Friday, August 29, 2008

Task four Erymanthian Boar. Centaurs, Prometheus, Pandora, Tartarus, Centaurs as ancient pre Greek horse back riders and New Greek citizens.

Task four Erymanthian Boar. Centaurs, Prometheus, Pandora, Tartarus, Centaurs as ancient pre Greek horse back riders and New Greek citizens.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-07 - 23:37:28
Task four Erymanthian Boar. Centaurs, Prometheus, Pandora, Tartarus, Centaurs as ancient pre Greek horse back riders and New Greek citizens.
The fourth task was to capture the Erymanthian Boar. This bore was a frightening creature that lived on mount Erymanthus. It was considered another sacred creature of Artemis and the mistress of the animals. It is this take that begins to explain the higher purpose of the secret teachings of the 12 tasks. In this task Hercules goes to mount Erymanthus and feasts with Pholus. Pholus is a friendly centaur who is primitive and eats uncooked foods. His name refers to cavemen. Many have speculated that the post minion Mycenaean empire fell into barbarianism due to the influx of the Doreans, who knew how to smelt iron and ride horses. The Doreans were the first Greeks to tame the horse. The centaur is a primitive Greek image of a man riding a house, nightmarishly unified into one person. Thus the centaurs represent ancient peoples who road horses, primitive in their methods of food preparation. Hercules also went to mount Erymanthus to find Chiron to get advice as to how to capture the boar. Chiron was another centaur. Pholus had a jar of wine given to him as well as all centaurs of this mountain. Hercules convinced pholus to open the jar and the alcohol attracted all the centaurs that drank the wine without mixing it with water. The ancient Greeks use to cut their wine with water to avoid getting drunk too fast, this was considered a civilized practice the centaurs were obviously unaware off and this is another trait that shows that they were more primitive than the Greeks. After getting drunk on the wine the centaurs and Hercules fought and using poison arrows Hercules killed many before they retreated. Chiron was curious as to the reasons that the arrows killed so easily that picking one up he accidentally dropped the poison arrow on his foot, literally shooting himself in the foot. Chiron was immortal and felt the pain of the poison without dieing. His agony was so great he desired to give up his immortality, liberate Prometheus from Tartarus where he was shackled top a rock and had his guts eaten out by eagles every day, regenerating over night to be re-eaten again. For the guilt of the enlightenment dissipated with sleep but returned when one reawake and became conscious again. Tartarus was the punishment place of true evil people as Hades was the place of the dead and after life for the common selfish person. In some tales Prometheus was not chained to a stone in Tartarus but elsewhere. Prometheus was chained to the stone as punishment for stealing Zeus fire and giving it to the primitive cave dwellers. Cave dwellers like the centaurs. Chiron finally frees Prometheus and begins being devoured by the eagles that tormented Prometheus. Hercules then kills the birds as. Chiron’s release of Prometheus is part of his surrender of his immortality. Thus the immortal Chiron enters the punishment place of the dead, to free the titan who gave his people fire and enlightenment. Hercules saves him from the same punishment. The punishment is the guilt an enlightener like Prometheus gained upon realising that he gave primitive people a tool which could be used to do evils like smelt weapons. However Prometheus received a gift, a Pandora. Pandora his with was a gift from the gods and her name means the all gift. However she came with a curiosity. This curiosity led to realising the true miseries of the world and the hope needed to over come them. Prometheus gets a gift from God that is a gift of all gifts, but that all gifts came with the understanding and knowledge of all the miseries of the peoples the gift represented, as the gift came with a curiosity and desire to know all peoples and their ways, including religion, as one universal way. The stone he was chained to is the earthly punishment he suffered due to the guilt caused by the earthly desires and ways caused his gift of fire and enlightenment to cause misery. Thus Dionysus, which means the two islands in Greek, led to a freedom of the old enlightenment top the enlightenment of Chiron who enlightened Hercules to the capture of the boar. The fearful boar is the symbol of the divine gift of the peoples represented by the centaurs. The bore was Artemis gift to them, yet it caused the peoples to be feared. However it was Dionysus gift of wine that led to the fight with the centaurs and the surrender of the immortal breed of the centaurs to Hercules. This tale marks the end of the individual breed of people represented by the centaurs, who were as old as the tale of Prometheus and the capture of the boar represents the assimilation of these people into the Greeks. The boar was captured in the snow as Chiron told Hercules. It was driven into the snow. This may represent the fact that the centaurs existed in Greece prior to the last ice age. It was this ice age that wreaked them and allowed the Greeks to dominate the area, this might also represent that it was the cold and civilized manner of home building that helped Hercules convince the centaurs to join the Greeks. Once captured the boar was returned to the king who feared it and ran for cover. The Greeks feared the barbarian centaurs and could not easily accept them as the king told Hercules to take the boar away. The king begged Hercules to get rid of the boar as the Greeks like many unenlightened peoples of all nations often beg for immigrants and other peoples to be taken away from them. Hercules of course does not get rid of the boar and makes the people of centaurs Greeks. This of course also causes the backlash of his death, but I will save that for the closeting tale concerning Hercules after I finish the twelve tasks.The snow represents. Thus the fourth task concerns the conquering of some ancient feared people as p[art of a peaceful assimilation, enlightenment of these people ands acceptance into Greek culture as Greeks , though some feared them, Chiron's ordeal is the enlightenment that helps Hercules bring the centaurs into the fold of Greek people.Centaur in Greek means thundering one, ad it was coined to reflect the thundering sounds of hoofs to people unaccustomed to horses.It was Chiron who advised Hercules that his people could be convinced to join the Greeks and lose their immortal individuality and helped poison his people by the lesson of the Greek’s having ways to protect his people from the cold, thus driving the bore into the cold and snow captured the boars heart by having the bore and the centaurs it represented desiring to become Greeks and benefit from their dwellings and moving from the cold caves. This lesson caused Chiron’s guilt to become like Prometheus, eaten by guilt, which Hercules gets rid of by helping his people improve and become fully Greek though some Greeks feared them and did not want them to become equal Greeks at first. Though in the end these peoples became Greeks and their gift of hunting boars that symbolised them became part of the Greeks.

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