Friday, August 1, 2008

Incense, Moses' immortality and Angels

Incense, Moses' immortality and Angels

by valpetridis @ 2008-03-07 - 17:31:54
It is said that Hassan a Hassan went into the mountains of Afghanistan and was given hash as a gift from God(s). Temple balls are hash made directly from the plant and used as incense in temples, i.e. the name. Muslims continue to make such incense and claim smoking hash gets you closer to God(s). Cannabis has been used in religious ritual by many people. Some natives in the Americas would mix cannabis with tobacco and other herbs to create a mélange they used and smoked to commune with. In some cases it was burnt as incense in sweat lodges and other mystical situations. Others times it was placed in a pipe to commune with someone, share a soul and thus become like one producing peace. It is the sharing of oneness that is believed to create peace. Many natives use different mélanges to achieve enlightenment. Carlos Castaneda claims to have been given a mélange that included peyote and other strong psychotropic substance during a quest for enlightenment in South America. Merlin a wizard must have had a cup and potion and he was said to be immortal. The Taoist (or daoist) believes certain potions or mélanges of substances, which includes poisons like mercury, arsenic and strychnine, can help one become immortal like its founders, and thus reach the fruit of knowledge or get past the Chinese dragon to reach that tree.
Moses was giving life giving fruit in the desert just after his exile. . He found trees and then ceased to age. He hid his face for decades so that on his 120 years he could pretend to die (or lay (play) dead) and thus be able to join his people as someone else, unrecognizable by all. Moses was secretly immortal. The fruits of life can take the form of any fruit of life; this includes everything from plums to strawberries. The Cabbalists believe that there are three fruit that might be the fruit of knowledge, one is a mushroom, the other a fig; all of which are native in Israel and all of which are as high in serotonin as is the boddi (or Bodhi) fruit. As a once trained Pharaoh, he was given the various mannas, potions and substances needed in the rites necessary to create a God- king pharaoh, a real angel like the first one and those who succeeded in transcend ace and morality that preceded the first. Manna in the west refers to the bread made with potion ingratiates based on the situation. The priests would ask “what is it” and based on the on the circumstances and consequently what was called for they would create the manna needed. Manna could be made to cure a disease or to enlightenment people including a young pharos’s child.
The Chinese dragon is called Satan in the west and is in charge of the divine authority necessary to reach immortality and be like God as part of God(s). The devil on the other hand is given political authority and thus was able to offer Christ the kingdoms during his walk with God. What is referred to biblically as the deceiver is Maya. To note Lucifer is a father enlightener of the German people and considered no more evil that Prometheus. Many angels have been grouped into one figure, who is no more evil that a bad guy in a script, book or wrestling. In fact, if one reads the story of Job from the Old Testament one discovers that God and the devil are in leagues and the entire devil was forewarning God about was that what will occur to test and change Jobs society, this will try his patience, says the devil, and make him want to curse your name. However the devil secretly knew, as God did, that Jobs goodness would bring him twice the riches and twice the family as his two new sons were also incarnated with the spirits of the two who died, four children’s souls living as two. All things were paid back twice over, Job's life was necessary to use to test and improve Jobs society, as doing miracles on the Sabbath, may be the work of God, but humans should not ally with humans to kill one doing such miracles. Christ was crucified based on doing a miracle on the Sabbath and this persecution occurred so that society would improve and realise such things are not crimes. Its as ridiculous as persecuting some naming a teddy bear Mohamed, as did occur in the Sudan in the year 2007-2008.
The Hebrew believe that the devil is in Gods court and is said to do God’s bidding, which is a tradition all books drawn from the old testament agree with. There are no evil angles and humanity must learn to be neither xenophobic amongst itself or towards other beings. Each individual must learn to take responsibility for their own actions and not blame any scapegoat for its deeds. In revelations it is said the devil argued with Michael then flew out of heaven to test people. The argument was over whether it was time to guild or test. Testing was decided and thus the Greek phrase to fly was used, the term can also mean to be thrown out, which has confused many. In Greek one says I flew the rock at the window, the word thrown comes from the word flown.

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