Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Karl Jung, collective unconscious, Ezekiel, Hegel’s absolute spirit, Socrates one human psyche or soul and cabalist theories of collectives
Karl Jung, collective unconscious, Ezekiel, Hegel’s absolute spirit, Socrates one human psyche or soul and cabalist theories of collectives
by valpetridis @ 2008-05-01 - 22:54:39
Karl Jung, collective unconscious, Ezekiel, Hegel’s absolute spirit, Socrates one human psyche or soul and cabalist theories of collectives.
Carle Jung was Sigmund Freud’s student. Freud admitted something that made him look unenlightened and spiritually a child, he claimed he never felt the ecstasy, the oceanic vastness that makes one feel large. Ecstasy means vastness or area in Greek. Karl Jung borrowed his idea of a super ego or the internalized persona of rules and laws within oneself and superimposed it onto the larger society as a whole and called it the collective unconscious. This overarching law is called God by the Calvinists who focus on the idea of god being the overall laws of society. Jung believed that it was more than laws, but ideas that superimposed itself collectively on society. If some one can learn to tie their shoe laces the condition of someone else doing so is there to cause them to independently learn to tie their show laces. Through Jung frauds ideas take full fruition as universal divine doctrine.” One must believe in the old gods as much as the new gods” Jung said concerning new faces and names of God and the avatars of god.The cabalists believe that every people are a collective within a larger collective of humanity. To take this one step further, collectives of animal genii, specious, societies and groups within that society can constitute collectives. The planet, solar system, galaxy and universe, worlds, dimensions, plains and continuums have collectives and ranges of the existence of those within those collectives. The spirit of each collective can also include beings from other collective, to be of the spirit of the bear and share in that collective is to be an eye or being. Becoming liked causes this unity, being an avatar is to represent this spirit. To the Hebrew cabalists each nation is a female collective to God's male seeding, god puts seeds into groups and people to cause ideas and so on to grow. To be given birth, Christ analogy of the seeds he spread is the same idea. Ezekiel was unable to speak of the things god had told him to warn the Hebrews of. So god told him to make miniatures of the buildings in Jerusalem including the temple, then reenact destructions that were coming, Ezekiel was also told to act out rituals to help reinforce the lesson of these reenactments, Ezekiel practiced these reenactments in private but God said they were meant for everyone and these private rituals could only convey messages to all the Jews and by extension everyone based on them sharing a collect or soulIn book 10 of the republic Socrates claims all humanity share one soul, a collective psyche. It is this psych of ideas that is the human collective and the basis of lungs collective unconscious. For Jung most people are unaware of this spiritual sharing of one soul yet live and react to it. Yes one can add ideas to this collective and as Hegel said progress the absolute spirit of this human collective, which needs no more than one person to have it persist and exist in time.
I will post the intro tommorow and the atlantis stuff sunday
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