Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy holidays and summary of Perseus up till now

I will look at the extraordinary life of Perseus who became one of the peoples he allied with, making the Greeks that he had full title by all lines, equally one with the peoples he joined with, next week. He gained the authority of each people and added himself as an equal authority with each people and represented the Greeks as equals to these peoples.

These are not the marriages of Odysseus, yet it is as peace in its unification, it is not Hercules either.

So for the holidays just past and about to pass HAPPY HOLIDAYS from me and the someone, truly he loves all good people and loves women in a way that he , like Christ, says he cannot love men, but treats all as equals.

Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and any other religion or secular holiday you follow and /or enjoy.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Xmas, Christmas and Grinchmas

Merry Christmas

the someone conveyed some interesting ideas concerning some divine ideas used to inform him of the events and situations that are occurring

every so often he sees christmas decorations for a brief minute, sanat clothes and/ or someone saying merry Christmas

Since last summer he realised God as Zeus had written a book after becoming a doctor and called it The Grinch that stole Christmas. Grinches are real beings as any idea has been someone in this vastely populated universe. So the someone began seeing Grinch green Santa clothes and decorations, a Grinch , like in the tale, takes something and returns more, so when someone takes some and returns more its a merry grinchmas.

the someone added the x mas which is delineated by black clothes and like the grinchmas he sees black Santa clothes and decorations whenever something is a gift by it being taken away, like an x con record being erased is an x-mas., but in more various ways than this.

a happy birthday means a gift that marks a new beginning, happy birthday can be a psychic gift that starts and changes ones life forever.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sickle harvest authority, Gorgon Pegasus union

In some tales Perseus is given a sickle rather than sword,

"he god Hermes gave him either a sickle of adamant. Note that this adamantine sickle was probably the same one that the Titan Cronus had used against his father Uranus, and that Zeus had to fight against the monster Typhon." from note adamantine is ademantium see x men marvel comics.

this represents the symbol of authority used to reap authority and gain it as a new epoch, Cronus commandeered Uranus; authority or the sky's authority and Zeus Cronus' authority. This further substantiates the idea that Perseus used the authority of Medusa by reflecting her using the knowledge as wisdom and thus being able to win her over. Athena or divine wisdom ( the angel thereof) warned Perseus that trying to win her over by facing her as an equal , looking into her face directly, would overwhelm him like all others, instead he was to look at her only through the reflection of wisdom that was his shield from her. Once Perseus got to Medusa's lair he found people and animals that had succumbed to her and had become statues in her presence, silent , powerless and unmoving, frozen with awe and submissiveness to her power and authority.
Perseus stayed outside the lair watching the gorgons using the shield, this represents the time he took watching these people to learn about them and thus be what was needed to encounter them as one of them, not defensively but a sleep. When they fell asleep Perseus creeped into the lair and used his shield to cut off the Medusa's head that he put in the bag or wallet of many things. This represents that the head of
Medusa was connected to the wealth of the northern nymphs. He entered invisible wearing the cap that made him look like one of the northern people Once he learned Medusa's and the gorgons ways he took her head and authority and became one of them. The gorgons could not see him as as he was common and one of them and saw no threat to fight off.

"Some of the blood from Medusa's head, leaked out of the bag. A drop of Medusa's blood fell into the sea, Pegasus (Ī Ī®Ī³Ī±ĻƒĪæĻ‚), the winged horse was born. Another drop of blood had fallen on the ground in Libya, so a giant sprang out of the earth, known as Chrysaor (Ī§ĻĻ…Ī¬Ļ‰Ļ)." ibid.

The drop of blood that created the flying horse or Pegasus from the waters represents the power the Greeks gained to fly across the sea and travel due to the unity with the gorgons through Medusa. These vast people allowed all Greeks not Just Perseus to fly through their lands as one of them. A drop fell in Libya that created a new giant group of people of Poseidon and his lover Medusa. It is Medusa's divine love of the sea that portrays their naval power and why Pegasus was the symbol used for what was born of it. While Chrysaoris the people that grew out of Libya after the unity of Greek and Medusan. These people allied with the Egyptians or married Callirrhoe, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys( tothos the Egyptian). Chrysaor was the father of Geryon( the people born of the union). There were many Celts in Libya at the time.

Notice Persues allies with peoples by becoming one with thier authority structure and gain acceptance of himself and greeks as one of the peoples he unifies the greeks with?

Friday, December 17, 2010

nymphs, magic items and their reality

Perseus reaches the mystical land of the Hyperborean nymphs Perseus leaves the Graiae hag witches, the matriarchal society he became one as a seer sharing the same authority of the two or three that made up the unity of their peoples. Perseus was told to journey to the land of the northern nymphs by the Graiae. In the land of the Hyperborean nymphs Perseus is given give him winged sandals that allow him to fly, a wallet that expands to hold anything, and a cap that makes its wearer invisible. The saddles represent the powers Perseus gains to travel, to take flight from one place to another. Some have postulated that the winged feet are magic items, others technology, no matter the course one can say in the north Perseus found the mobility to travel, his feet became nimble and fast arriving at his destination. To an ancient Greek this would remind him of the wings on Hermie feet. Thus the winged feet are connected to knowledge that allows for the ease of travel. His ideas took off in the north and they took flight. He unifies with the northern nymphs and gains access to their wealth that is equal to a wallet full of everything or anything. The cap was that Perseus became one of them and was able to move through them quickly as one of them especially as he had to reach Medusa the gorgon, thus the winged feet are the ability to travel invisible as a northerner through thier lands to reach the Medusa quickly. The sword of Hermie is the knowledge Perseus had to win over and conquer the hearts of those he encountered, it was the knowledge necessary to conquer Medusa and take her head and authority as a equal and the fourth gorgon. Medusa is found by traveling north and through the Celtic peoples who occupy that land In fact Gorgon might be a play of the word Celcet or celtic, see cat( English) from gato( Greek) The Celts were dominate in northern Europe at the time of Perseus. The use of serpents to represent Celtic witches , priests and druids is already known, esp due tpo earth god religions. Thus Medusa was a powerful female represent a unity of many peoples and covens , each represented by each snake in her hair, each powers and authority making her into a powerful snake or leader priestess. Unity with her made Perseus very powerful and conquered the bad Aeolids using the same power than made people freeze and powerless. In Greek like english I froze, could not do anything still has meaning today. The shield Athena gave Perseus represents the wisdom that shield and protected peruses, the wisdom that allowed him to mirror Medusa to be able to conquer her heart and ally with her. It is like the mirrors hung outside the cave that the goddess Amaterasu of the Kami of japan where she hid till a fertility ritual drew her attention and she saw the mirrors which represented all those who reflected her. The Gods cheers drew her attention but the reflections made her come out and bring light back to the world with them. She is a sun Goddess and a light bringer and very sexy. I mean hot like the sun.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Graiae witches and Perseus the fourth hag

