Monday, December 31, 2012

happy new year and epoch

happy new year everyone, may the new year be better than the last, we are kicking butt, the enemies of god are 90% destroyed and the new epoch is begging Our enemies are being eradicated resistance is futile assimilate or be exterminated ne cannabis strain is now available, five leaf pot, gungu is extinct, idiots tried making sleep gas out of it, dumb enemies of God(s) you are now dead, excuted yesterday by militarum terran and god powers by right of self defence military dufut is defunk. same idiots bought and mass harvested all pot of that strain to extinction, new bud, flowr 80% + thc. new improved drinks coming to, no more beer yeast, idiots detroyed it and source has been extinct since 1640s but we keep it going, new ale like drinks made from mysticithin, are available tonight beware some might try to sell you water as beer you will know. bhang available too cannibus is being commercialism the new stuff amazing hash is safe, it was divinely protected from morons near its beggining. to a divine wise sharp world. that side is eco dead,. pure pitch black for hope, they thought they could stand against the godz including you me and the someone, ya right, god is power they are short witted 12% of terran lives, that be us 67 % of pre war pre resserected lives sealed with us, many were reserected but we the virtuous really have kicked thier asses. more fun later. see s and m turture by cibsect as for steal at some porn shops, or confessions and the enemies of god, explicit material, see general gaha of former us, be beaten to tears , wimp by somebody praiose God, fool you thought you could kill children poison those in amerathan and the world, l;ike akll those with you enjoy the pain considered dead as he will be excuted for crimes against huimanity and the cosmos. video ends before sniff ghis superior on the same video is snudffed imperial dog die peace soon comes universal quantuum be with us all all self defence by right and law

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