Saturday, August 9, 2008

Inuit building worlds using spirits

Inuit building worlds using spirits
by valpetridis @ 2008-03-27 - 16:55:29
A Inuit shamans claim that they often see spirit worlds in which black mountains and islands are present Often different spirits occupy[y these mountains and islands. In some casers dangers lay occupy this place like the cannibal witch that gobbles up all who stray to her mountain. During the mystical experience the mountains or land mass appears and the mystic then explores it to find out what spirits lay there. .The spirits found can often by used to accomplish particular tasks or manifest energy in a particular way. Often the spirits found in the land mass represent what they seek, sometimes hazards are found. , Often the shaman will discover God and then attribute that access by a particular name Tôrnârssuk is God realised as a spirit by a shaman, a boundless unrestricted spirit that can accomplish anything. In this sense many of the Gods of the Inuit are based on myth, or like Greek myth based on mythical. Each is an apprehension of a divine being. Once established spirits are often encountered by others, thus in a shamans experience old and new. The worlds created are both places that access the powers of the spirits and places like paradises and hells for the dead.

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