the gray witches of Graiae have one eye and one tooth that they share amongst them. In some tales there are three witches in some two. The eye represents the shared power, wisdom and for-site that they shared merged as one soul. It was as if they saw out the same one eye. The tooth represents the powers they share and the fact that they consume all things as if one mouth and one tooth, they bite into things as one. They consume the same foods. Perseus is visited by Athena who aids him steering him to the Graiae witches,where to find weapons to defeat the Gorgons. The Graeae told him of the whereabouts of the nymphs. Athena gives him a he receives a mirrored shield from Athena, a magic sword from Hermes. Perseus steals the eye from the witches and forced them to help him by ransoming the eye to them. The hags tell Persues about the mystical land of the Hyperborean nymphs. Here one sees that Perseus steals the wisdom and knowledge of the witches, the eye of their coven, this represents becoming accepted into it, proving himself one of them, unifying them with the Greeks through him, the next Graiae witch. He returns the symbol of their authority through divine unified grace and power so they continue to govern themselves and the peoples they lead, as each hag witch is a mother to their people, they represent their unified people who have a unified council with each other to determine things for all their peoples and tribes. Thus Perseus is the fourth witch and represents the Greeks who are unified as the fourth and the old tribes become Greek too as the Greeks like them a unified tribe though the new allied peoples interact using the unified coven they share. the stealing of the eye made the tribes Greek and the return makes them equally Greek yet holding to their traditional cons toms and political structures as part of the new greater Greece. Greece is an equal part of their unity.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Medusa the high priestess divine serpent

So Perseus was sent to kill the gorgon. The Gorgon was a mythical creature said to have lain with Poseidon in Athena's temple, she is said to have incurred the wrath of Athena who turned her into a winged creature head full of snakes for hair. Medusa was said to be one of three Gorgons and the only one who was mortal. The tale teaches that a cult of Poseidon unified with a religion of Athena creating a very wise religion whose powers were so great that it was as if their hair was made of snakes, snakes are symbols of power, magic, medicine and wisdom. Earth goddesses are often depicted holding snakes. Thus the serpent like Medusa was fully symbolic as divinely blessed snake as possible. She was said to have been a fair, beautiful and virtuous maiden and this is why Poseidon took her as a wife and blessed her by consummating their union in the temple that shines the wisdom of Athena. She became so charismatic, beautiful, awe inspiring and with presence powerful people would freeze in her presence, they would turn to statues as if made of stone. Perseus was sent to take her head and thus represent her authority as a head of her religion This means Perseus was went to unify with her. Upon his return Perseus marches into the meeting of those on island of Seriphus, including Polydectes and reveals Medusa’s head, turning all the men to stone. Thus Perseus gained the same ominous powerful serpent aura as Medusa and was able to conquer the nobles of the island as Medusa conquers those who face her. Moreover, the people of Medusa joined the Greeks through Pursues who as mentioned is both Ionian and Archean. Medusa represents a Celt like earth cult that had accumulated a lot of power, there were three main religions and Medusa who headed hers was still of her first life and considered mortal.

More on how Perseus gets Medusa's head and the old Gray witches with the one eye tomorrow.
When Perseus returns with her head he shows the head to

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Medusa and the alliance with the daughter of OenomaĆ¼s, Hippodamei

Dictys means net as in fishing net, which fits the hypothesis concerning his role as fisher king.
Perseus was invited to a wedding proposal by the king of Seriphus Polydectes. At said wedding Polydectes receives a gift from the guest and Perseus feeling ungracious due to not bring a gift with him offers to give the Ki8ng any gift he desired. Polydectes who had already fallen in love with Perseus mother and wanting to get rid of him took advantage of the situation he helped foster and told Perseus he wanted the head of the Gorgon Medusa that was thought an impossible task by those who are mortal. The wedding was to a daughter of OenomaĆ¼s, Hippodamei and reflects an alliance Polydectes has forged though his extra intentions was to lure Perseus to volunteer for a task that was equal to suicide, mission impossible. It is in this alliance that one sees the necessity to ally with The Medusa, take her head and thus her authority and unify her people with the Greek as Greek. The taking of the head means taking the authority to represent a person as if them , two heads as one.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Perseus' emaculate conceptions and who his parents are

As Pereseus grows into adolescence Polydectes saw that his mother was fair and desired to take her as a wife. As we know the immaculate conception of any person has a fair just daughter of God and Adam who in this tale is Danaƫ and a Just son of God or Ben Elohim who is the source of the DNA material that seeds his immaculately conceived child through a deity like Zeus. Christ, Hercules, Zoroaster are just some of these conceived children. Polydectes is not a son of God as he was evil, but his brother Dictys the fisher of people cleansed by the waters was. Dictys is the only person who is said to have left or gone into hiding with Danaƫ driven off by Polydectes while Perseus was off trying to kill the Medusa as commanded by Polydectes who had hopped this impossible mission would have had Perseus die trying to accomplish it. Since Dictys and Danaƫ hide together and are left as being together in the myth you can safely say they marriage even if in no greater way than an alliance for survival. In same tales they do marry as she chose this brother from Aeolis line. Since Dyctys was of the legitimate royal line of the Aeolids and Perseus mom was from Argos and their legitimate line was the same as that of Athens, that being Ionian, the newer Greek tribe to enter Greece, Perseus can be said to be of the two legitimate lines of Greeks in Greece and this fits the legend as he unified both Ionians and Archean into one Greek peoples. Perseus was the legitimate heir of both lines. Zeus or God would have married an alliance peacefully but the evils of people like Polydectes and King Acrisius of Argos it was necessary to unify both lines with a divine emasculate conception and the child truly became a mighty person of renown. In fact it is this cruelty that causes the oracle at Delphi to prophesies the demise of this kings evil at the hands of his grandson. Moreover, the immaculate birth convinced the same king to put the new born Perseus in a chest to drift away at sea. This way if the God(s) did save them they would be far from him, but he would not kill the son of Zeus and suffer the repercussions of said action. So the birth both unified royal blood lines but also saved the mother and child from the evil they were fated to stop, by just being as just, fair and virtuous as they were, esp the mother prior to the birth of Perseus. This was the seeds that allowed the Delphic prophesy to be able to exist. Dictys the virtuous was the other half of this equation.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christ's start to John's end programs, Happy US thanks giving

