Sunday, August 31, 2008

Example of why psycologicall men and women differ, The tenth labour of Hercules - Cows of Geryon, Hercules and exodus, Alexander the great and Tyr.

Example of why psycologicall men and women differ, The tenth labour of Hercules - Cows of Geryon, Hercules and exodus, Alexander the great and Tyr.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-22 - 22:30:48
Example of why psycologicall men and women differ, The tenth labour of Hercules - Cows of Geryon, Hercules and exodus, Alexander the great and Tyr.
Men and women are different yet equal in all regards concerning deeds courage and legality. What differs is in respect to the cultural norm surrounding their procreative function. For example, Women get pregnant imagine what it is like having the idea of being able to get pregnant and how one deals with a pregnant self depending on the circumstances. Imagine you are male and can cause a pregnancy but cannot get pregnant; this alone would alter the way each think. There are several other good examples of basic physical differences that affect the psychology of both profoundly.As souls form in bodies one always remembers the difference one had due to being formed from birth as a male or female even if one can take either form later in their existence. Yes one can build co-ed rooms, hermaphrodite, asexual rooms and rooms that have nothing to do with gender.
The Amazonian story fits nicely with the Atlantian story and actually fits the theme of the tasks and the rest of the feats of Hercules including holding up the sky (taking authority) over the Atlantians.It seems the myth of Hercules have to do with the same theme of unifying the world as one people. H inclusion of the amazons and Atlantians spreads the Greek people into the Americas and beyond Europe Africa and Asia.
The tenth labour of Hercules - Cows of Geryon
Geryon was a fearsome giant said to have three heads, three bodies, six arms and sometimes six legs. This description lends well to the description of the Lernaean Hydra. The Giants were the rulers of the peoples symbolised as thier cattle, thus these were older people but tame enough to be assimilated by the end of the tale. This assimilation is symbolised as a sacrifice to Hera, the Gods accepted this sacrifice unlike many attempted in other tasks.
Geryon is a play of the Greek word Geryon or old one, old man. It may also be connected to the name George that means farmer in Greek. The three heads represent the three people who ruled the cows or cattle. Notice this is the second time cattle are mentioned and the second time they represent a people. These people were said to have lived on the western side of the Mediterranean: Hesperides. Many have equated this name to Iberia and Spain; in particular the island of Tartessos. Geryon had a two headed dog named Orthrus. The dog represents the two species of dogs bread on the island by the people of Geryon. The dogs were faithful to the population of the island and were used as guard and farm dogs. Hercules and the Greeks he represented had to fight their way through the dogs. Eurytion was the name of the guards or people whose job it was to guard the peoples of the island. After dispatching them like the dog with an olive branch or club Hercules fought the leaders of the island and wounded their authority with the same poison of the hydra. This duel image represents conquering the authority of the island and undermining them with ideas that led to Hercules and the Greeks ascent to authority over the people represented by the cattle. In some tales as Hercules entered the Libyan Desert he was frustrated and shot an arrow at the sun and Helios rewarded this will a golden cup that could sail the seas from west to east. This story represents that by the time of this task the Greeks were sailing around the world west to east. This coincides with eth location of the Amazon and Atlantians in the Americas and portrays the far reach of the Greeks in this time. The arrow might also represent space technology used top travel into space and like Udan of Siberian the arrows represent rockets. The cup both represents higher technologies and the reach of the Greeks on earth. The cup was said to travel east to west on the globe in one night, though this image might represent that Greeks were everywhere and the sun did not set on them. Once killed Hercules tried bringing the cattle back to Greece and king Eurystheus. Hera was said to have sent a gad fly to annoy the cattle and scatter them. Socrates uses the gad fly to represent someone with ideas that wake you up and cause you to change your ideas and get moving from the stand one had. In the same where Hera’s gadfly caused the people represented by the cattle to scatter and it took one year for Hercules to reorganise them into one people. The waters of the Mediterranean began to rise or a flood in the region occurs. I suspect the former and it was said Hera sent this flood. So Hercules used stones to cross the waters and rivers to return the cattle to Greece. Once in Greece king Eurystheus sacrificed the cattle to Hera, meaning these people were assimilated into the Greeks.This story is reminiscent of the biblical exudes story. The peoples Hercules freed from the authority figured represented by Geryon were herded towards Greece and this took a long time as Moses well understood: it takes a long time to walk many people as a group a short distance. The waters rose making walking some watery areas had so stones were pilled up to bridge the waters and allow the group to walk across; Alexander the great used this strategy to bridge the island Tyr top the mainland and it has since been connected to the land. Once in Greece the people represented by the cattle assimilated and became part of Greek culture.
In some renditions of this tale like the roman some of the people were stolen or wondered off become their own people, like a group led by Cacus. In some tales Hercules fights Cacus to get the cattle back, in some tales he does not get them back.
I will finish off the last two tasks later this week and hopefully everything concerning Hercules

The ninth labour of Hercules Hippolyta's girdle, a bit on male and female rooms during world building, Theseus, Amazon, Amazonians.

The ninth labour of Hercules Hippolyta's girdle, a bit on male and female rooms during world building, Theseus, Amazon, Amazonians.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-22 - 20:18:02
The ninth labour of Hercules Hippolyta's girdle, a bit on male and female rooms during world building, Theseus, Amazon, Amazonians.
The world building lesson suggests that no matter how many rooms or dimensions one has on their plain one must be female and one male, the rest can be anything else.In this way one learns and maintains the necessity for two different parts of the same specious to working together, similar yet differently, for the maintained and progression of the specious.
The ninth labour Hippolyta's girdle
This tale is another labour that helps exemplify the real goal of the poetic labours of Hercules, that being unifying desperate peoples, pre Greeks and those associated with the Greeks as well as the Greeks into one peoples.In this take Hercules is sent to retrieve Hippolyta's girdle. He was retrieving the girdle for Admeta, the daughter of king Eurystheus and represents a female aspect of authority is Greece. Hippolyta' was the queen of the amazons. She was so impressed with the lion main or armour and his musles that she gave it to hercules. In sme tales hera took the form of an amazon to nscare the amazons into thinking hercules would kidnap the queen and thus charging the ship caused hercules to kill Hippolyta. In some tales the amazons were fooled by hera because they recalled that thesius had kidnapped the Hippolyta and made her his wife, in other tales she survives the visitation by Hercules then is kidnapped by Theseus. The truth is Hercules was given the girdle peacefully as a means of peace treaty. The Amazonians were located beyond the realm of the Mediterranean near Atlantis. The Amazonian jungle was named so based on these stories and maps that pointed to it as the place of the amazons.It was only after this peace treaty that theirs re[presenting the Greeks kidnaps, or better yet marries and takes the Amazonian queen away to be part of Greece till Theseus falls in love with Phaedra and marries her causing Hippolyta death or after her death that may have occurred hunting with her sister Penthesilea. As there are three ways that she died a good way to look at this is this: hercules takes the authority of the amazonians back to greece and unifies them with the greeks and then as mentioned above deals with atlas the atlantean taking his authpority as part of greeces till a greek representative atlan is placed into power. Hippolyta dies as a greek queen at the hands of her sister Penthesilea, thesius then remarries. Hercules killing of her by tearing the gridle off her simply represents a poetic dramatic inclusion to portray the authority and independence hercules negotiated away with the queen as he made them greek. The amazons prior to hercules were all women who procreated with men of nations and brought up only the females, in some tales they killed the males, in others gave them to the men to take back with them to their nations, the later is the true story as mothers made sure their sons were safe and the amazonians made sure men existed in the future to procreate with.By Theseus time the amazonians become fully greek by way of marriage.Thus the retrieving of the girdle represents the authority of the inde[pendent amazonians joining the greeks as greeks and Theseus tale the merging of their blood lines.

male and female rooms

male and female rooms

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-21 - 16:01:43
My internet is down till tommorow so I will finish the Hercules tommorow
For today something more on building worlds.Remeber to always keep one room male and one female.if you are building with good intent you will know what you are doing.By doing so one ensures that two different aspect of the same being force one to consider existance needing at least two things acting seperately yet dinamically acting as one for the procreation and conyinued existance of the specious. This promotes atleast two differing views in that specious.

