Sunday, December 23, 2012

happy winter solstice feasts-update

so the world has now begun sincronising holidays, it will ease things in teh new epoch all mesogenists amongst others, including the destruction of every religious rite not part of teh right of God one, has been defunked, no atheist exists, they all werre sealed and left behind on dec 19-20 the old world has died says teh mayan, when teh world ends anotehr begins, as all ends are beginnings all relogic rites are now drawn through the someone. I experienced the defanth or day the new dead visit the say goodbye and prepare for their purging during death, the doors for teh ritual closed 6 hours after it started. so teh days are getting longer and that side is in immanent economic calapse, those who have joined us are safe, those who bound top gods rule of one cannot do anthing bad and thus cannot be kicked back to that side, this hristmas will kill them, last chsmas as we now calll it christ mas. add a T, free of teh crap of teh old that included people who were added originally to cheer up but are now trying to cause holidays blues, depression gasses, cold chems so on and so forth, they are being eliminated resistance is futile you will be assimulated or exterminated, and assimulation is living free of crime and able to partake in all the good things you always did without cvausing harm, smoke, drink, or not, just be all that you can be peace I recommend binding and or coming to this side, but steal and do no bad here if not bound as you get kicked back, but bind and free yourselves or come over, food here is cheap and we made money this year and not starved trying to take over or cause harm to a lawful world that is conscented to by a high strong majority More Orpheus later today in the evening.

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