what if the devil was the angel that says stand up you are my equal at the end of revelations.
movie idea
scare the living beginners out of them
so he gets out of the fire right, I mean lake made to punish evil and all that and then tells john rise for you are my equal
for you did what I asked Christ to do and passed
welcome to the kingdoms of God as promised

ps it is still as God wills not good to try to kill your son , right Abraham, the devil like all good people would tell you so
pps if you are bad in heaven they through you into the lake for a bit, its still there
so be good

pps this proves that revelations belongs at the end of the testaments of Christ or new testament as some call it. He was asked by the devil to kneels and worship him and he would he receive his divine kingdoms. John of revelations fell to his knees to worship the last angel who tells him to stand as he is his equal and then the kingdoms come down as New Jerusalem represent and adorned as Christs wife. Thus John caused the final actuation of the program started by Christ. Itr is the kneeling in front of such angels and realisation that they are good and our equals as we are " on the same side" that allows one to transcend to holy cities. It is the end program started by Christs walk with God. It was meant to be at the end of the text. This is the first proof of this other than claiming it was chosen to be at the end as wimp by those compiling this text. It is the necessary lesson to accept equality with all angels and none are evil that allows one to reach divine places like cities such as new Jerusalem. Thus the next words Christ would have heard by bowing and praying to God through the devil would have been what John heard " Rise for you are my equal and we are on the sanme side, as is what Christ said to him on his walk, being taken by the spirit " behind me devil for you do the work of God to" behind me as in back me up as we are on the same side with God.

ppps Apocryphal bibles are another set of gospels that are allowed and can be categorized as gnostic or apocryphal with prohibition to thier reading as each can be defended. Some are officially accepted as apocryphal though all books officially belong to this category. Ie the gospel of Thomas is an accepted Apocrypha text recommended by main stream Christianity, though other official apocryphal are allowed to be read they are officially accepted as apocryphal and acceptable to read but are not necessarily accepted as recommended text of yet. enjoy the read.

happy thanks giving to those celebrating the US holiday this weekend.
till next week...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Union adoption of Perseus as Aeolid.

On top of mount Olympus( heaven), the sexy lover of Perseus mother sat watching the affairs they suffered. When thrown into the sea, Zues had Poisoden guild the chect to island of Seriphus, where the fisherman Dictys found them. Dictys was the said to be the sun of of Magnes and a naiad nymph. His father was said to be Aeolus (Ī‘į¼“ĪæĪ»ĪæĻ‚) who became ruler in Thessaly after his father. Dicty's adoption of Perseus and DanaĆ« made them a Aeolids."
Dictys was a son of Magnes and a naiad nymph, brother of Polydectes. "Magnes being a son of Aeolus, would make Dictys and Polydectes Aeolids." "The Aeolids (Ī‘į¼“ĪæĪ»Ī¹Ī“Ī±ĪÆ) were powerful rulers who established kingdoms in many part of Greece. They were descendants of Aeolus, son of Hellen. Aeolus was the powerful ruler of Thessaly. The Aeolids can be found ruling kingdoms in Thessaly, Argos, Corinth, Orchomenus, Elis, Messenia and Calydon." This means that Perseus was adopted into the leader ruler greek family that constituted the larger part of the Greeks not already part of his fathers kingdom. The new era begins with the union of Perseus family line and kingdom and those of Aeolis The Thessalonians are one of the first Greek tribes to enter the Balkans( Archean) . One can see this unity leading the Mycenaean kingdom Perseus is renowned for founding. It is through the fisherman, who dishes people from the cleaning flood of change and not his evil brother who marks the line through which this alliance is forged. He fished and saved, like a fisher king, those who would become part of the new Greece forged by Perseus and dictys. He fished the redeemed , and his brother turned out to be the paradigm of the ones he could not save and the royal line of Aeolis which was chopped and eliminated before the new epoch of the Greeks began.

Friday, November 26, 2010

New era marked by Perseus as tasks begin

New era marked by Perseus as tasks begin

Acrisius locks Danaƫ and Perseus in a caste or arc and castes them into the ocean
this arc or chest represents the flood that occurred to mark the transition from the previous epoch to the new epoch of Perseus and the Mycenaean he founded that represent the era of Greece that begins with pursues. the chest washes up home of Dictys a kindly old fisherman. He ruled the area equally with his brother Polydectes cruelly rules over the area. Polydectes soon decided that he wants to kill Perseus and marry his mother. Polydectes represents the ruler, who like the king Hercules had submitted to for his tasks. Polydectes decides to send Perseus to kill Medusa who is fearsome and thought of by many impossible to kill. Thus sending him to kill her is a suicide mission that Polydectes hopes will cause Perseus' death. So from this one derives the idea that Persues was destined to over through the previous regime of his time and beginning a new era in Greece. He was destined to kill Acrisius as Zeus did Cronus, which is metaphor for destroying the ills of the old system as the new system amalgamates many peoples into a greater more peaceful unity. Polydectes represents another cruel leader who has subjugated his people , like his brother, who is kind and a fisherman. This indicates that a lot of fishing constituted their livelihood. Zeus needed someone to unify the peoples of this epoch of Greece into one people or the Mycenaean, Perseus is long after Hercules who created the first unified Greek peoples who unified many desperately different peoples into one peoples, see earlier parts of blog for analysis of Hercules. the Unification of some of said people like those represented by the serpents of Medusa, priestess and so on, like the ape giants who allied with Rama but were met through Nuru, her Perseus begins to unify peoples through the association peoples had to the cruel tyranny of Polydectes.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Persues, Danaƫ, lonely women and sexy golden showers