The eighth task the mares Diomedes, earlier humanoids than homo sapient sapient who were hard to tame or assimilated, given roaming areas to live peac

The eighth task the mares Diomedes, earlier humanoids than homo sapient sapient who were hard to tame or assimilated, given roaming areas to live peacefully.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-16 - 16:20:01
The eighth task the mares Diomedes, earlier humanoids than homo sapient sapient who were hard to tame or assimilated, given roaming areas to live peacefully.
The dating off Hercules and king minus stretch over a large period of time, there are reasons to believe the name Minos refers to all kings from Crete or that two kings were named
Task eight- The Mares of Diomedes.
This task is told in many versions some description of the man-eating mares include them breathing fire. Some tales have Hercules stealing the mares from the giant Diomedes. As with the tales from Babylon giants were considered earlier humanoids that were given birth as humanity was from the earth. The Babylonians believed these humanoids were larger hairier humans that existed before the gods created them. In evolutionary terms these were humanoids like home erectus, Homo sapiens before the evolution of homo sapient sapiens. The mares were said to have been kept in a bronze manger as they were wild. Diomedes was their leader and represented four peoples ruled by a common king. The fear this ruler might kill Hercules portrays the barbaric fear the Greeks had of him.In some versions the horses were returned to King Eurystheus and were brought to mount Olympus where Zeus refused to sacrifice them, this means that they were also un-assimilatable to the old Olympic gods. In some tales Hercules built a trench to corral the mares and killed Diomedes feeding him to the mares, in all the tales the mares were allowed to roam free within Greece. Thus the peoples the mares represented were allowed to roam free until their tribes were killed or slowly assimilated into Greek culture. In some versions Zeus sent lions, tigers, wolves and other wild beasts that killed the mares. This talked seems to portray a earlier type human that was ruled by a leader and was made up of four peoples who remained more wild and could not be tamed, they were given an area to roam peacefully up till their death or slow assimilation, most likely the race went extinct while a few members joined Greek culture, the wild nature of these people probably had them fall to the ravages of nature.They were however capable of using bronze.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Seventh task, Cretan Bull, the culture of Minoa, patriotism of new gods versus assimilation into old gods and proof the bull represents Minoan culture

Seventh task, Cretan Bull, the culture of Minoa, patriotism of new gods versus assimilation into old gods and proof the bull represents Minoan culture.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-14 - 23:03:59
Seventh task, Cretan Bull, the culture of Minoa, patriotism of new gods versus assimilation into old gods and proof the bull represents Minoan culture.
The seventh task which was the capture the Cretan bull once again illustrates how the personifications of people are portrayed by the beasts Hercules tackles with.
In this tackle the Cretan bull represents the Cretans. Hercules sails to Crete and encounters Minos who gives him permission to capture the bull and return it to Athens. The bull was said to have reaped havoc in Crete. Upon its return king Eurystheus wanted to sacrifice the bull to Hera but she refused and the bull was set free in marathon. In some newer tales Theseus is said to have taken part in the seventh task, this is because the bull also is representative of the Minotaur and both images come from the ritual games of jumping over the bull so characteristic of Minoan culture. Here one sees that Minoa is represented by the bull and capturing it is an attempt to unify the minions with the Greeks, but the bull was not easily assimilated into the Greek pantheon and was set free to live as an outskirts of Greek culture. Later king Minos is said to have fought Athens and captured it which is the beginning of the tale of the Theseus. So Hercules tried unifying the culture of the Minoans that were incompatible with Hera before the Minoans conquer Athens. Hercules succeeds to bring peace between the cultures though that peace falls apart afterwards. Hercules succeeds to patriate and make Minoan culture compatible with Greek culture to the degree that its pantheon could be included as an offshoot of the Greek one, though the Greek temples of Minion culture were situated in marathon and the Minion culture was not assimilated into the Greek pantheon simply as derivation of the old gods, Hercules had to incorporate the new gods into the pantheon on their own standing as more gods.

stymphalian birds, raiders, Zeus of lycanthropy, Raiders defending them selves in bushes from Greeks represented by wolves

Stymphalian birds, raiders, Zeus of lycanthropy, Raiders defending them selves in bushes from Greeks represented by wolves

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-14 - 18:55:43
Stymphalian birds, raiders, Zeus of lycanthropy, Raiders defending them selves in bushes from Greeks represented by wolves
The Stymphalian birds were said to metal brass winged birds that lived near the lake of Stymphalia in Attica. They were said to have metal claws and their feathers could be shot at people. Hercules was given a clapper or rattle from Athena and Hephaestus to scare the birds out of the vegetation like thick bushes around the lake where Hercules shot them with his bow.The eagle represents the pre Greeks who lived around Stymphalian Lake. They were clad in armour and had metal claws. They used feathers in their missile weapons. In Greek the word to take flight also means to be thrown, the Greek word petaksan is best translated into took flight. when Hercules scared the people represented by the eagles from their living areas he attacked them using missile weapons, thus the Greeks struck a victory over the people who lived in dense brush and were thus fairly impervious to missile attacks and well defended by the brush. Part of the tale claims the birds came to the area of the lake to escape wolves or peoples represented as wolves as the wolves could not attack them in this area. The wolves might have been the Greeks who became the licodemian Greeks amongst others and believed Zeus was symbolised by the wolf and was a lycanthrope. The people represented by the wolves ran the metal eagle’s into the brush for defense and this strong defense position became a task for Hercules and the Greeks he repre4sents, meaning the Greeks that accompanied him to rid the lake area of these raiders said to have ravaged the country side and raided food and living areas of the Greeks.
Next task later tonight,

Augeas stables, Cattle as people, Augeas cleaned with water as Rome by Nero was by fire. Deposing Augeas for the pro Greek unity Phyleus

Augeas stables, Cattle as people, Augeas cleaned with water as Rome by Nero was by fire. Deposing Augeas for the pro Greek unity Phyleus

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-08 - 22:30:57
Augeas stables, Cattle as people, Augeas cleaned with water as Rome by Nero was by fire. Deposing Augeas for the pro Greek unity Phyleus
The myth of Hercules was told like a poem and is from pre history, or what is known as before history was written. It is like a Greek drama in which the king represents the common Greek of his time.This task reveals how animals can represent a city or people.King Augeas had the largest number of cattle housed in one stable. They were said to be a divine gift. The cattle came to represent king Augeas city. Due to their divinity the cattle were said to be immune to disease and the stables had never been cleaned. A cities stable represents the city and the cleanliness of the stables how clean the city was. In fact, as Nietzsche might agree, the people pf the city were cattle to Augeas. Hercules made a deal with Augeas to clean the stables and city of its filth in one day and in return be would be granted one tenth the cattle. This task is an engineering triumph as Hercules rerouted two rivers, Alpheus and Peneus, to flood the stables and city area thus cleaning the area in one day. Like Rome when Nero burnt it down playing his fiddle and creating the image of a devil playing the fiddle, the city of cattle was dirty. After Hercules cleaned the city Augeas reneged on his deal and had his son Phyleus exiled for siding in Hercules side. So Hercules killed Augeas and once deposed he placed Phyleus in his place to rule the newly cleaned city. The politics in this tale are simple. The city of Augeas was filthy, both in refuge and in spirit, Hercules cleaned the city in exchange for 1/10 the cattle, both bovine and human. The idea was to impress the people and have them join the Greeks as a unified people. King Augeas did not want to join the Greeks nor offer the 1/10 the population to the union. So he was disposed and the new pro union leader was put into power. The divine gift of the cattle refers to the religious and civic nature of the people when it came to clumsiness. Hercules also changes the belief system to maintain better civil upkeep, which was the enticement and necessity to join the union of Greeks. Hercules established civic works and upgraded the city from being run down, dirty and not virtuous and clean, as its cattle, human and bovine lived in their own filth till cleaned by Hercules. The use of the two rivers might be an allusion to Mesopotamia or Babylon , more to the point eastern beliefs carried to Greece from places like India where cattle is considered sacred. The fact that divine cattle were surrendered to Hercules portrays a change in the cities views on their sacred nature and thus a religious shift.
In most renditions of the task of Hercules the Olympic Games are inaugurated after this event. It is just as appropriate as the tale tells of Greeks being brought into the union and the civic duties it took to do so. In this case the Olympics help unify Greeks new and old, this time due to the civic renewal of Augeas’ city and stable.

Augeas stables, Cattle as people, Augeas cleaned with water as Rome by Nero was by fire. Deposing Augeas for the pro Greek unity Phyleus

Augeas stables, Cattle as people, Augeas cleaned with water as Rome by Nero was by fire. Deposing Augeas for the pro Greek unity Phyleus

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-08 - 22:30:57
Augeas stables, Cattle as people, Augeas cleaned with water as Rome by Nero was by fire. Deposing Augeas for the pro Greek unity Phyleus
The myth of Hercules was told like a poem and is from pre history, or what is known as before history was written. It is like a Greek drama in which the king represents the common Greek of his time.This task reveals how animals can represent a city or people.King Augeas had the largest number of cattle housed in one stable. They were said to be a divine gift. The cattle came to represent king Augeas city. Due to their divinity the cattle were said to be immune to disease and the stables had never been cleaned. A cities stable represents the city and the cleanliness of the stables how clean the city was. In fact, as Nietzsche might agree, the people pf the city were cattle to Augeas. Hercules made a deal with Augeas to clean the stables and city of its filth in one day and in return be would be granted one tenth the cattle. This task is an engineering triumph as Hercules rerouted two rivers, Alpheus and Peneus, to flood the stables and city area thus cleaning the area in one day. Like Rome when Nero burnt it down playing his fiddle and creating the image of a devil playing the fiddle, the city of cattle was dirty. After Hercules cleaned the city Augeas reneged on his deal and had his son Phyleus exiled for siding in Hercules side. So Hercules killed Augeas and once deposed he placed Phyleus in his place to rule the newly cleaned city. The politics in this tale are simple. The city of Augeas was filthy, both in refuge and in spirit, Hercules cleaned the city in exchange for 1/10 the cattle, both bovine and human. The idea was to impress the people and have them join the Greeks as a unified people. King Augeas did not want to join the Greeks nor offer the 1/10 the population to the union. So he was disposed and the new pro union leader was put into power. The divine gift of the cattle refers to the religious and civic nature of the people when it came to clumsiness. Hercules also changes the belief system to maintain better civil upkeep, which was the enticement and necessity to join the union of Greeks. Hercules established civic works and upgraded the city from being run down, dirty and not virtuous and clean, as its cattle, human and bovine lived in their own filth till cleaned by Hercules. The use of the two rivers might be an allusion to Mesopotamia or Babylon , more to the point eastern beliefs carried to Greece from places like India where cattle is considered sacred. The fact that divine cattle were surrendered to Hercules portrays a change in the cities views on their sacred nature and thus a religious shift.
In most renditions of the task of Hercules the Olympic Games are inaugurated after this event. It is just as appropriate as the tale tells of Greeks being brought into the union and the civic duties it took to do so. In this case the Olympics help unify Greeks new and old, this time due to the civic renewal of Augeas’ city and stable.

