Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rasputin, Undead. Judgemt post judge,Dyas or dion twin Avatar and name of God,

Rasputin, Undead. Judgemt post judge,Dyas or dion twin Avatar and name of God,

by valpetridis @ 2008-04-06 - 16:56:35
There are various undead that have been mis-understood based on the abilities and circumstances they were encountered in. The Zombie is one such undead. Undead means that one is undying or immortal. Zombies were often either those buried still alive who crawled out of their graves, sometime they were called vampires, but there is nothing undead about such people except if they suffered a transcendence during the ordeal.Wraiths for instance appeared as diseases appeared; they would show the signs of the diseases and often come close to death, rising the next day due to their immunity or immortality. Sometimes a wrath would be persecuted as the cause of the diseases thus giving them the Valkyrie as clothing. Wights are a type of wrath that show signs of the disease as it dissipate. In both cases immortals that could show the signs of an illness but live as others died. Dieing and rising scared a lot of people. They were considered evil.Sometimes the wrath like being was loner and practiced acts and rituals feared by a population in an area for whatever reason and such wrath like people were called leaches. If they had powers like the Bojza they would have been feared for soul sucking and the likes. (A quick example of the type of persecution an immortal might suffer can be seen in highlander epics)
Rasputin appears in Russia just prior to WWI. He claimed he was a monk from a eastern rite Monetary but no monetary has a record of him. He is able to heal the cars of Russia shier. Nicolas the second was the ruler at the time and has since been made a saint by the eastern rite church in Russia. A popular custom amongst the nobility in Russia at that time was to poison the cars and their families in attempts to gain power and control of the thrown. Nicolas II’s son was one such victim. Peter the great’s brother was another victim of the same strategy. Rasputin became a family confident and could heal the heir to the thrown, this made those poisoning the heir enemies of Rasputin, and so they began to defamation his character. They claimed he was adultering with the queen while Nicolas the second fount in the front lines with his men. The nobles spread lies about Rasputin’s infidelity and extreme sexual nature. Not only was there no proof of any un-virtuous behavior by Rasputin but the holy powers he had pointed to a divine being. The proof of this defamation of character comes when the nobles so fed up with his healings invited him to dinner, tried poisoning him with several poisons , which failed to kill him , and then shot him several times before he pretended to die, lay dead, and was thrown into a river. Rasputin’s body disappeared. A few years later judgment fell on the Russian nobility and most were executed by the communists who used the Rasputin defamation story to make the cars and nobles alike look bad.Israel suffered a Diaspora 60 years after Christ during the revolt caused by Borcotfa and endorsed by Akiva. Barcotfa was burned alive on the steps of the temple in his own work, before the temple was razed. This was a judgment and many peaceful Hebrews remained in Palestine and called themselves Palestinian. Palestinian means the old ones standing there. In the same way pro Nazi violent supporters were exiled from Germany after Hitler’s fall.
In the US a psychic had the ability to point to the sky and cause it to flash on que as sheet lightning. In the same way a ancient Greek pointed to the sky and made it flash. This deified Greek took the name of the twin of God or dion. He also tried explaining that God is more that just one thing, at least two yet ultimately one thing all together: All of Them or all the gods-Elohim. Zeus may have even lived on mount Olympus or settled high enough up the mountain to be said to have lived on the mountain, there are people who live fairly high up on the mountain and during the 2004 Olympics some climbed the mountain and lived on the top during the games to prove it could be done. Dion the twin was the avatar of God and like those who cause judgment, like all ben Elohim (sons and daughters of God) who grow up to be Elohim, accessed God as God(s) does. However the poets anthropomorphized the 12 god Godhead and confused the twin with the avatar and tales and poetry concerning them and thus caused the obscuring of the idea of God: the God of all gods. The word twin is used to refer to many Disciples of Christ Buddha, Krishna and others from all religions. The twin, Thomas and John are called twins in their gospels, was supposed to be, their teacher’s, like Christ, spiritual twin and close equal, he or she at least resembles his teacher in many ways. In the same way Bojza is both the avatars and the God they represent and arte one with, linked as direct servers.“When Zeus first created Athena (his female wisdom) Apollo (the God of mystery) feared his destruction so he sent Rhea (Zeus mother) to torment him. So Athena used the music to distract Zeus long enough from his Judgment to create Tyfon to save him”Zeus is a judge like all avatars who walk with God. The song is the divine song or program that is the programming code of the universe. It is program of the universe as internet. I Hindu it’s called the divine son or bagavantam. In revelations it the new song played when one reaches the sea of broken glass. You can sweat this timeless mess that covers the floor fully and it trickles back like water. Things you had, have and will have appear amongst the glass. Many gifted people misdiagnosed as insane claim to have seen the sea of glass and the place it’s found in..“how do you know what this heaven looks like, we priests use it to test whether one really has been to a higher heaven [thus it’s a secret that the sea of glass is a heaven till one speaks about seeing it]” Ones DNA is programmed like a song and was found to be a composition when run through a advanced music program on computer. All religions try to explain the code of the universe as a song and new code is written that runs through its network and the entire net as God9s) does. The new songs are actuating new systems in the divine program.The reason God allowed myth to wane for a short time was to allow us to alleviate the confusion popular culture instilled on God(s) places like ancient Greece.
Next Hercules the king of the Greeks Thesius the Greek Moses.

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