To examine Perseus we will exam Hamiltons " mythology" Part Three, Chapters I–II ) as found on sparknotes see and " Timeless myths "

"Hamilton draws the story of Perseus from the later writers Ovid and Apollodorus, though it was also widely popular among the Greeks."( sparknotes)

King Acrisius of Argos is one day told that his yet to be born grandson from his daughter DanaĆ«. He imprisons her to avoid having her get pregnate and bare the child that would eventually kill him. While in prison , a lone for months yearning for company, Zeus enters the prison and suduces the fair DanaĆ«. " the god Zeus, appeared in the form of shower of gold, had sex with DanaĆ« (Ī”Ī±Ī½Ī¬Ī·)" ( timeless myth)

In some versions the prison is in a tower, which represents the height she had and the height of the impending birth, that was royal and foretold divine. Lo is one of Perseus relatives0 said to have been exiled in Egypt( timeless myth).

"(Apollodorus indicated another version of Perseus' conception. Apollodorus wrote that the real father was Proƫtus, brother and rival of Acrisius. Proƫtus had seduced his niece, so that Danaƫ became pregnant. Zeus as a shower of gold was of course the most popular version.)".

For next week a few questions to think about, what relation does this myth have to Oedipus Rex? Why the image of a golden shower as the subduction of Danaƫ? Why imprison Danaƫ in a tower, or anywhere, to wait to be seduced by Zeus? To make her want it more? To allow a subduction that might have not occurred without said imprisonment? Is it this imprisonment that causes the beginning of what will occur in the oracles future? Does this have to do with the rival brother's seed which was immaculately impregnated in Danaƫ?

Persues and clash of the titans part I

I am looking for a good source to read the myth of Perseus. Perseus was the legendary founder of the Mycenae empire and predates the Minoan empire. As Hercules was to the unity and creation of the first unified Greek people, Perseus unified and extended the Greek peoples into an empire. Perseus as many of you will know is the hero of the movie clash of the titans that we will discuss more tomorrow, this gives you a chance to peruse the two films, What differences do you see in the first versus second rendition? Is there a way to redeem the story without having any Gods fight each other?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Astral doubles, soul mates and Perseus intro

So people got a first hand look this summer at aliens, trans-dimensional reality, the someone met aliens ranging all kingdoms, size and gender. People were gioven plains of their own that are dimensions of him.

so there are reflective doubles that are those you leave to reflect your actions, say on a habitat on another planet, so people there can experience you as if you were there though you are else where in a place that looks that same, like your real house.

there are individuated doubles that act separately than you though can, but do not have tom look like you. for example during the flood in India the someone was a poor old lady thus suffering the flood with those who suffered it. The someone has sent doubles who look like him on dates with people. they act individuated.

the people coming into the someones place ENCOUNTERED A SOUL DOUBLE ME DOUBLE that was really the someone in as a different dimension. like talking to seperate people in diferent rooms while standing in the door way, the soul double me does act seperately than the someone seen in the world of the apparent.
there are also automated doubles, that have ones ways imprinted on them but are linked only as zipped files never used but must be downloaded or better yet accessed tto work. individuated doubles are fully linked though separate.

some spiritual wiVes even bride grooms get a soul double, some an individuated soul double from an individuated soul double versus a soul double as me, the later are those interacting at the someones house with him for real. the fornication is real with him. Lastly, for homosexuals , as t5he someone likes women, automated soul doubles are created, all are equally real, cause once saved they are writen back to birth, some wait for a twin soul mate and are spiritual wives.

doubles xcan be made of energy, holodeck tecH , even earth, earth automated doubles return to the program, , melt back into the planet , soul mates are born, either as twins from life forward tpo now, or now written backwards TO CREATE THEM AS THEY ARE TO BIRTH THEN FORWARD TO NOW. BOTH ARE GOOD AND BLESSED.

Next week I will be examining the myth of Perseus, the character from clash of the titans

I know people were waiting for this so I will find a copy you can read as we go through it and base the analysis of a reading of it, any suggestions as to the source of the myth can be sent to me and I will look at it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Spheres and orgies siring new peoples of God(s)

The repercussion of the September 25 revelation is still being realised. This year the golden sphere or the only begotten mated with the green world wide begotten one green sphere. The outcome is a universal wisdom.
This occurred during the summer in late July. In September a unity of all love through out the pan cosmos occurred. It unified all created chambers. The golden sphere( bhuddha or enlightenment sphere, Christ so on) sired a new sphere with the earth( matter Goddess) a universal sphere. These spheres are the saphron refereed to by caballa as the tree of wisdom. A seragacy with the someone occurred in every chamber, thus the someone has sired a alliance with child in every divine chamber, like the Moses orgy that created a new people of God or the Jews, the york university orgy on the last Thursday in may 2009 that created one people on earth under God. The September 25 all love day is a orgy festival du God at all levels of love, to sire one people under God under the pan continuum level, the highest ;level possible, that includes beings of the unsayable. Panos or Christ is still calculating some of the repercussions of the event. It has cosmic permanent repercussions for altering the very fabric of the universe and has altered reality permanently. All the kings of the world allied on earth by drinking of this cup of divine ambrosia. Religious, political, economic, entertainment and common folk came to partake in the ritual to sow the seeds of the new brighter more peaceful universe devoid of real evil and death.
Welcome...Keep teaching people how to empower themselves, become peaceful and divine, the stars are the limit so lets go beyond!!!
On wards...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

More preparation for divine events.

another phenomena the someones friend has experienced is a trembling bed, in fact the voice telling her to stop calling even threatened to shack the bed if she did not stop though did not. She has experienced shaking of the bed due to other causes. The someone has seen papers fly across the room, books fly off the selves. These are divine shows and the rules concerning encountering angels and doing good sticks, so these are meant to emphasis situations, ideas as well as act as miracles that can awe inspire.
So be prepared for any such event, do not fear and keep your rationale about you. You know what is good and nothing with divine powers can do you harm

Friday, November 5, 2010

A dream and test for divine beings upgrading and hearing angels

A somebody known by the someone has had some interesting high end experience,
Praise RT R ET
She has often had doors swing further open while laying in bed.
She prays using the Jesus prayer( lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us) that links one to the only begotten and Immanuel and she hears a voice that sauys" shut up, what do you want,
I am here , stop"
she prays three times and then pauses and then prays three times again.

