Friday, August 15, 2008

Time travel, and teleportation based on quantum theory and field theory.

Time travel, and teleportation based on quantum theory and field theory.

by valpetridis @ 2008-04-12 - 19:58:57
Everything in the universe produces a field; the quantum of energy focused within the matter of the field, depending on its phase produces a type of field. Everything in the universe has an individuated place with the time space continuum. An objects place in the universe is differentiated by the influence of the relative place of everything else in the universe. Everything keeps time with each other in this dimension of the universe.We are here every second that everything in this dimension of the universe is here. We keep time with each other. We are also influenced by things on other dimensions and thus ultimately on this plain or universe as a whole. We can also be influenced by other plains and universes. An object’s matters vibration or quantum sinc is influenced by the fields of other objects, even at an infetesma level for objects to distance to be influenced by the focal field created by the matter. For example even the furthest speck of dust influences the field and matter you have. When sitting in a room your quantum sinc and field resonance is specific to that place and time. If you could change the field and quantum sinc or resonance to be as if you were sitting somewhere else you would thus end up sitting in that other place. The easiest way to do this is to determine the sinc and field variance by creating a field that measures this influences and then use a field and energy to alter the matter resonance or since to that of the knew place, If the calculation determines the new locations field and resonance to preclude objects sharing the same space no one would teleport to into an object. Based on how these fields are determined it precludes teleporting into another object because that other objects place and influence would be part of that determination.Since the universe expands, and by chaos theory is random as it expands, no object’s place would be influenced the same way twice. Thus sitting in my room yesterday I had a different matter and field resonance, if I could figure out what my field and matter resonance was like sitting in this room yesterday I would return to my room yesterday. This is the basis of time travel.
Astrology and old proofs of the teleportation theory in use by ancients. Next

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