Saturday, August 23, 2008

Metaphors, ancient terms versus modern refined explanations and interpretation.

Metaphors, ancient terms versus modern refined explanations and interpretation.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-17 - 12:51:16
(I reiterated a few ideas in the previous section from the first book to explain how one interprets ancient stories)
The book of Enoch is an old text, it is written in an older language not as refined as modern opens are. Certain terms used represent ideas that do not reflect their meaning as easily to a modern audience. The word murder or kill used actually means to cut with blade. Cursed means marked and bound, which actually was a blessing, to eat of the dusk of the earth means bound to the earth. The children of angels were the arts sired by them. Socrates uses the same idea of birth to describe siring a new idea. The new synthesized redeemed art forms created by Enoch are considered his children.When one is interpreting myth and chronicles of divine or normal deeds one has to remember that not every term means the narrow meaning well refined languages would give a similar term. For us sacrifice and blood rituals are described more precisely to avoid confusion. Ideas like using concepts of births for art s and ideas became a metaphor for us, but many ancients had no other words to describe it.

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