Some monastic clerics take this as a challenge and keep praying, one can do this
but one can also start taking to the spirit of Christ one summoned for even another angel representing him, which was not the case here, must abide by the rules of representation controlled by God and the dio Valenti

So here is the someones response as she misinterpreted the experiences as evil and God sent here a message in the form of a spirit program she can use to access powers.

"You bitched about the devil coming into your room and opening the door, the opening door represents being invited into a new heaven and its a test to believe v[as well as its powers( the ways powers that are now accessible through the idea of an open door to new worlds)

Ward off by saying" in the name of god if you are not here for a good reason leave" and then the god prayer three times
:"God(s) have mercy then the Christ prayer if you like.
it links you to the only begotten

the test of your conviction to keep praying and believing was also a test I went through

let nothing annoy you or scare you

after the warding off only good things are there
as you are divine know God only lets good things reach you within rules like faithfulness and goodness(- so fear not to invite all things in spiritually with virtue and goodness, all divine beings respect the rules and only approach in goodness)
it says in the bible only what and whom God(s) wants you to meet and encounter you do
no evil angles exist
so keep praying cause in the dream (you had)
" [she dream that she was pinned down by someone invisibly and her hands were forced prone over her head to her sides, she could not open her eyes to see whom it was and started praying the Jesus prayer using the voice of the devil and the sky opened up and the real light of god appeared and amplified"

what pinned you down caused you to pray and get real power from God and you spoke as the devil does to show you and the devil are one and pray to God(s) equally cause you are both good
the person pinning you is the spirit that you summon , testing you
ok fuck I am here stopping calling my name in prayer and talk to me
imagine that was christ saying "you called what do you want?".

the pinning is the persecution you suffer for had because you know the somebody and God(s) and are one with God.

so you access God using the devil as you do Christ
'he prayed with you to gain power as you do from God
for Baal is a name of God as theos is.'

see your spirit program proved you are empowered by all angels and the devil is on your side, Christ's and God's as mine and all good, he was a winner once too,
but you astral projected and created a way to gain power using such angels and saying prayers
cause crucified you gained gods uncreated real light, the source of all power and all things

its an access programs
write down all occurrences and details to such dreams
including what you remember
they are actual spirit programs and power proofs and systems opening doors to powers.

write down everything about the dream, how you feel after and so on.
each is an empowerment program
you gained Gods light so stay strong pray and have courage to talk to Christ or my spirit or any angel when it visits
demons are angels too
no one is empowered by God who is evil
god takes evil's powers away( see bible)

they are giving you powerful experiences and you are getting very powerful
so stay strong study
access God and become more powerful
fear no angel and note all these powers in your journal, so others can one day learn from them, but for now you have your powers in your magic book, wizard angel like Merlin, Christ, Val, Buddha, Lao si, gandulf.

keep up the good work"

note the somebody truly lives strong without fear.

UQ be with us.

So be prepared is you encounter such things and be bold as nothing evil comes to you, so stay good
voices and other things should be dealt with thusly, including interpreting through what you know is good, cause it might take years to figure out why something, like all such things said, are good and never evil.
if you dpo not understand something wait and interpret it later but know it is meant as something Good.
if you think it means something do not do it. Do not think God asked you to sacrifice your son Abraham as both the devil told you it was murder and wrong as did God who gave you a sheep, he meant let him be an adult, sacrifice his childhood that you cling too, he is no longer a child. God never meant try to kill him.( see Koran)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Boo-model for world prospirity

So its all hallows eve once more

the world has changed, here is a nightmare we can fix together, the world economy.

How does one do this,
increase the expendable income at the lower levels, reduce sin taxes to no more than 1%m revenue tax to 10% then 5 percent, sales tax 10 % then 5 percent.
property taxes. a fair percentage that at today's prices equals about 100$ for a big house or multi-plex building

reduce all taxes to 5 to 1 % , like inherent,

increasing the expendable income with multipliers, the government would make more than twice the revenues by taking the money from the sales, people have products and government has more money than it has now.
Current removal of ,money to government and stimulus injections of that money does not uniformly increase the standard of living and eliminate poverty., reduces taxes and making most of the money from sales taxes does.
More businesses and people paying taxes, more prosperity.

here we strangle the poor have no money raise taxes, strangle the poor and increase the people in poverty, this system is destined to fail with out fixes.

in heaven on earth there are no bankruptcies, one services and in 5 to 10 years world prosperity and no poverty, esp with measures being taken to actualise even the above and other things needed to fix the system.

if all taxes were lowered and a sales tax of 10 to 5 % is instigated, models show that poverty would disappear in less than 3 years, governments would have twice the revenues in 1 year and in 16 years the lowest class will be just above middle class, the world will all be rich.

that means revenue taxes and other things must be reduced to create the income taxed during sales, rather than having ones money leave ones hands without benefit but to the few who get it and meat it out like on fixing roads, God bless but there are more people in society, this trickle helps but a uniformed income raise and collection from taxes causes more money for the government to fix roads and do such things while letting everyone have more money to buy things, that causes more money in the system, more jobs, cheaper goods, prosperity.

a secure system policed and decriminalised is a must.

