Monday, August 18, 2008

Hawaii, island walks with God

Hawaii, island walks with God
by valpetridis @ 2008-04-17 - 00:16:02
Hawaii, island walks with God
Zoroaster is the father of the pharsee.To a Manichean a natural disaster, or an event based on the mechanical manifestation and things we would consider evil. The only thing evil is based on a conscious act of evil and God creates nothing divine that has any power that is evil
I will simply close with one last interesting section concerning walks with god and islands.A Polynesian once walked with god as he was on his boat. He entered the paradise or paradise as an island. He called it heaven or Hawaii. Then he returned to his people telling them of his journey, they followed him till the found a similar island paradise that we call Hawaii. The island the Polynesian walked on with God and the one called Hawaii today is not the same islands but they were found sailing in the same direction.There are many legends of people discovering islands that later disappear. The island is a gift paradise of the dark force of God, sometimes called the dark one and sometimes called metatron and sometimes the shadow of God. To the Celts and pretty well every religion if one is good the dark one gives you an island and the light one a heaven. The light one offers the heaven first and asks you what you think of it, the dark one then playfully offers you the island. The light one and dark one are never in conflict. The light one is a light voice at the highest reaches beyond the height of any voice that speaks to you. It sounds like light, in Hebrew it is called el shaddai or as some call it” the light voice up high” the dark one or dark voice speaks from just underneath and offers the island only after the heaven.
Next I conclude.

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