Thursday, November 1, 2012

Usean elections

The advance polls were done laST WEEK. THE DEHERA tried causing a situation to make the situation look as corrupt as it was. They failed. Once the first ballot waqs dropped last weekend, the weekend prior to the election, there it is hallowene thrusday, I was one day behind as was teh someone, Usea was legitamised by the electoral system, defence systems tefloda came down, no more bad cia/ ayen government defences afainst unfair take over ended. So ifd you are registared as a citizen of usea you guys vote next week tuesday november the 5th. in the new system one still votes only in one election even if you have duel citizensgip though terrorist former US calling themselves americans are killing themselves, the us ended fully 99% of the populaqtion is p[ro USea we all win, no more old decrepid system, usea has no deficit, us died in poverty, the good transfered to new system, last of them coming through as we speak, mostly hold outs till thier system ca;lapsed.

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