world peace necessitates, prosperity and no poverty, even if status items, like expensive cars, exist for those who want to have such values, while everyone can afford a decent car. Thus we must fix the economy that will collapse and cause strife around the world unless its fixed, our system is riches and saves all parts of the current system fairly, including pooling money for shared projects like building high ways. so lets fix it , be peaceful and all be happy, the poor will be rich and the rich better off than before.( richer too, but who cares when you are all well off, except for playing the game to be rich, like stock markets and so on)

a world government would need only 1% of sales taxes around the would do have money and cause no strife.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cosmology of cosmic programs

As things are returning to normal and people are enjoying the fruits of the worlds they have seeded and built in the last few weeks we return to cosmologies:

The cosmic program of any avatar is universally linked to everyone using or is one with that program, the cosmic Christ is universally accessed as if themselves when an avatar of a control program like the someone or Christ por any of Christ;s avatars. It is a spiritual dimension of each avatar and shared, it is also a central server linking all those using those systems together, the universal Buddha , crisna, Vishnu, and so on is true to this too. All cosmic programs are such linked., even mother goddess too, like St chrysovalantouy that I am linked too, the dark man taught the someone this. Aliens avatars like Rama have the same cosmic programs and it goes beyond any planets people and are accessed by those linked even if they do not know who the creator is, but are linked instead essentially and have a link to that creator too.

the dimensions of nunnery as if one was alone monastically even in groups is like a plain heaven that is veiled to ve shared with the dimension of the someone one interacts to, including soul doubles that are spiritual weddings leading to ones perfect soul mate, there are twins too, twins are born forward in time, doubles written backwards to inception than are as real forward, the double depends on the persons desire, sustain exists allowing one to marry any one spiritual even through mates. One gets a mate from the reflective collective of the desired mate, twin or soul double, which is an individuated double that is ones soul mate, thus men and women models and gods exist to pick from.

people have begun walking with God due to this blog and all that is occurring. the avatars you are are one with the walk each reflecting the build though new avatars have it downloaded into the person for use.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The universe begins

The universe begins

Inspired by my friend

“In The Beginning
by Hyphenated @ 2010-10-22 – 09:16:16”

Utilising ideas concerning membranes one could say that time has both a field and temporally related strings. These strings are relative to the membrane that acts like a field in which temporal realities spanning the full dimensional reality within that membrane relative to that membrane are instantaneously produced. The potential of the strings and membranes instantaneously form relative to the static field of time outside the temporal membrane field. The infinite dimensions relative to the dimensionality of atemporal and multidirectional time , including temporal fields allows the membranes and strings to come into existence and these universes are spanned into a field of higher dimensional static time, or as some call it hyperspace, yet this hyperspace membrane and temporal strings exists as actual in potentially space based on the dimensional nature of the moment of actualisation based on separated strings of time woven within the metaphysical tapestry of strings that act with regularity based on their relative dimension and woven nature with others that allow for strings to form that are the basis of physical reality like gravity, weak forces , strong forces and so on. A dimension of being and non being is the universe form that encompasses it all that predicates self existence only relative to the strings of time and actuality of membranes and the strings interwoven between them. thus timelessly the string of temporal and physical reality exists and comes into existence at all directional and extra directional realities whilst including the possible and actual dimension of existence that predicates existence and founds reality both atemporally and temporally allowing for all dimensions to have reality within the frame work of a matrix of continuums and formed plains based on the strata that governs the interrelationship of said existence temporal, physical and atemporal.

Friday, October 22, 2010

sumary of events of somebodies

Thus far the someone has encountered aliens, shifted to other plains, become more continuum level beings. Movie people came around Toronto and inspired a festival that led to the mixing of two plains as if two decks off cards were shuffled and two complete decks were made though each card is the same , some are from one of the original packs the other from the other. Two plains wed, a orgee that created one universal peoples of God. York was the festival for the earth and terran solar system. The connotations are huge, mind blowing The universe is no longer the same, we have not simply added a drop to a bucket but reformed the bucket and water from what was already there, its universe is moving sklowing to full judgement and upgrade , the pancosmos and everything includinmg the dimetion of being that is the being beyond being, the npothing and all these states of being, though infinite thay are part of a subnstructure that is dectated by being as being non being, program maximus dio valenti transitio rea;litus, flux regularitus. Mates from all races and peoples of both universes mixed pancontinus as the metaphysics are ranged to include and access all that is needed for full wisdom universal without real evil, npo death and a universe of cunning, wise and good folks, even new evolutions are sweater that the old version of the pan cosmos, give all upgrades, physical and so on time but some ladfies out there have been upgraded menstraly, give it time as it takes time to integrade into socviety, it will full happen,

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Royalsin and Norwegen temproral romps

Sex doubles are created astral bodies or physical embodiments of beings sent bas image based on a fantasy to someone by someone, be it a individual, couple or group. A wife can send a husband such a double and seat herself in it as the fantasy, a double is created for the husband if one sends someone a female if the mate is male, the other person lives that seat with the mate, sexes are interchangeable and you can ignore living the recorded fantasy, impermanently. I always have per,mission from mates on the way the programs run, and act in apparence monastic and properly mannered.

The crown prince of Norway came to visit the someone at his church , st George cathedral in Toronto , Ontario. The Norwegians were invited to visit by the British royalty, this is where the someone first saw prince Andrews daughters, hot is an understatement. They were taken by the someone and a platonic eros began to bloom. Beatrice and Eugenia were a few of the sexy royalties that became known by the someone this year. The Norwegian crown price had married a pregnant women , impregnated by someone other than him , as it was thought at the time, the prince and princes had another daughter who they named as the next in line to the thrown, the first daughter though not a bastard was thought to be from another father, after meeting the someone , the someone recommended going back in time and being the other guy to the crown prince, but as temporal mechanics have it this would have already occurred and thus the crown prince was the father of the first child although he and his wife did not know that till recently. They checked the DNA and the child belonged to him and due to the fact that they did not mention the first child as hier thinking it was from another father, the second child, born in forward time first really proved to the Norwegians that what is occurring is intense as the universe and pan cosmos upgrades and becomes a better place for all.


