Tuesday, August 14, 2012


[38] XXXVIII. TO CORYBAS [KORYBAS] The Fumigation from Frankincense. The mighty ruler of this earthly ball, for ever flowing, to these rites I call; -- to the mighty ruler who has an earthy throne and feast balls, offered by the gods to him and his wife harmony. Martial and blest, unseen by mortal sight, preventing fears, and pleas'd with gloomy night: -- utterly mortal and blessed. unsean by mere mortals as he has trabsfigured and chose clerity of levels to be seen, the feast and the hall with the ball. forstalling fearts and pleasure of even dansk night. So the gloom becomes joy. Hence, fancy's terrors are by thee allay'd, all-various king, who lov'st the desart shade: --therefore ;over of terrors are lied through you, terrors as in thrills, unified with all kings and authorites who shade in the same shodow of alliance. Each of thy brothers killing, blood is thine, two-fold Curete [Kourete], many-form'd, divine. --the many faceted formed divine unity of divergency blessing by blood rite as yours and theres is one, thus all gifted as one in the divine line merged like a chi. By thee transmuted Ceres' [Deo's] body pure, became a dragon's savage and obscure: --body transfigured and trasmuted , purity of body and spirit becoming a dragon dinamis of power ferocious and obscure or hard to find equal. Avert thy anger, hear me when I pray, and by fix'd fate, drive fancy's fears away. -- be not angry hear my prayers and by fixed predestined fate drive fancy fears from the thrills we experience in life and in all realms beyond it. from http://www.theoi.com/Text/OrphicHymns1.html This wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia was the first, we are told, for which the gods provided the marriage-feast, and Demeter, becoming enamoured of Iasion, presented him with the fruit of the corn, Hermes gave a lyre (lyra), Athena the renowned necklace and a robe and a flute (auloi), and Electra the sacred rites of the Great Mother of the Gods, as she is called, together with cymbals (kymbala) and kettledrums (tympana) and the instruments of her ritual; and Apollo played upon the lyre (kitharisai) and the Muses upon their flutes (aulesai), and the rest of the gods spoke them fair and gave the pair their aid in the celebration of the wedding. After this Cadmus, they say, in accordance with the oracle he had received, founded Thebes in Boeotia, while Iasion married Cybele and beget Corybas. And after Iasion had been removed into the circle of the gods, Dardanus and Cybelê and Corybas conveyed to Asia the sacred rites of the Mother of the Gods and removed with them to Phrygia. Thereupon Cybelê, joining herself to the first Olympus, begat Alcê and called the goddess Cybelê after herself; and Corybas gave the name of Corybantes to all who, in celebrating the rites of his mother, acted like men possessed, and married Thebe, the daughter of Cilix. In like manner he also transferred the flute (auloi) from Samothrace to Phrygia and to Lyrnessus the lyre (lyra) which Hermes gave and which at a later time Achilles took for himself when he sacked that city. (V. 49, Translation: Oldfather 1970) harmony married divergency and a wedding feast was offered and hosted by demeter a lyre, corn as fruit divine. the lire is a musical divine song. delay due to policing wayworths trying to keep people from imformation, they have been arrested and divinly excuted and those still trying are gomng the same way, Godly bless us all, god and goddess too,

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