Friday, August 29, 2008

More Erymanthian Boar, Olympic Games meant to unify old and new Greeks into one people. Hog town, Frog Town, Hercules representing Zeus offering throu

More Erymanthian Boar, Olympic Games meant to unify old and new Greeks into one people. Hog town, Frog Town, Hercules representing Zeus offering through the new Prometheus Chiron the fire and warmth of Greek domicile living versus the cold snowy caves of mount Erymanthus.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-08 - 10:42:21
More Erymanthian Boar, Olympic Games meant to unify old and new Greeks into one people. Hog town, Frog Town, Hercules representing Zeus offering through the new Prometheus Chiron the fire and warmth of Greek domicile living versus the cold snowy caves of mount Erymanthus.
The Erymanthian Boar is a good example to help one realise the poetic way the Herculean myths were rendered and the type of images used to convey historic events.The wine was a gift of Dionysus for all the centaurs on mount Erymanthus. This image does not represent Dionysus literally giving each centaur a jar of wine, rather that the mountainous people were blessed with grapes and the knowledge to make wine. If one notices the boar lived on the mountain amongst the centaurs. It’s like calling a boxer a nick name like lion or a people by their symbolic animal, or even a bang or people by their people. Montreal is often jokingly, or otherwise, called frog town and Toronto hog town. To capture the mythical frogs or hogs would mean to capture their hearts or conquer them and then assimilate them. In the way Torontonians are called hogs and Montrealeans frogs, the Nemeans were called lions and the Lameans hydras, the cults of the horned one which predated the Greeks hinds and centaurs of mount Erymanthus Boars. It is often a sacred animal or one eaten or breed there that gets associated to a people. The French eat frog legs and the Torontonians produced and distributed a lot of hogs. Sacred cows in stables represent their people. (See next post later tonight)Here is the poetic secret teaching of the Erymanthian Boar. Since the centaurs were cave dwellers that had tamed the horse, and the caves were damp and cold, Chiron uses this knowledge and takes the idea of warm fire heated homes to the centaurs as if he was Prometheus. He feels the same guilt that Prometheus felt after enlightening his people, guilt akin to feeling as if ones guts were being eaten out. The boar was run into the snow, meaning the centaurs were cold and Hercules played in the role of Zeus, as he was the son of Zeus, offers his fire to the centaurs through the leadership of Chiron. Thus the centaurs fight and the ones who accept Hercules win as their way of life was poisoned and thus they became Greeks. So Hercules became the representative of Zeus offer the fire to the cold centaurs through the enlightener Chiron who represents Prometheus and is poetically described to have suffered his fate, Chiron is like a second Prometheus as he takes his place as an enlightener who offers fire and warmth, dry warm dwellings amongst the Greeks. This image of Prometheus and Zeus as Hercules offering the fire obviously shows that the poetics secret teaching or truth hidden in poetic images truly is of a people joining the Greeks, thus the hydra and Nemean lionTask interpreted as warlike peoples Hercules had to quell to bring peace to the area now is beyond a doubt true.
The Olympic Games are said to have begun after the capture of the Erymanthian Boar. The games noted by the poets as Pelas idea made universal for all Greeks as a means to create peace and have the various Greeks compete peacefully using their skills gained in war and for other, like the javelin throw which is a useful war time skill, are appropriately created to help the Greeks become more peaceful with all Greeks and new Greek peoples like the centaurs. It was a means of unifying peoples into one people and having their immortal individuality assimilated into the one people. Thus the fear each had of each other would disappear as each competed for a branch of the holy olive tree, which according to the bible is the sacred tree that symbolises the Greeks. It is appropriate to start the games after the centaurs join the Greeks yet are feared as outsiders at first. The games lead to the unification of these people and acceptance of them as one people, thus eliminating the fear.

Task four Erymanthian Boar. Centaurs, Prometheus, Pandora, Tartarus, Centaurs as ancient pre Greek horse back riders and New Greek citizens.

Task four Erymanthian Boar. Centaurs, Prometheus, Pandora, Tartarus, Centaurs as ancient pre Greek horse back riders and New Greek citizens.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-07 - 23:37:28
Task four Erymanthian Boar. Centaurs, Prometheus, Pandora, Tartarus, Centaurs as ancient pre Greek horse back riders and New Greek citizens.
The fourth task was to capture the Erymanthian Boar. This bore was a frightening creature that lived on mount Erymanthus. It was considered another sacred creature of Artemis and the mistress of the animals. It is this take that begins to explain the higher purpose of the secret teachings of the 12 tasks. In this task Hercules goes to mount Erymanthus and feasts with Pholus. Pholus is a friendly centaur who is primitive and eats uncooked foods. His name refers to cavemen. Many have speculated that the post minion Mycenaean empire fell into barbarianism due to the influx of the Doreans, who knew how to smelt iron and ride horses. The Doreans were the first Greeks to tame the horse. The centaur is a primitive Greek image of a man riding a house, nightmarishly unified into one person. Thus the centaurs represent ancient peoples who road horses, primitive in their methods of food preparation. Hercules also went to mount Erymanthus to find Chiron to get advice as to how to capture the boar. Chiron was another centaur. Pholus had a jar of wine given to him as well as all centaurs of this mountain. Hercules convinced pholus to open the jar and the alcohol attracted all the centaurs that drank the wine without mixing it with water. The ancient Greeks use to cut their wine with water to avoid getting drunk too fast, this was considered a civilized practice the centaurs were obviously unaware off and this is another trait that shows that they were more primitive than the Greeks. After getting drunk on the wine the centaurs and Hercules fought and using poison arrows Hercules killed many before they retreated. Chiron was curious as to the reasons that the arrows killed so easily that picking one up he accidentally dropped the poison arrow on his foot, literally shooting himself in the foot. Chiron was immortal and felt the pain of the poison without dieing. His agony was so great he desired to give up his immortality, liberate Prometheus from Tartarus where he was shackled top a rock and had his guts eaten out by eagles every day, regenerating over night to be re-eaten again. For the guilt of the enlightenment dissipated with sleep but returned when one reawake and became conscious again. Tartarus was the punishment place of true evil people as Hades was the place of the dead and after life for the common selfish person. In some tales Prometheus was not chained to a stone in Tartarus but elsewhere. Prometheus was chained to the stone as punishment for stealing Zeus fire and giving it to the primitive cave dwellers. Cave dwellers like the centaurs. Chiron finally frees Prometheus and begins being devoured by the eagles that tormented Prometheus. Hercules then kills the birds as. Chiron’s release of Prometheus is part of his surrender of his immortality. Thus the immortal Chiron enters the punishment place of the dead, to free the titan who gave his people fire and enlightenment. Hercules saves him from the same punishment. The punishment is the guilt an enlightener like Prometheus gained upon realising that he gave primitive people a tool which could be used to do evils like smelt weapons. However Prometheus received a gift, a Pandora. Pandora his with was a gift from the gods and her name means the all gift. However she came with a curiosity. This curiosity led to realising the true miseries of the world and the hope needed to over come them. Prometheus gets a gift from God that is a gift of all gifts, but that all gifts came with the understanding and knowledge of all the miseries of the peoples the gift represented, as the gift came with a curiosity and desire to know all peoples and their ways, including religion, as one universal way. The stone he was chained to is the earthly punishment he suffered due to the guilt caused by the earthly desires and ways caused his gift of fire and enlightenment to cause misery. Thus Dionysus, which means the two islands in Greek, led to a freedom of the old enlightenment top the enlightenment of Chiron who enlightened Hercules to the capture of the boar. The fearful boar is the symbol of the divine gift of the peoples represented by the centaurs. The bore was Artemis gift to them, yet it caused the peoples to be feared. However it was Dionysus gift of wine that led to the fight with the centaurs and the surrender of the immortal breed of the centaurs to Hercules. This tale marks the end of the individual breed of people represented by the centaurs, who were as old as the tale of Prometheus and the capture of the boar represents the assimilation of these people into the Greeks. The boar was captured in the snow as Chiron told Hercules. It was driven into the snow. This may represent the fact that the centaurs existed in Greece prior to the last ice age. It was this ice age that wreaked them and allowed the Greeks to dominate the area, this might also represent that it was the cold and civilized manner of home building that helped Hercules convince the centaurs to join the Greeks. Once captured the boar was returned to the king who feared it and ran for cover. The Greeks feared the barbarian centaurs and could not easily accept them as the king told Hercules to take the boar away. The king begged Hercules to get rid of the boar as the Greeks like many unenlightened peoples of all nations often beg for immigrants and other peoples to be taken away from them. Hercules of course does not get rid of the boar and makes the people of centaurs Greeks. This of course also causes the backlash of his death, but I will save that for the closeting tale concerning Hercules after I finish the twelve tasks.The snow represents. Thus the fourth task concerns the conquering of some ancient feared people as p[art of a peaceful assimilation, enlightenment of these people ands acceptance into Greek culture as Greeks , though some feared them, Chiron's ordeal is the enlightenment that helps Hercules bring the centaurs into the fold of Greek people.Centaur in Greek means thundering one, ad it was coined to reflect the thundering sounds of hoofs to people unaccustomed to horses.It was Chiron who advised Hercules that his people could be convinced to join the Greeks and lose their immortal individuality and helped poison his people by the lesson of the Greek’s having ways to protect his people from the cold, thus driving the bore into the cold and snow captured the boars heart by having the bore and the centaurs it represented desiring to become Greeks and benefit from their dwellings and moving from the cold caves. This lesson caused Chiron’s guilt to become like Prometheus, eaten by guilt, which Hercules gets rid of by helping his people improve and become fully Greek though some Greeks feared them and did not want them to become equal Greeks at first. Though in the end these peoples became Greeks and their gift of hunting boars that symbolised them became part of the Greeks.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The third task or hind or doe of Ceryneian, the horned one, earth cults and the need to include not assimilate them as equals in the Greek pantheon.