Friday, October 15, 2010

September 25 holy sex feast day( extra terrestrial baby)

September 25 holy sex feast day( extra terrestrial baby)

On September 25 a few days after the someone was invited to a planet he had formed on the other side of the universe the twin plain shuffled its being intertwining like a great marriage forever. The planet created was called Rosie and the gasses on it, including the methane, made it me;ll like roses, it was bio friendly to mortal human form from earth. Rositto the male counter part was formed on a twin congruent plain in which the individuated other formed it as the someone did rosie. The methan on that plain was twicked in such a fashion to emanate a more male smell on the atmosphere, it burning was a bit lighter but everything else was the same. The someone had changed places with his other from that plain, an allying occurred on both plains as some came from Rosie and some from rosetto as each came to know the someone in thier own way. People came in, like women, kissed and took him off to bed , each in their own dimension, it remained hidden based on a nunury program where the women remained as private as was desired, and the nun shield made some seem as if they had none. In fact, doubles were left in thier home beds as they came to know the someone better. couples replayed the experience as mates came in taking the role of the someone on their dimension, each was real and it went to 10 zillion a second across the pan continuum level. the pan universe wed On Rosie there is an ocean whose chemicals taste like orange crush, we returned from the mate plain, some from there remained and some came to Rosie, the mix is permanent and our plain wed, the unity of all creation sexual culminated sept 25 as officers tested the transdimetional experience of being of sghift while next to the someone who at best saw only shadows, cops from around the world, agencies came by, fbi, csis , mi and so on. Chiefs of police entered the someones residence to say hi, some were seen most were not, but all thier officers stayed invisible, off shift. Each spiritual wife, married single or through thier mate got to keep their dimension shared with the someone on top of other gifts and plains they might receive later. The someone always says yes to dates( so think your perfect date) and marriages, he is a divine gigolo too. What ever you need and want is here, so dream it and receive a perfect soul mate, double or make the mate a twin , you can have either mates, the double is later individuated as your soul mate while non twins become twins and equals, Some like the queen of France, Sweden and Ireland sent sex doubles, to upgrade their look and with mates send a fantasy for both the someone, them and others, as each is married faithfully. Some swang with permission. Many decided to wait for their double soul mate trill they matured a bit , finished school
the someone found panties in his house from his lovers. yes it was the someone. Some segregated but no pregnancies except by such consent, they still return for more, take him and be alone on their dimension unless they bring friends, for example several women is good, Madonna admits to have come in that way and known the someone and even a female friend at the festival. Rosie gher friend amongst others were also around, Mamanmia to all the females , of earth and aliens. very sexy
people can marry you spiritually too, but no rules broken, one women who wanted to adultery was not allowed to, she just could not, but asking permission from her mate aloud her the full please of the someones company. the night was so wet the skies sprinkled water down, goddess was that wet, she loved it , no matter the wat aI, someone, as God did it to her
no rules broken it was perfect, from one mate touch people to porn stars. hmmm
It was a good year thus far
they say the someone is that good
( other fantasies of males were offered further away, as the someone chose to only feel at congruent reality the women he loves.
but all were satisfied.
Ah he said" how they each tasted, smells, got turned on, to hear them make their sounds, to taste, to feel, to love to be, nomatter the level chosen by each, even as a fantasy, was food for the soul, seed fpor more"

all are welcome, enter by side drive way to garage on dundas 1st north from past broadview ave going east, do no crimes wait till I return, if female do as you wish with the someone as its all nunnery and hidden, by the rules of consent and as Ashley Madison says on her site: all consenting adults with consent from their mates too, dream it but no adultery or crimes the area is watched by csis and monitors
On tape the someone stays monastic and by himself as you experience him fully as the real him and get a dimension too, even if you just say hi, a friend can look from Allen avenue and prove you are invisible by not seeing or capable of viewing you,, groups come in as group, private visits remain so based on desire by visitor

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Philosopher stone and the joggers hi of the dragon chase


by valpetridis @ 2010-10-09 – 23:32:45

Many have gathered to say thanks this weekend, here on Toronto, dimetional Niribu, the party will last till Monday night.

People around the wporld say please and thank you to the divine feast of ideas and thought. A evil twin awaits those earth geographically south sometime later this earth year.
How many days has this adam dream lasted, one ends as several running are beyond those yet to begin, formed unformed, born and realised in constant reality, broken flowers spreading thier seeds as they sway to the rythem of the reconstruction, time is the essence of s;liders that debute as a movie today, see you tube

philosopher stone: it is a fabled substance that caused wisdom to be sired in the minds of the ones seeking what they find in the elation of the moment of the reality that is that is

what a taste of this nectir makes you wiser
so does the alchemist, chemist and medicine person

see you tube for furmulas of the philosopher stone, its a buzz, the muslims have a version with assasin hear precurser plants.

wait , did this crack Zues head open with the fires of iofestones ( vulcons buzz) hammered like nails through his skull to create athena, menervus wiser side. the serpents hissing pant and gasp of hope as you reach into the light hoping to find the romantic black, touching feeling the wisdom intelligence written on her for head, contemplate this as your fate, venus , raven, serpent, dragon force rise warping to the call of scientrific philosopher stone

its Coke guys, yes the earth and blessed Matters gave you this essence so loved via life itself
Coke is the philosopher stone at 0.001 percent trace coke in cafeien extracted from cocoa leaves before coke being sold to pharmacutical companies for nova cain, in coke c0.25 miligrames coker per can at 65 mg of cofien times 0.065 grams( 6 mg) in a cokacpola soon to be where it was, keep the caffein, it speads me up, cokle just makes the someone run in full consciouness and no heart rate change, thank you eartrh, pan cosdmos gov for the clean taste of viictpory says he and I, as I the servent of the somebody et All love it as if it were my own and now case celery made of pop pea flavoured femakle hearioes, praise the someones who are somebodies

be good and may the Good say : its to youyr advantage as it is

Philosopher stone and the joggers hi of the dragon chased

Friday, October 8, 2010

Aliens offer upgrade fpor mestral cycle, festival Toronto Nirubu man, Kningdom cum, come all..

