis, Musaeus, Abaris, Aristeas, Epimenides, and the Sybil. Of this vast literature, only two examples survive whole: a set of hymns composed at some point in the 2nd or 3rd century AD, and an Orphic Argonautica composed somewhere between the 4th and 6th centuries AD. Earlier Orphic literature, which may date back as far as the 6th century BC, survives only in papyrus scraps or in quotations by later authors. A style was formed by orpheus and orphic peoms were atributed at first to him then to the style he fostered. in the third century ad a new version of the orphic works were compiled and some of the original works of orpheus work dating to 28000 years ago have been fopund in collection (s) dating to the 6th century bc. recall peopkle often used a limited 10 000 year caledar to fit historic events so they fit religious views, religy does not report to limited calanders. Mkaes more sence, adiests agree scientific explanations add to the real undrrstanding of religy. the age of the works shows in teh tatere3d remnanst that remain concerning themm, though in higher level archives entire works exist. Thses archives are more higher level and inexcesible , though copies of works do appear. In addition to serving as a storehouse of mythological data along the lines of Hesiod's Theogony, Orphic poetry was recited in mystery-rites and purification rituals. Plato in particular tells of a class of vagrant beggar-priests who would go about offering purifications to the rich, a clatter of books by Orpheus and Musaeus in tow (Republic 364c-d). Those who were especially devoted to these ritual and poems often practiced vegetarianism, abstention from sex, and refrained from eating eggs — which came to be known as the Orphikos bios, or "Orphic way of life". as was Hisiod orpwehus' work is a store house of mythology and his psalms have been used in rituals and rites through out history. It imports into mcontemporary religy like the christ religy. Plato tells of priesta who would purify using orphic rites ansd scripture offering his works and Nuseus in tow. Many rituals that had persisted till today like obstaining from sex like the former monks, vegeterinism like lenting, and even odd practices like obstaining from eggs known as the ophikos bios which is still practiced, they only eat eggs twice a year then obstain from it though two kmeals a year using eggs are religeously ordained. THUS MANY RELOGY AND OTHER RITES AND PRACTICVES STEMMED FROM THE DIVINE WINNERS OF oROPHEUS AND WIFE. tHIER LIGHT AND WISDOM STILL SHINES TO THIS DAY. PEACE MERRY hO hO HAR HUM BUGER AND RICE ENJOY NEW YEAR AS THE NEW EPOCH IS HERE!!!!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS NO MATTER WHICH NOW SYNCHRONINSING FOR NEXT YEAR WINTER FESTIVAL YOU CELEBRATE.

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