Thursday, November 1, 2012

time effects amd update on changes.

the tine catch up program after armegedom battles lasting 62 days is working the remaing days in december were evenly broken into segmants equal to the time missing and we relived it l;ike marks on a sheet pf paper un through by a pen at a slower pace causing the same amount of days to pass as consciouness but still equalling the same time in teh catch up ultamately, full catch up on terran on the winter solstice. the weather on terran is going back to normal, feels good most collants missused are either extinct or gone from the enemies of god hands. alot of celestial activity, the cosmic war continues, lots of pelecering next post next week will be on orpheus or aqncient myth interpretation. recall God(s) always wins the Godz always win the good always win I val always win and if you are a good person insert your name here and say you always win Polecery is teh new name for police polecering policing polecered the policed. lots of changing to shake things up and release us from miss use of terms and false claims to rights from teh past not truly indicative of the true legality of teh past put pursued based pn practice, here misprase. loke doctor is called a physiciat the names you get use to doctor was a university word used in teh 70s now changed all good till next week.

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