The third task or hind or doe of Ceryneian, the horned one, earth cults and the need to include not assimilate them as equals in the Greek pantheon.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-07 - 20:02:53
The third task or hind or doe of Ceryneian, the horned one, earth cults and the need to include not assimilate them as equals in the Greek pantheon.
The third task was the capturing of the hind of Ceryneian. A hind is a type of deer, or doe to be exact, and ruminant eater. Hercules is said to have chased this hind through out Greece for a year, including the areas of Thrace, Istria and the land of the Hyperboreans. The hind was said to be to fast to be taken down by an arrow. The hind was Artemis' sacred animal. Artemis was the goddess of the hunt. The word Artimes means sacred gift. The arta of heaven are the gifts of heaven, To the ancients having the animals to be hunted were gifts from heaven, So the hind represents a sacred gift from the goddess of sacred gifts. Its antlers were golden and its hoofs made of bronze or brass.
It is said Hercules finally caught the hind after it ran out of energy and needed to drink water, in later renditions it is said he used a non poisonous arrow to capture it but the original tales say it ran out of steam and was captured. The hind is the horned one, the sacred symbol of earth cults like the wicca, Hercules chased the cults of the horned one through greece and outlaying areas. They were too many and scattered to be taken down by any arrow. In fact the hind represented an idea that could not be shot by an arrow, but had to be chased down and captured. In other words hercules collected the ideas of these cults but upon returning king Eurystheus the hind fled the second Hercules handed him over and it is said hercules said, you were not quick enough to capture the hind. In other words the ideas of these ancient ideas and horned one were too quick for the king to over power or assimilate, rather Hercules understood them and they were free to continue being their own religions , while being unified with the herculean idea of divinity and not simply made a part of the older cults of greece. In other words hercules assimilated the earth cults into a new idea of divinity and as well as the religion of the greeks represented by Eurystheus, though the old religion could not capture the essence of these cults without hercules ideas of divinity, the old religion could not assimilate the ideas as it was not smart or quick enough, though using hercules ideas the and his new ideas of divinity the greek and earth cults of the horned ones and the cults of Artemis were made equal parts of a greater idea of the divine, not as much assimilated but unified as equal parts of the greater religion of Zeus and God. The cults of the horned one and Artemis were beyond the realms of the greek olympic God head till made equal parts of the overall olympic godheads religion.

Nemean lion helps clarify Lamean hydra, course of book outlined. Hades and what it takes to be heroes and go to a heaven or paradise. Why being heroes

Nemean lion helps clarify Lamean hydra, course of book outlined. Hades and what it takes to be heroes and go to a heaven or paradise. Why being heroes is the lesson of all religions, as being a hero means being good and virtuous.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-07 - 18:55:36
Nemean lion helps clarify Lamean hydra, course of book outlined. Hades and what it takes to be heroes and go to a heaven or paradise. Why being heroes is the lesson of all religions, as being a hero means being good and virtuous.
After examining the Nemean lion one gets a clearer picture of the problem Hercules dealt with called the hydra, The nine heads were terrorising the Lamean area and unsettling Greeks in the area. One also realises that Hercules had to make his own arrows, these arrows were wooden. Hence they would have had difficulty penetrating the lions armour. The introduction of this armour called a lions lain or skin was marked by the conquering of the bandits of Nemea.It is also true that those who try to improve their society and eliminate corruption create a better people overall. These are heroes; Heroes go and stand on the plain of Gods, the Elysian Fields. This was ancient Greece’s heaven and Hades was the place the dead went if they were like most folks back then greedy and selfish, there everyone of their desires was amplified without satisfaction, this was to purge them of their selfish desires, You ate not caring of others so starve in Hades without being able to satisfy that hunger so you might learn to be generous and not selfish later. Heroes were considered more virtuous then vicious, they did more good than evil, which was the opposite of the common person who was more greedy and vicious than virtuous and considerate of others. Thus Heroes went to heaven. One innovation of the religions today is that they teach one to be virtuous and benevolent, more caring and good to be, even in a minor way, a heroes and not one of those selfish vicious people needing to be purged in Hades.
I will now analyse a few more of the tasks Hercules accomplished. The tasks are the various things Hercules had to do within the areas of the Greeks to stabilise the peoples and help them unify into a strong people. They also mark exceptional advancements in Greek culture. After Hercules I will look at the myth of Alexander the great and his sister Thessalonica. . The analysis is the first of its kind exposing the truth of Alexander; shrouded in myth and legend after so many centuries I will unearth what remained hidden from common history.Proceeding from there I will begin writing in the style of the first book as there are a few things that will elaborate the work of the second book and help further the overall project of both books. This will focus the work as I begin to examine more ideas of other myths and religions.

The job of the enlightened and divinely blessed transcendent as the elimination of corruption and reinterpretation of misconception that lead to relig

The job of the enlightened and divinely blessed transcendent as the elimination of corruption and reinterpretation of misconception that lead to religions straying from the originators ideas.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-02 - 22:04:50
The job of the enlightened and divinely blessed transcendent as the elimination of corruption and reinterpretation of misconception that lead to religions straying from the originators ideas.
Hercules returns with the armour and gets to keep one for himself. A breast plate would have been impervious to both arrows and swords made of softer metals. The fact Hercules had to choke the lion suggests the neck area of the armour was exposed. Moreover, Hercules introduces the new armour to the Greeks and shows a shift or new innovation taken from the non peaceful peoples pacified. Furthermore, What one learns from this tale as a messiah or anointed of God, and there were many in history, redeems religions and makes them peaceful as new ideas of divinity are used to explain and pacify the misconceptions of the old religions that have gained misconceptions based on unenlightened people adding or corrupting beliefs. The Jains call this the recontemporisation and reinterpretation of religion necessary to be done by the transcendent and enlighten to return the religious ideas to their original divine ideas. Nowadays our record keeping and dissemination of ideas is better, yet mass media disseminates ideas that help add and sometimes corrupt ideas. Another thing divinely blessed people try to do is eliminate corruption like eliminating bandits or people terrorizing areas. Hercules tasks are mythologically poetic expressions of his peaceful endeavours to make the areas Greeks lived in safe and peaceful. In the same way Rama the incarnation of the face of God(s) or angel called Vishnu was created to fight the corruption of his day. Christ is said to have come to save us as we went astray.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Nemean lion, the terrorist raiders or bandits of Nemea and Hera's plan to have Hercules change the areas of the Greeks into peaceful peoples worsh

The Nemean lion, the terrorist raiders or bandits of Nemea and Hera's plan to have Hercules change the areas of the Greeks into peaceful peoples worshiping the god head of mount Olympus.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-02 - 21:28:35
The Nemean lion, the terrorist raiders or bandits of Nemea and Hera's plan to have Hercules change the areas of the Greeks into peaceful peoples worshiping the god head of mount Olympus.
The Nemea lion is said to have had different origins depending on who told its tale. Some claimed it was the offspring of , Typhon and Echidna, a sibling of the hydra, and others that it was a offspring of Zues and the moon(Seleni) a third version says it was the child of a chimera.The lion was not a mortal ordinarry felian, it was said to be immortal and imprevious to weapons. Its skin was said to make it invulnerable. The lion is considered a royal symbol of authority, the arrows hercules used could not penatrate the skin or armour of those the lion represented. These were bandits or tribes people who terrorised Nemea. On his way to find the lion Hercules stayed at a farm workers house who agreed to sacrifice a lion to bless hercules task, hercules asked him to wait 30 days and sacrife the lion only if he returned or sacrife himself if he did not. In some takes these sacrifes were completely the will of the farm worker named Molorchus. Hercules tracked the moster lion and trapped him in lions cave lair, by sealing one entrance, and then strangling the beast, he then returned with the pelt to Molorchus and sacrificed with him to Zues. Thus this tale portrays a conflict between peoples in namea. The peoples represented by the immortal lion were not immortal as the lion is killed in the tale, but rather inprevious to the weapons used against them due to their arm,our or skin. The sacrife Molorchus was to make to bless the task was representative of the previous religion that dominated the area and it entailed human sacrifice, after Hercules and the people he represented were abvle to kill the foes in armour, the bandits terrorising the area by choking and bludging them at close range, thus penetrating their armour, the return to the farm worker on the 30th day repr4esents the religious freedom from the old arts of the bandits or people represented by the liuon and the analgeration of the new religion of Zues., ending the human sacrifices costom to the area and represented by the authority of the immortal lion, an authority which wained after their irradication. This idea coincides with the idea that hercules killed the two snalkes of the older celtic earth cults and resserected them as Eras son, Era being the earth godess in the sky, not the godess of the earth but the mo0ther godess sharing her riegn with the father God zues.Hewrcules changed the religious practices of the greeks into more peaceful rituals. The earth godesses represented by the snamakes is both dimetra, the womb of God and era the godess.Both presisted but in a more peaceful understanding that coincided more with the peacefiul nature they opriginally accorded with before being currupted by unelightened practicioners. Hera sent the two snakes on purpose to cause this change as she sent hercules the rage to remove him from his complancy and have him seek the guildance that would lead to the tasks he became famous for, if you notice each task leads to the liberation of the greeks from peoples who wewre not peaceful and caused unrest in the area.

