Adam and eve. Space Ghosts, Santa Claus, science and evolution
by valpetridis @ 2008-03-11 - 21:05:10
The word Adam has come to mean many things, some Hebrew have interpreted it as Man or earth or as I first thought earthling. In Hebrew Adam means human or man. Addam means earth. However, based on etymologies I have discovered Adam means individual and has the same root as the word atom or atomous in Greek. In the Old Testament the bible claims God created man and women to populate the face of the earth then he created Adam of the garden out of earth or matter. Thus according to the bible, which coincides with scientific beliefs, there were people on the earth prior to the creation of the second Adam in the garden. In fact, Darwin’s idea that all life comes from the waters is also found in genesis, in which, God points to the water saying, “ All life will come from the waters, that which crawls on the earth to that which flies in the air” In Hebrew the first reference to man and women populating the face of the earth also uses the word Adam, but eve is not mentioned and this sequentially comes before the creation of Adam in the garden. This second Adam was created in the garden by God out of matter or earth. This reference seems to be a universal reference to Adam as the human specious. This Adam was unable to find a companion or wife amongst the animals and was thus wholly different that all other animals. Some have claimed that the snake or serpent in the tree was Adam’s first wife. Thus this would make the animals Adam named wives that Adam was incompatible with, however the snake appears with the third Adam who is the Adam God created that is both Adam and eve. When Adam could not find a companion or wife amongst the animals God but his into a trance and from his side eve was created. The word rib can also mean side as it does in many other languages including Greek. Hence, Eve is a .side of humanity, she is a part of humanity, eve and man, the male and female individual is partitioned from the specious. Adam is both Adam, and eve; Humanity is both male and female and they act like different sides of the same coin, while prior to this individualism male and female acted more similarly and did not have the appearance that some like top mock of being different specious though of the same specious. Some have even claimed men come from mars and women from Venus to illustrate the difference. Moreover it is the third Adam who gets to bread with his eve, who eats the fruit of knowledge given to eve by the snake. The snake says though God says the day you eat from that fruit you might die, you probably will no0t die, it opens your eyes and makes you like God(s) for Adam as individuals have become like one of us, unless the also eat of the fruit of life…” says God(s) as a voice catching Adam and eve after they ate the fruit. Like all walks with God the third Adam leaves with eve eastwards from Eden. Eden is the heaven they created walking with God. In fact, one could say eve was his gift during the walk. The garden is not a city but a garden filled with every fruit tree that was known to Adam. A garden was all Adam knew and it is not till Enoch that the first spiritual city heaven is built. It was time for Adam to leave and Adam and eve had passed the test and was just. To prove this justice I must speak of the cloths they were given by God. According to revelations one of the victories offers white clothes to people, Astronauts have seen these white sheet looking symbiotes that live outside our atmosphere. They are the source of the stories of the ghosts who look like sheets that often get used as costumes on all hallows eve (Halloween) or such occasion. The symbiotes can dive down into our atmosphere and conditions become cold when they are around, many tales of white sheet like ghost presences are detailed with the place getting cold. The have been called Elohim, eloel, Valkyrie. They are called Valkyrie because they can wrap around you and look like pregnant or fat women gestating you. In around seven years after they have enveloped you, you grow your own cloths. They always chose the side of justice and the unjustly persecuted. They are represented by turbans that are often the hall mark of persecuted religions. Levitation is a power many first turban wearers claim to have had. The clothes are the white star wars clothes of Jedi like Luke Skywalker and the black clothes of dark Vader who learns of the dark side of justice but in the end becomes good as he does in return of the Jedi. Star wars was a tale inspired by a Japanese film, which in turn, was inspired by the Shinto religion. St Nicolas once slapped the emperor for trying to polities the Christian religion to favour the emperor. Getting mad the emperor ordered St. Nicolas striped of his clothes and put into a cell naked to await execution the following mourning. During the night clothes appeared on him that returned to him even if re-stripped. The emperor was so impressed he absolved him and years later he could do feats of force like stop boats from sinking. For this St. Nicolas is considered the patron saint of boats. The Dutch saved him as the only saint after the protestant reformation. The reformation included the idea of saints of part of God(s) or Elohim and did not worship them directly. The Dutch saved this patron saint of boats due to the fact that they had so many boats in their navy that keeping the reverence to such a saint seemed wise. The also wanted to save the idea of gift giving that was considered the main stay of the Russian Keserian saint called Basil. Basil gave gifts to poor peasants and began the practice of giving gifts to poor children at New Year. The Dutch gave the trait of gift giving to St Niclas or Nicolas and dressed him in St Basils red Russian clothes, thus creating Santa Claus who gives gifts at Christmas. To get the white space clothes one must be unjustly persecuted. When God sent Adam from the garden, poor Adam did not know one must return to earth from every walk with God. He felt persecuted and God(s) trick of not explaining this to Adam got him and eve their clothes, however, Adam and eve felt fallen from grace rather than simply those who descended from their ascending into heaven. Adam and eve are not the first humans and date only 5000 years plus, but luckily a good reading of the bible exposes this truth as the passage is obvious and thus the bible and science agree, life evolved from the waters and people predate the story of Adam and eve.
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