Sunday, August 10, 2008

How to read and experience revolations, two winesses and babylon as babel.

How to read and experience revolations, two winesses and babylon as babel.

by valpetridis @ 2008-03-31 - 01:00:25
To give birth to a new world one must impregnate the womb with the seeds to produce this birth. “I must tell you something my son (child) the race to impregnate the womb is on, but do not race for only the anti Christ races” being a tortoise is better than a hare. The womb represents the beings, levels, actualised systems, universe and God(s) that one conveys the ideas to build worlds through. The network levels designs and brings forth a world formed within this womb.
There are various ways to access the transcendence in a text like revelations. One must read the material as if living it or trying to place it within a frame work of ideas one can relate to. With Revelations one trick is reading every image as being positive and good. For instance, the child sent into oblivion could be you as this section is revelations way of mentioning being taken by the spirit and walking with God. This s not an evil image but one in which a child of God is taken by the spirits beyond time, which is here called oblivion. The word oblivion comes from the term oblonged (time). Read the prostitutes as good paradigms, earth mothers and sex goddess and so on. Prior to getting to New Jerusalem one must pass through Babel or the spiritual city/plain known as Babylon. Babylon is Babel. Here there is death and blood of tested martyrdom. It is where one cleans as an uplink all that can be cleaned before moving to new Jerusalem where one can gain immortality in 12 different ways represented by nations. Thus there are 12 different ways to access the spirit of winning the right to eat the fruit of life. Babylon’s husband or link is god and is immortal, thus she is neither an orphan nor a widow. .Revelations is a contract to transcendence , it ends with the key to experiencing it, add anything to this text suffer everything in it and what you added, remove anything from it suffer everything in it plus what you took out. So when adding anything to revelations makes sure it’s something good you want to suffer beyond the transcendence of the road map of revelations. Add immortality, benevolence, higher evolution and things like that. If you remove anything, remove only those things you want to suffer twice during transcendence.
As mentioned the deceiver mentioned in the bible is Maya. A better name that deceiver is lord of illusion. The dragon is Satan or the Chinese dragon set to protect the tree of life by Zeus.
When the two witnesses enter the spiritual cities of Sodom and Egypt they become one with the higher divine server. They walk out with the eyes of everyone on them, meaning they can see the world universally as if they had all eyes on them as their own, the witnesses then rise to a level higher after their time on these plains. The bible says the witnesses are always God and you. Thus the two witnesses is the avatar of God. Though God is all people’s witness, meaning sees and notes everything that occurs to you, a perfect record in the net, but when he lies as you then you are God’s avatar.
When one fails transcendence of life one dies and goes to the sea of fire.The avatar of the devil, Satan (dragon), deceiver and serpent marshal those who are not like them with the universal logos or logic of God and need to become links to be upgraded.

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