Lock ness, The Iliad and serpents eating those criticising "Greeks baring gifts" Avalon, King author and the lady of the lake.

Lock ness, The Iliad and serpents eating those criticising "Greeks baring gifts" Avalon, King author and the lady of the lake.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-31 - 20:54:18
Lock ness, The Iliad and serpents eating those criticising "Greeks baring gifts" Avalon, King author and the lady of the lake.
Errata Mary arthmea is Mary Arimathea.
Thronimos and fronimos, the latter the common modern way to say the word, are interchangable.
Edra might be equated to the way the word bureau is used in the SA. Federal bureau of investigations (FBI) The word bureau as the word Edra (idras) entails authority. A bureau is a desk or a furnishing one keeps things in, usually with drawers.
The ancient Greeks, like Many Races, considered old races to a region to control the doors to the underworld their people went to, thus the hydra protected the watery entrance to the Lema Celts and the lake that might have ritualistically buried their people, but not necessarily.
Twp other tales came to mind today that i.e. into the story of the hydra.
In the Iliad when the Trojan horse was brought to Troy's walls and left there, two serpents come out of the waters and kill the Trojan who claimed " beware of Greeks baring gifts" as well as his son with him.
This was taken as a sign that the Gods wanted the Trojans to bring the wooden horse, with Greek soldiers hidden inside, into troy.
The second has to do with the land of the lake found is Celtic lore, Wicca and Arthurian mythos. The lady of the lake was to some the goddess of the lake, to pothers the guardian of the lake. Loch ness is the key to understanding the lady of the lake. She guarded the waters around Avalon (Avalon ion Celtic means apple). Excalibur and lancelets anti magic ring were said to have been forged on the island. The lady of the lake brought author to the island where was healed, rather than died as later medieval legends would have you believe. The lady of the lake reaches her arm up and catches Excalibur after it is returned to the lake. It is this hand that ferries author to Avalon. Though many imagine a water goddess or water elemental, the lady of the lake is a majestic guardian of the waters around Avalon and looks like a large arm coming out of the water. To those who have seen her up-close she looks like a bold lady, but from a distance the neck and head look like an arm and hand, that reaches up and the open mouth is an open hand that grabs Excalibur in the mouth taking it away. Now was there more than one nessy on the British Isles or is this a clue as to the location of Avalon? Remember great descriptive have been forged to describe the lady of the lake since the first descriptions, though vague; outline a gentile creature like Loch ness.
I will look at the next Herculean task later tonight or in a day or so.

More on edra, and idra, dictators and thrania or vassals, or the tamed of the dictator’s idra.

More on edra, and idra, dictators and thrania or vassals, or the tamed of the dictator’s idra.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-30 - 23:09:29
More on edra, and idra, dictators and thrania or vassals, or the tamed of the dictator’s idra.
A teacher or professor has an edra as the students have thrania which means to be thronimi or tame. Vassals. Thus edra or idra means throne as in leadership verses the thronimi or tamed under its authority. The word dictator means teacher, a dictator would have an edra, as a school or political region would have many edres.
Though Hercules first task was to use fiery missile weapons to dram the thronimi out of the thrania of lema, it took razing to complete the task. Lema was a very large lake that its people surrounded and they were so ancient they were considered keepers of the dead. The namean lion and Cerberus are considered siblings of the edra, thus their takes must be of the same type of peoples.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A closer focus on the hydra-hydra as edbra, lemaean, details of feat.

A closer focus on the hydra-hydra as edbra, lemaean, details of feat.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-30 - 22:48:22
A closer focus on the hydra
Before I get to the next task of Hercules lets focus a bit more on the previous task, the hydra. In Greek hydra or idra means seat in one of the ancient dialects. Edra is its modern version. It means seat or chair as babel means seat or throne of God. However it was located in Lane. The myth grew to represent a monster that guarded the underworlds watery entrance. This is symbolic of the ancient pre Greek Celtics who ruled the area. The area has been found to predate the Mycenaean Greeks, and the Mycenaean’s were forged as a result of Hercules peaceful nature and unification of the desperate Greek tribes into one peoples. Hercules tried killing the beast but more Heads grew as I have already explained this was more rulers or chairs. Hercules solicits the help of his nephew who brands each head with a fiery brand, meaning razing the area and taking control. Cause one could not take control of an area without new rulers popping up in the self subsistable and unified kingdom area. One burnt and branded as Greek the hydra dies. Its immortal head or main chair is buried beneath stone to end the symbol of its empire. This head was not just burnt and branded but buried too. The peoples of this area used either a venom or the venom Hercules gained from this made his arrows deadlier. Hercules here symbolises more than one person’s feat. The burning arrows he uses to flush the idra out represent his attacks on the people of this area but not a main strategy of capturing it as swords were used. Hercules genius becomes an illustrated myth as the armies which used the strategy the truth hidden as history within the myth.
I will post the next Herculean task tomorrow, including a task that includes a lion as tasks of Hercules

The hydra further explicated.

The hydra further explicated.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-25 - 16:56:56
To clarify the idea of the hydra. 9 kings were associated into one empire, colonies were controlled by one of the nine, even if one kingdom was cut off, the infrastructure of the empire or association necessitated a new king for the colonies of the other kingdom as the rules would not allow any of the kings to usurp the colonies of the other: This eliminated fighting amongst them. Cut one king off or a colony and cause a new one to come into existence from the holdings of the one head or king.
Till next week.

Heracles’ (Hercules’) task of killing the hydra

Heracles’ (Hercules’) task of killing the hydra

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-25 - 16:47:30
At first the hydra is described as a monster that had nine heads and cutting one of the heads off made two grow in its place. It took fire to destroy the head and not have two grow back. This is an analogy for a military tactic. The hydra was a symbol of a sea fairing Celtic nation. Traditionally dragons, like hydra, were used by nations, esp. Celts, to symbolise thier nation. If one cut off one of the colonies from one of the seven heads of this empire you would cause the cut off colony to put someone in charge and thus gain a new head or leader to the colonial empire of the hydra. The only way to avoid this was to raze the colony rather than cutting it off, each colony was top self sufficient to be blockaded and destroyed. This sea faring association or empire had 9 leaders or centers at the time Hercules started his tasks. They were impinging on the Greeks and cutting them off from the body of the association forced a new center or leadership to crop up. Razing was the only way to truly destroy a colony and avoid it becoming a new kingdom in the association or empire of the hydra, thus razing by fire was the only way to stop the hydra from growing a new head thus the one kingdom whose colony it was would not suddenly have two heads.
I will look at more Heraclean tasks next week.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Heracles truth versus the dramatic inclusion of the popularized idea that Heracles was a murderer.

Heracles truth versus the dramatic inclusion of the popularized idea that Heracles was a murderer.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-25 - 16:12:25
Heracles truth versus the dramatic inclusion of the popularized idea that Heracles was a murderer.
The second book seems to have developed into a manual to assist people unraveled the misconceptions indicated in the first text and helps them unify the various religious ideas into universal doctrines.
The popular story of Heracles claimed to be the traditional story of Heracles (in Latin Hercules) is that he married King Creon’s daughter Megara who bore him three sons: Therimachus, Deicoon and Creontiades. Some later Greek poets and writers claimed that Heracles killed his wife and sons in a fit of rage and madness inflicted on him by Hera. However in much older tales Heracles went into an e but both his wife Magara and three sons fled. Megara married again. Heracles felt so sorry that he was unable to control his anger and lost his family due to his rage that he went to the oracle of Delphi to find strength and repentance for his act of rage. Delphi told him that the strength, control and repentance he sought could be achieved by serving his cosine c Eurystheus, king of Tiryns and Mycenae. King Eurysium was to devise ten tasks for Heracles to achieve and later they became known as twelve tasks. The \oracle knew that Hercules would achieve everything he desired including become famous by completing these tasks.
Thus Heracles story became popular with the poetic and dramatic inclusion of a murder that was not part of the original history of the great peacemaker and hero who had the divine gift of being more powerful that many men put together, that he was more powerful than anyone. In Greek the word for strength is the word for power. The idea that Hercules sought the control and redemption to his madness was not as dramatically popular than the truth that Hercules did not murder anyone. It was more his anguish over losing control and his desire to appease the gods for that punishment of rage that sent him to the oracle and to accomplish the tasks he became so famous for.

Drama and poetry: old stories new renditions.

Drama and poetry: old stories new renditions.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-24 - 22:00:00
Drama and poetry: old stories new renditions.
In many places familiar tales that everyone knows become redone and sometimes altered. We go to movies to see a version of Romeo and Juliet, not because we want to see a story whose ending is unfamiliar to us, but to see how this version was acted out and what literary and theatrical differences are added or removed from the story.Shakespeare for instance often took tales and dramatized them in forms that were not the same as the tales the material was sourced from. In ancient times the audience was no different and people often went to the theater to see the same old story presented in a new way. The poets often added to the mythology established and this is no different than tales like Ulysses on the beach. No more odd than watching Hercules take on many new adventures in a movie or TV series.
I will post what was added to Hercules for dramatic purposes tomorrow.

