Thursday, August 7, 2008

seeding heaven and collective construction there of.

seeding heaven and collective construction there of.

by valpetridis @ 2008-03-24 - 21:31:48
Heaven is like the smallest seed one plants in another’s mind and watches it grow and give seed, if it gives seed it means the idea of heaven planted grew to the point of seeding others with it. Heavens are often collective dreams of paradise taking shape as people share the idea, it’s more than fluffy clouds though many such heavens exist because people have imagined it and worked hard to act virtuous in such a way to achieve it.In heaven you can change shape, look like anyone, multiply and be two people at once for others and a lot more. Some fulfill the craziest and kinkiest dreams exclusive and monogamous this way.There are Valhalla like heavens where one can recreate battles and fight fully but be unharmed, resurrected if you like at the end of the day.Ideas for accessing new powers are constructed as we and/or the divine acts. So the world can be connected to the powers it creates, like a world of healers, but worlds contain more than just one power and are focuses of divine powers manifesting.
One begins building in a server or plain once linked to it by feeling its energy. It’s like seeing a world set up according to a book one read, its collective spirit and people thinking about it creates itSome worlds are to be purged or corrected as one suffers them and is purged and corrected of the fallacies that create them.Best thing is purge the ideas while you are building it in this world. Some places are ones persons paradise another’s purging ground.Seeded ideas are nurtured and watered with the energy and thoughts concerning their sprouting and flourishing. Nowadays people picture many more intricate heavens then they did prior to modern media and the proliferation of ideas on mass.This is why one goes out to share ideas, debate over them like servants sharing food and thoughts concerning the goodness and virtue of sharing such reward and experiences.

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