Friday, August 29, 2008

More Erymanthian Boar, Olympic Games meant to unify old and new Greeks into one people. Hog town, Frog Town, Hercules representing Zeus offering throu

More Erymanthian Boar, Olympic Games meant to unify old and new Greeks into one people. Hog town, Frog Town, Hercules representing Zeus offering through the new Prometheus Chiron the fire and warmth of Greek domicile living versus the cold snowy caves of mount Erymanthus.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-08 - 10:42:21
More Erymanthian Boar, Olympic Games meant to unify old and new Greeks into one people. Hog town, Frog Town, Hercules representing Zeus offering through the new Prometheus Chiron the fire and warmth of Greek domicile living versus the cold snowy caves of mount Erymanthus.
The Erymanthian Boar is a good example to help one realise the poetic way the Herculean myths were rendered and the type of images used to convey historic events.The wine was a gift of Dionysus for all the centaurs on mount Erymanthus. This image does not represent Dionysus literally giving each centaur a jar of wine, rather that the mountainous people were blessed with grapes and the knowledge to make wine. If one notices the boar lived on the mountain amongst the centaurs. It’s like calling a boxer a nick name like lion or a people by their symbolic animal, or even a bang or people by their people. Montreal is often jokingly, or otherwise, called frog town and Toronto hog town. To capture the mythical frogs or hogs would mean to capture their hearts or conquer them and then assimilate them. In the way Torontonians are called hogs and Montrealeans frogs, the Nemeans were called lions and the Lameans hydras, the cults of the horned one which predated the Greeks hinds and centaurs of mount Erymanthus Boars. It is often a sacred animal or one eaten or breed there that gets associated to a people. The French eat frog legs and the Torontonians produced and distributed a lot of hogs. Sacred cows in stables represent their people. (See next post later tonight)Here is the poetic secret teaching of the Erymanthian Boar. Since the centaurs were cave dwellers that had tamed the horse, and the caves were damp and cold, Chiron uses this knowledge and takes the idea of warm fire heated homes to the centaurs as if he was Prometheus. He feels the same guilt that Prometheus felt after enlightening his people, guilt akin to feeling as if ones guts were being eaten out. The boar was run into the snow, meaning the centaurs were cold and Hercules played in the role of Zeus, as he was the son of Zeus, offers his fire to the centaurs through the leadership of Chiron. Thus the centaurs fight and the ones who accept Hercules win as their way of life was poisoned and thus they became Greeks. So Hercules became the representative of Zeus offer the fire to the cold centaurs through the enlightener Chiron who represents Prometheus and is poetically described to have suffered his fate, Chiron is like a second Prometheus as he takes his place as an enlightener who offers fire and warmth, dry warm dwellings amongst the Greeks. This image of Prometheus and Zeus as Hercules offering the fire obviously shows that the poetics secret teaching or truth hidden in poetic images truly is of a people joining the Greeks, thus the hydra and Nemean lionTask interpreted as warlike peoples Hercules had to quell to bring peace to the area now is beyond a doubt true.
The Olympic Games are said to have begun after the capture of the Erymanthian Boar. The games noted by the poets as Pelas idea made universal for all Greeks as a means to create peace and have the various Greeks compete peacefully using their skills gained in war and for other, like the javelin throw which is a useful war time skill, are appropriately created to help the Greeks become more peaceful with all Greeks and new Greek peoples like the centaurs. It was a means of unifying peoples into one people and having their immortal individuality assimilated into the one people. Thus the fear each had of each other would disappear as each competed for a branch of the holy olive tree, which according to the bible is the sacred tree that symbolises the Greeks. It is appropriate to start the games after the centaurs join the Greeks yet are feared as outsiders at first. The games lead to the unification of these people and acceptance of them as one people, thus eliminating the fear.

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