Rama-sita, Ramayana and things writers add to myth causing later versions to be less accurate to their origin.

Rama-sita, Ramayana and things writers add to myth causing later versions to be less accurate to their origin.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-24 - 20:02:25
Rama-sita, Ramayana and things writers add to myth causing later versions to be less accurate to their origin.
Another problem that arises in myth as time goes by people rewrite the classic myth and adds things to the story that changes its meaning. Sometimes poets and writers do this to make their version different and worth reading, sometimes they do so to add dramatic flare, esp. if they are trying to write a drama and make it more stage dramatic.A good example of this is Ramayana which tells of the tale of Rama and Sita. Rama ids the incarnation of Vishnu and was born when his mother drank a holy essence. Sita fell in love with him and secretly always knew that he represented God. Rama and Sita go through an adventure that includes a trip through a magic forest. A demon, or as the Bagavagita calls them an evil person damned to suffer many incarnations after death on another lower plain, organises evil armies as Rama organises good people to fight the demons army. Rama and his army triumphs over the evil army and in the original tale he and Sita live happily ever after. However newer versions of this tale include Rama sending Sita away at the end. This was added much later to the tale and has become one of the standard readings of the Ramayana. However this tragic end to the standard story is neither justified by the entire tale nor found in its earlier predecessors.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kane was blessed and the ritual worked.

Kane was blessed and the ritual worked.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-17 - 13:54:03
Kane was blessed and the ritual worked.
I should have added this
Abel was given a blessing and power by God. Kane and spoke in private and decided to do the ritual to have Kane share in the power When God asked Kane where able was, Kane was unable to say and asked god is he was his brothers keeper, so god blessed him by binding him to the earth, through which he unified with Abel to receive his powers. Kane's mark was a blessing and the mark proving the ritual worked and that he gained his powers through the earth. (In the movie the Doors, David Morrison, Doors' lead singer, shares in a blood ritual similar to Kane's and Abel's, introduced to him by a Wicca.). There are rituals like the Christ blood ritual that do not use blood but can achieve the same goal. Many religions use ritual and rituals like these...:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" />
( As a second book I had to reiterate a large portion of the kane and abel book from the above first book, however one cannot assume a new aufiance would be aware of the first text)

Abel was not killed, and Kane was blessed by a mark of God.

Abel was not killed, and Kane was blessed by a mark of God.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-17 - 13:25:35
Abel was not killed, and Kane was blessed by a mark of God.
Last one for this week
Abel was not killed; he simply partook in a ritual similar to blood brothers. Abel then went off and when God asked Kane if he could tell where he was based on the abilities he thought he gained through sharing in Abels blood, Kane said no am I my brother’s keeper? Meaning should the blood ritual or blood brothering have allowed me that power? God then marked him. Kane was blessed and did gain divine sanction of powers based on gods marking of him. Some had also frowned on Abel for allowing himself to be part of the ritual and thus Seth was considered the redemption of that ritual consented to by both brothers. The ritual is not murderous and both Kane and able lived, one with a divine power gained while a walk with god, Abel’s name contains the el that all angels names do and Kane who gained grace through god top be an earth god. Micheal. Which means he who is like God (or the light, as El means light)) and Gabriel he who sends god (or the light) Both earth and divine grace are good and necessary to like Enoch unify and bind both together and get to walk with God. Christians share the wine water and bread of Holy Communion for the same idea of sharing in the grace of Christ. It is believed by many that it becomes by divine mystery or magic the real blood of Christ Some Wicca still practice this ritual of blood ritual and sharing in each others blood for union, communion, grace and a sharing of powers. .

Saturday, August 23, 2008

More Kane and Abel and the source of the ritual killing and eating to gain the power of Abel.

More Kane and Abel and the source of the ritual killing and eating to gain the power of Abel.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-17 - 13:02:02
More Kane and Abel and the source of the ritual killing and eating to gain the power of Abel.In the bible the idea to murder Kane literally comes from the idea of killing an animal and eating it to gain nourishment and strength from it. Black magic is this type of prayer to kill something so you can eat it and gain its strength or nourishment for yourself. Thus Kane killed Abel in a ritual to eat his blood and gain strength from it to gain the strength spiritually. This is the origin of this ritual, because Kane did not try to get his gift the hard way as Abel did, by proving himself to god on his own, he was considered illegitimate and bound to the earth not god for his power.This is the interpretation that leads to an understand of can and Abel sharing a black magic ritual, why some frowned on Kane but he was not considered evil, nor did anything evil.

Metaphors, ancient terms versus modern refined explanations and interpretation.

Metaphors, ancient terms versus modern refined explanations and interpretation.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-17 - 12:51:16
(I reiterated a few ideas in the previous section from the first book to explain how one interprets ancient stories)
The book of Enoch is an old text, it is written in an older language not as refined as modern opens are. Certain terms used represent ideas that do not reflect their meaning as easily to a modern audience. The word murder or kill used actually means to cut with blade. Cursed means marked and bound, which actually was a blessing, to eat of the dusk of the earth means bound to the earth. The children of angels were the arts sired by them. Socrates uses the same idea of birth to describe siring a new idea. The new synthesized redeemed art forms created by Enoch are considered his children.When one is interpreting myth and chronicles of divine or normal deeds one has to remember that not every term means the narrow meaning well refined languages would give a similar term. For us sacrifice and blood rituals are described more precisely to avoid confusion. Ideas like using concepts of births for art s and ideas became a metaphor for us, but many ancients had no other words to describe it.

Ideas lost due to dark ages, Greeks predating appearance of dark skin

Ideas lost due to dark ages, Greeks predating appearance of dark skin

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-10 - 22:40:23
Cronos is from the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age.
Many of the ideas that founded Christianity and many religions were lost during the dark ages. This includes ideas like Christ connection to Er and Socrates as well as the connection to myth that is so often reiterated as oral tradition, For instance the golden apple of Ideas lost due to dark ages, Greeks predating appearance of dark skin Greek mythology that is actually a fruit of life was equated with the fruit of knowledge in the bible , which was a fig and can be determined so by the fact the leaves from this tree were used to make the apron or cloths Adam and eve first clothed themselves in after eating the fruit. Many think it’s an apple, but the connection of the fruit of knowledge with the golden apple was made , forgotten and assumed to be common knowledge though no one knows why, till now.
The ancient Greeks have a myth concerning when dark skin begins to energy e after the ice age. Apollo let his son Helios drive the chariot which was the sun. He drove it to close to the people in the southern hemisphere and they were darkened. Thus the ancient Greeks predate he time some humans began having darker skin because the sun got hotter. During the ice age all places on the earth were so cool, that everyone had gone white. Oriental skin is slightly darker than Caucasian skin.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pantheon god heads of Zeus and Cronos. Stone age Greeks. St Paul converting people to Christ the newest twin of Zeus, two witness as you and God.

Pantheon god heads of Zeus and Cronos. Stone age Greeks. St Paul converting people to Christ the newest twin of Zeus, two witness as you and God.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-10 - 18:09:34
Pantheon god heads of Zeus and Cronos. Stone age Greeks. St Paul converting people to Christ the newest twin of Zeus, two witness as you and God.
After researching into the state of the Mediterranean 10000 years ago, I discovered quite a bit of it was dry due to the ice age. A lot of low lying areas were flooded.
The ancient Greeks are a very old people. They predate the ice age. According to Greek myth Cronos had created people/ who called them selves Greeks. Cronos’ humans picked up stones and throw them behind them and there a [people grew. This myth tells of the Stone Age Greeks who used stones as tools and called god after their avatar Cronos. Titan means do this, as in the Slavic word Titos.Thus titan means dictator or first rulers. Cronos religion had assimilated 7 deities till Zeus freed them and created the 12 god godhead of the Greek religion. In the time Cronos represented god the seven deities were considered emanations of Cronos and not separate yet unified parts of the same god. For instance Apollo was a deity or apparition of Cronos and was worshipped as Cronos representative.By the time Zeus was considered the face of the judgment of god, the twelve gods were all considered Dions or twins of the same god and part of the same godhead yet each was considered separate from the representative DiĆ³s, or Zeus. Dyes and all the gods were Theous or twins of god as they represented God or Dion .Thus the more refined ancient Greek Zeus godhead included the twin avatar Zeus as the judge father representative of Dios and his wife Hera who represented the goddess and the other aspects or faces of god . The gods beyond the twelve in the godhead represented aspects of god created from avatars and characters of the same God.You can see why people like Socrates claimed that there was one ultimate god and the poets confused things by anthropomorphizing the gods and confusion the Greeks even further.
But examine St. Paul who went to a festival pf Zeus and Hermes to convert people. He screamed why believe in a dead Zeus and not the living one, the avatar born like the Greek gods Hercules , Theseus and others of divine immaculate conception. To the ancient Greeks this was the newest avatar of Zeus and an easy god to accept. In fact, the Greeks still call god or Theos, from Dios and thus still believe Christ is the son of the same Theos as Hercules.Often one has to figure out when Dios in a tale is god and when the avatar.Like Christ both are claimed to represent and be god. That is why Dios means two, the avatar and the God, for as the bible says the two witnesses is you and God.

The peaceful reasons for the opening of the dam of the Pillars of Hercules, the return of an atlan to rule ship after Hercules and Mormons' quote for

The peaceful reasons for the opening of the dam of the Pillars of Hercules, the return of an atlan to rule ship after Hercules and Mormons' quote for monogamy.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-04 - 20:05:32
The peaceful reasons for the opening of the dam of the Pillars of Hercules, the return of an atlan to rule ship after Hercules and Mormons' quote for monogamy.
Hercules was not trying to conquer the Mediterranean, rather free the Greeks from the dominance of the other peoples to allow them to unify. The rise of Mycenaean was a result of this freedom the Greeks found based on the disempowerment of the dominate people whose subjugation did not allow the peaceful union of the Greeks into one peoples. This peaceful end was Hercules goal in opening the Pillars of Hercules and allowing the waters to flow through and cause flooding.
In the original legend atlas invites Hercules to hold up the sky because he was as powerful (strong) then Hercules had to fool him into holding the sky up again. This points out that the Greeks were invited to take rule of Atlantis. Hercules who journeyed on ship to Atlantis was put in charge. After ruling the area as Greeks, Hercules gave the rule ship to an atlan, be they of Greek or atlan descent, might have been an Atlan like Cleopatra, a Greek pharaoh; a Greek atlan?. Hercules and the Greeks had to fool the Atlanteans into accepting a leader called an atlan, rather than settling for the Greeks and Hercules as their leaders.
Appendage for the first bookAccording to the book of Mormons in Jacob chapter too it is written that everyman will marry one woman and have no bound concubines, or women forced to be mates for sexual pleasure to any one man. This does not change the consensual sexual relationships I have mentioned above and the secret teaching of the end of Sodom. The book of moron is explicit that one binds only one woman in marriage and none for sexual pleasure, but makes no reference to sexual partners not bound and consenting as mentioned abo0ve.
posting intro in an hour

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mediterranean flooding, Tolkien, Middle earth, Aztec legends of gods, Pillars of Hercules, St Patrick, Delphi. Pythias or clerics called snake.

Mediterranean flooding, Tolkien, Middle earth, Aztec legends of gods, Pillars of Hercules, St Patrick, Delphi. Pythias or clerics called snake.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-03 - 22:55:20
Mediterranean flooding, Tolkien, Middle earth, Aztec legends of gods, Pillars of Hercules, St Patrick, Delphi. Pythias or clerics called snake.
J. R. R. Tolkien borrowed the name of the Mediterranean and translated it into English for his novels hobbit and lord of the rings. The idea of the outer rime would thus be the Americas and what lied beyond the Mediterranean. The idea may have been inspired by the Celts and Irish who left by ship for the Americas. The Celts had occupied many parts of Europe and the Mediterranean just before the Greeks. In fact, blond and red hair natives descended of Irish and other peoples were found by the age of discovery explorers. Aztec legends of white gods who held up the sky and knew how to bring diseases to bare as weapons against them is the tale of the Greeks who took divine authority in Atlantis and left as the waters destroyed the region by flooding it completely. The word Gal found in places like Gallipoli( the city of the gals) Galicia( place of the gals) Galilee (of gals) are names that remember the gals in these places, Hercules may have been fighting gals and Celts. St Patrick got rid of the serpents from Ireland though no snakes are native to that soil. . Many earth mothers are depicted holding snakes in both hands and many Wicca, druids and Celt earth religions tattooed serpents on their arms and called themselves snakes or serpents. Thus, St. Patrick got rid of these religions and their clerics, many of which left by ship to the out realms of the Americas.In Delphi Apollo appeared as a dolphin, the area was called pythia and its clerics called Pythias, Pythia means snake and is rooted in the same origin as python. Thus the Greeks entered areas of Celts and merged with them, In fact the unified Greeks conquered Celtic lands after the flooding caused by Hercules as a strategy to disempower the empires that predated his unification of the Greeks. There were other peoples in the areas surrounding the Mediterranean. The Celts were one of the dominate people preceding the Greeks, in Greek history they are called the pre Greeks, the Egyptians are another early dominate people in the area.
Hercules would have had many Celtic empires around the world prior
The Mediterranean was already filled with water. But many low lying areas and the coastal towns began flooding due to the rising sea level and the Pillars of Hercules were built to stop the water from entering the sea and flooding a lot of populated areas on the coast and low lying areas of this sea. Once the pillars were destroyed the flood waters would have destroyed many coastal areas and many low areas, including valleys, thus destroying any empires that were not prepared for the flooding and/or depended on the pillars to keep their towns and cities dry. Hercules was the one that unified the separate and desperate Greek peoples into one people whose unified empire was called the Mycenaean’s. He marks and caused the rise of Greek power and authority in the world.
Ok intro will come next and I will post it into the archives, look for it tomorrow.

More Atlantis Hercules and Greek rule of the area and the Pillars of Hercules as a damn like the Bimini ridge to stop flooding from levels rising wate

More Atlantis Hercules and Greek rule of the area and the Pillars of Hercules as a damn like the Bimini ridge to stop flooding from levels rising waters due to ice age melting.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-03 - 22:03:05
Mediterranean or mesogaia means middle earth.
In Greek grammar one would say O atlas, the atlan, Oi atlan, the atlans or Oi Atloi. In some dialects of greece "s" and "n" are interchanged for the same word.Hercules is of the age in which the Greeks took over the rule of the Atlantis from the atlas or atlan.
Bimini ridge was built along the ridge of mountains, no\w the tops of these mountains are the Caribbean islands, that protected the lush low lands of Atlatean age gulf of Mexico. Like Egypt and Mesopotamia, Atlantis was one of the most fertile river valleys in the world. As water rose after the melting ice age, efforts were made by the atlanteans to build a damn like wall to stop the water from entering the valley. The efforts ceased after the waters rose to high in some areas along the wall, the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, esp. around Bimini ridge are very shallow and often are a few meters deep. The wall is strategically placed in a fashion to damn and stop the waters from entering the valley, they chose high points for it, but in some places the waters rose well over the limit of the atlanteans ability to damn it. Thus the valley sunk, first huge rivers entered the area segmenting the valley and low lands into three parts then eventually the entire valley was covered.
Around the time of Hercules a great damn had been built to stop the water from entering the valleys and low lands of the Mediterranean, however Hercules destroyed this dam as part of his effort to cause the Greeks to conquer the area, He caused mass flooding of the territories of his enemies in the valleys of the Mediterranean and then the Greeks took over, this was around the time Hercules took over atlas’ position of divine authority. For the sky was held up due to his authority, in English we say the sun shines only for him, to reflect the same idea of authority.

Atlantis in Gulf of Mexico, Bimini ridge, Atlas Greek for Atlan, Greek rule of atlan territory, Columbus & ancient trade with Americas, the catastroph

Atlantis in Gulf of Mexico, Bimini ridge, Atlas Greek for Atlan, Greek rule of atlan territory, Columbus & ancient trade with Americas, the catastrophe of Atlantis & end of ice age, the Basque - descended of Atlantis, Atlatean tech.

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-03 - 21:17:17
To exemplify, the mesogaia pr Mediterranean ocean is the sea in the middle of the earth, it is middle earth or the body of water that leads to all the lands surrounding the center of the earth. The Ionian Sea leads to the mainstay of Ionian colonies on the western shores of Greece. The Aegean, agaios, is the sea just above the center of the earth, of the center, a geos.
According to Plato, the Greeks and Egyptians had a debate as to the age of Atlantis, the land of the Atlans, and they estimated that it was 7000-10000 years before the time of that debate which was approximately at 300 be. Acc9ording to Plato the atlanteans caused a great catastrophe that led to the continent being broken into three parts and then later sinking. A documentary on Atlantis claimed that it was in South America and found a way to use the calculations mentioned by Plato to prove that it was actually located there and that it sunk when South America flooded for a bit. In fact, the est. time of the first catastrophe coincides with the begging of the end of the ice age. The catastrophe caused the ice age to end. The waters that were released from the melting glaciers made sea level rise. The Caribbean islands are the remnants of the mountain tops to a lush valley in the Gulf of Mexico. As sea level rose water began to enter this region as it began to flood the Mediterranean as well. The occupants of the gulf of Mexico valley were separated into three separate parts based on this flooding They built a ridge to try to stop the flooding from completely covering the valley, this was is now called Bimini ridge. In the show in search of, descriptions of the pyramids and device technologies of the atlanteans are described, many ultrasound photographs prove edifices exist in the Gulf of Mexico; One diver during a storm entered a pyramid in which he found a crystal that is anti magnetic and repels metal. Above it was a rod with a smaller crystal. He retrieved the larger crystal before the sentiment resettled and recovered the ruins. These crystals were used to create energy and may have been unstable enough to cause the catastrophe, but normal global warming would have caused the glaciers to melt. Mayan temple schematics of micro chips and electrical circuitry prove that technology in this area of the world was as greatly developed as the legends of Atlantis claim. Some claim the Basque of Spain are remnant colonies of Atlantis as their language is not of Indo-European descent but rather is akin to those of South America. Tribes in Brazil and the Aleutian islands speak languages related to the Basque language. Bask maps were used by Columbus and America Vesputi, the person whose name was used top coin the name America, to navigate to the Americans. Basque ships were found in Labrador and new found land as well as edifices used while fishing in the grand banks. In the Caribbean stones with Phoenician writing were found as well as Greek trireme, Egyptian artifacts. The Americas were always visited by those is other countries in the world, Columbus simply discovered the lands for the Europeans of his time and popularized their location. Everyone from the Irish to the Hindus, Chinese Polynesians and Japanese have landed on these shores, the east Asian movement in Alaska and British Columbia are proof that Asian type spear heads appear in the western Americas long after the ice age, remnants of oriental fishing villages were found in these areas. Egyptian mummies were found with tobacco in them; the tobacco came from the Americas and was used in hopes to achieve immortality like the first pharaohs who achieved them. One root from Europe to the Americas was through the Pillars of Hercules and up past Iceland, green land to new found land, a rout Greeks, Romans, Irish, Celts, Vikings and others used. The other was down along Africa and across the Atlantic island hoping during the calm water seasons. Africans also used this root and many of the early universities on the western coast predating those in Europe have evidence of western travels and trade.Atlas was the Greek name for atlan and the myths that include this Atlantean leader, like Hercules who held the world or sky up for him, proves the Greeks traded and interacted with the atlanteans. In fact the tale of Hercules proves the Greeks came to dominate the world after the Atlanteans. Atlas’ empire or the Atlantean empire was so great and world wide we now name the geographical books containing maps of the world atlases. However, domination and map making, which the atlanteans did make, are two different things and both Greeks atlanteans and others made maps of the world based on trade and journeys of discovery rather than just domination. Atlas holding up the sky represents his divine authority in his area and Hercules taking over from him portrays the Greeks taking over the area and people, after the rule of atlas.
intro to first book in the first archives blog post next.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008



by valpetridis @ 2008-05-03 - 00:30:18
The ancient Greeks always named seas after the colonies they led to; Pontus was the black sea that led to the colony of Pontus. The legendary city of Atlantis was said to have been past the Pillars of Hercules, or what is now known as Gibraltar. The Atlantic Ocean was named that because it leads to Atlantis. The rulers of the Olmecs, Aztecs and Mayans were called Atlans. Atlantis or atlandida in Greek means the land of the atlans. So Atlantis was in the Americas.
I will post the the intro in the first blog entry, at the beggining of this blog, in a day or so, want to give it proper grace, I will post more on atlantis in a day or so.

Karl Jung, collective unconscious, Ezekiel, Hegel’s absolute spirit, Socrates one human psyche or soul and cabalist theories of collectives

Karl Jung, collective unconscious, Ezekiel, Hegel’s absolute spirit, Socrates one human psyche or soul and cabalist theories of collectives

by valpetridis @ 2008-05-01 - 22:54:39
Karl Jung, collective unconscious, Ezekiel, Hegel’s absolute spirit, Socrates one human psyche or soul and cabalist theories of collectives.
Carle Jung was Sigmund Freud’s student. Freud admitted something that made him look unenlightened and spiritually a child, he claimed he never felt the ecstasy, the oceanic vastness that makes one feel large. Ecstasy means vastness or area in Greek. Karl Jung borrowed his idea of a super ego or the internalized persona of rules and laws within oneself and superimposed it onto the larger society as a whole and called it the collective unconscious. This overarching law is called God by the Calvinists who focus on the idea of god being the overall laws of society. Jung believed that it was more than laws, but ideas that superimposed itself collectively on society. If some one can learn to tie their shoe laces the condition of someone else doing so is there to cause them to independently learn to tie their show laces. Through Jung frauds ideas take full fruition as universal divine doctrine.” One must believe in the old gods as much as the new gods” Jung said concerning new faces and names of God and the avatars of god.The cabalists believe that every people are a collective within a larger collective of humanity. To take this one step further, collectives of animal genii, specious, societies and groups within that society can constitute collectives. The planet, solar system, galaxy and universe, worlds, dimensions, plains and continuums have collectives and ranges of the existence of those within those collectives. The spirit of each collective can also include beings from other collective, to be of the spirit of the bear and share in that collective is to be an eye or being. Becoming liked causes this unity, being an avatar is to represent this spirit. To the Hebrew cabalists each nation is a female collective to God's male seeding, god puts seeds into groups and people to cause ideas and so on to grow. To be given birth, Christ analogy of the seeds he spread is the same idea. Ezekiel was unable to speak of the things god had told him to warn the Hebrews of. So god told him to make miniatures of the buildings in Jerusalem including the temple, then reenact destructions that were coming, Ezekiel was also told to act out rituals to help reinforce the lesson of these reenactments, Ezekiel practiced these reenactments in private but God said they were meant for everyone and these private rituals could only convey messages to all the Jews and by extension everyone based on them sharing a collect or soulIn book 10 of the republic Socrates claims all humanity share one soul, a collective psyche. It is this psych of ideas that is the human collective and the basis of lungs collective unconscious. For Jung most people are unaware of this spiritual sharing of one soul yet live and react to it. Yes one can add ideas to this collective and as Hegel said progress the absolute spirit of this human collective, which needs no more than one person to have it persist and exist in time.
I will post the intro tommorow and the atlantis stuff sunday

Monday, August 18, 2008

Marxism, Capitalism and communism as universal doctrines

Marxism, Capitalism and communism as universal doctrines

by valpetridis @ 2008-04-26 - 20:47:55
One thing I forgot to mention was a comparison of capitalist and communist doctrines. As some people adhere to either capitalism or communism as their main doctrines it is important to mention them. Capitalism promotes a universal doctrine which allows for atheism, theism and all ways of thinking. Communism on the other had has been misinterpreted as being an atheist doctrine. Marx claimed religion was the opiate of the masses, because in his time opiates were considered the relaxants of people. He claimed people were to num to the truth of religion and then critisised the institutions for misusing religion to corruptly cause social and economical inequality. Marx believed the churches, not the religion as he was very religious and borrowed his ideas from religion, promoted the borzoi’s attitude and forced the workers to become second class citizens. Marx was a strong religious person and desired people to be true to their religion and their universal ideas of equality and economic security. He prompted a universal system that promoted the workers wellbeing rather than the workers enslavement to the borzois. To enslave and misused workers was not ethical, good or virtuous. His ideas of universal good treatment of workers are now the basis of social security and other ideas like old age pension.Both systems, capitalism and communism are mutually cohesive and meant to better the society, thus welfare, social security, compensation, unemployment insurance exist in the best capitalist systems and profit and proper management in the best socialist systems. The reality is both systems are actually one system and taking an extreme as Hegel says ruins and causes both extremes to fall apart and fail as social economical systems, capitalism needs socialism and vice versus. Marxist doctrines do not promote anti religious ideas as they are neither universal nor the truth of his goals. These misconceptions later led to persecutions, violence, killing and everything Marx did not want, including the anti capitalist ideas believed to be communism, Marx promoted worker solidarity and profit, not anti capitalist sentiment. He just was not sure how to improve the workers condition, but definitely promoted profit. Thus both communism and capitalism are theologically universal doctrines.
I will post my ruff introduction later this week and next weekend tell you the location of the lost continent of Atlantis, which is definately part of the second text.

In conclusion Mohamed, Dejals Christs, end of days universal doctrines and evolving to peaceful divine co-existence.

In conclusion Mohamed, Dejals Christs, end of days universal doctrines and evolving to peaceful divine co-existence.

by valpetridis @ 2008-04-19 - 23:24:35
In conclusion Mohamed, Dejals Christs, end of days universal doctrines and evolving to peaceful divine co-existence.
“In conclusion”
A Muslim prophesies claims a Dejal will come. Dejal means devil or from the Slavic 'fooler': A person who fools other'. This person(s) will fool evil people to organise and do evils like do violence or terrorism. Mohamed(s) and the Christ(s) together win over the organised armies of the Dejal and then universal peace comes. The universal image of Mohamed and Christ represents all those who follow the Koran, as well as, everyone who is virtuous and good, people of all ethnic , religious and place these beings come from. Like Rama the armies are organised by those fooling their people to do evil, as well; as, people fooling the evils to be stopped from their evil, as is the case outlined in revelations., This prophesy amongst others, like Buddha verse, always claim that all peoples from everywhere live in peace, based on a universal belief in good and virtue.In all end day prophesies all people of all doctrines universally believing in each diversity and cohesive complimentary whole that find peace, including the adherents of science and descriptive theories of God such as the universal quantum. . These people evolve into a more peaceful and gifted people. The meaning of life is individuation from the womb of the universe to godhood accessing gods ultimate potential and powers as God(s) does. This is achieved by the virtue and goodness to embrace the various ways that have developed as part of the actualised God who interacts with creation. The entire system upgrading as people became more capable of withstanding the shock of ascension and godhood. Were knowledge and what is good is unified to universally understands Gods ultimate universal plan without fear of domination by any one in particular. Without converting to anything but the enlightened ways of the founders of all great ways of God one can believe in them as part of their own religion and thus ending fighting concerning the difference. This is an empowerment of everyone individually and collectively to new heights, for only peaceful and just beings travel past the Valkyrie (space sheet ghosts) and beings like them, to travel the vastness of this universe and other diminutions, plains, continuums. I have deciphered the original meaning to many of the confusions that have caused religions and ways of thinking to assume that they are not compatible or universal. Moreover, and I have shown you a way to unify the complimentary religions, ways and glories of God(s) from any belief system; you can do this for yourselves and add much to the doctrines. For instance one can use idea of bodhisattvas, and Ben Noahtic laws to unify all religions as the first to coin these phrases. Bodhisattvas, are enlightened people who are deified, according to the Hebrews all people who follow the Ben noahtic laws ( not stealing , murdering and so on)should be considered equals and universal partners of God. All religions and ways of thinking, including science, are based systems that believe in universal laws for all peoples. In this way we can bring about peace as the doctrine and practice of all religions and ways of thinking. This is more profitable and beneficial to all, it moves and evolves us and helps achieve more divinity and grace for all. Together we forge a new world that deifies each individually and as a whole.Thend
In a week I will post some stuff for the second book in the series and decide by then if I use all the above material for the book.