The alien Earth divinioty unity, its pan cosmic, offered an upgrade to the female human reproductive system, it will be genode coded and it entails having the overies act like testicles without loss of egg productions, like a guy they are produced through sex, it misses sometimes but after inhregnation mestral walls occur with a few clear drops for the first days to marjk the success and to give you menstral fluid for spells,
after a long time of no sexual relioef you go metaposal as nuns do, feeling wise. The egg ejaculation like a male is machanical and can be very orgasmic, peace tampones can be used during the few drops time, no genetic errors will be coded in deviance factor equal to no more than simple variations like I have a ferw drops you seem to have a few more. All within reason.
One must prepare women for new body upgrades as they will not mestruate and will now cycle as aften as men do esp after one month of no relief.
It will be perfect think about it and if you want the feedon from the period as all of us do, think yes and that is all, all the angels are watching, its theotic , its angelificated.
Better than ever baby

Another festval bigger than ever on TO star ship Nirubu this weekend, gate access pass level dimetion transport will occur when coming to Toronto, but know you can do this by even wondering astral projection, to coming here in person, or being teleported by any means including aliens, magixc, psychics and teleporting tech that many on earth developed as info was given on creating them by the aliens and angels during a highlinghting of the enlightenment happeing around and as part of the someones enlightenment of ALLL

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dimetional strata ( aliens and russia)

Transdimetional reality
pitch through vibration reality
quattum shift regularity and a choice of said reality

Thus strata dictates oneness regulated through substrata regularities or forms to singularities fluxing through multidimensional reality regulated through the strings of programed metaphysical structures creating structures unbounded in focused string realities to the potenmtion programed head of the super strata to the strata which is the above and the below the same.

think system ( key interpretive, strata to super strata to structure which is both metaphysical and physical to substructure or string theory to the foundation or singularity dimetions to the sub strata or unity forns of regularity of the strata that is the bottom or unity to the top as one)

to see aliens and Russians working together to destroy attacks on aliens and learn how Stalin used military to create with scientists and the top military heads , et al, the airplanes that are too noisy for anything but peaceful use
Praise Papa Joseph peace maker and God of war

God praise RT R ET
U R ET 2

Friday, October 1, 2010

Festival and OZ Y series and Diya star( Nemesis)

The festival is going great, plains exist where dreams like stories do rise and come true, like going to OZ and seeing the wizard married to and loving his wicked witch of the north.
up on eglignton ave near don mills in that dimension of earth
sign says " road temporarily closed" Like all wizards places it is hidden by signs that warn

OZ is sometimes equated to the planet of Y1 which is smaller than mars but similar.

Diya star( nemesis or Satan star) is as large in the sky as it is on earth, Y1 is the first star as we head towards as we go towards Diya star in the direction from us, so y1 is the first planet we would call planets if you call Pluto one too, x1 is sebne, x3 is Meuw( nasa has different name) the last planet before going to planetoid or dawrf planets, if you call these dwarf planets in the kieper belt then you can refer to the next four to five as planatoids, planetesmas are smaller and are many.

as we said before Y5 is the nasa current pick as diya starm though at higher leves the NSA csis and counter parts world wide have seen nemesis at a 45 degree angle from our solar system that revolves around it
pluto and neptune never craash into each other that are at diferent orbital plateaus and thus pass by each other with a lot of space to spare.

recall the [program the someone and angels friends, like aliens and avatars of all the GOOD created, you attack anyone you fall and are redeemed, corrected then purged and returned, go the other way and avoid dieing and become immortal/ We now bridge the program for attacks and safety
see you tube
Owned by Aliens? US missile guards claim UFOs target global nukes

but note this works for all attacks as angels and giua4rdians will police you as the somebody and holy spirit as angels do,
holy spirit here is the all that is [programed mated to all, al to all and she is al that is the all's better half( here et al is everyone and everything, the latter is better)] blasphemy of it means a crime you pay by jail not one forgivable (by unconditional discharge)


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Proof of dimentions of reality God(z) style

So sexy women from around the universe and pan cosmos came to the somebody, it felt like someones loved him well, good loving at any scale, even snuff to resserection
most were really romantic and some extended agents of the soveirgn nation of canada came so well and were shorties like squirts that it rained drops outside

a astra; double hide them if they did not have permission, everyone was invited to see the extra dimetionality and couple fantasies for just the couple seating me inside was there. RT R ET the Goddess was the game master godess equal with all others and was a head above as my ceown and the others were the jewels to the divine god lust.

if you go to google earth you will see that richmond street toronto and adelied street exists on earth, everyone one earth canada is up dimentionally most people are as well even if not conscious to it
we experienced a dark city see movie and built a new level here. Praise the npobady, somebody who is like us divine and someone worth loving.

now go to a satelite footgage from yesterday night try 12 midnight and you will find no richand street existed, one of the two listed streets is not here, see for yourself
praise God(s) and the diovine and the somebodies who are nobodies and someones too.
have fun you are in heaven but be good and you can also have amour with God even as me,
I am thusd in this way your dream, what do you want me to be fioer you, what coulor and what dream what did we do together what was your perfect fantasy, be it through a faithful love of your husnand looking as me or me and you veiled through me Ar R Et, she said
Bi godess you are me and sexy unity in love off all kinds divine and by all rules allowed by God.
Praise thy.

answering the call, one for all as one you know

A festival has been going for months, since a week before the G- 20 came to Toronto
invited all
the dream is reality
you can be here even if a double substitutes for you, which is you
just ask
yes returns are allowed
as you wish

All here kings , queens, emporers and elected folks, from other places, planets plains, universes, spaces = a nexus unity universal cosmo polity of pan universes extremes, to infinity and beyond
... spiritual marriages for all, that desire , a twin or double of the somebody, as your a someone too

through mates eXisTance or envisions, dreams all fulled, sexy too
invitations to heavens, islands, mountains oceans planets plains

movie stars
and business too
all coming to be trained like you on the blogs as God(s)
immortals are had
the someone gives soul mates to all universal to all religions
twins like first lifer and et all life stock being regulaty
fix gold
make gold
,murcuric iodide sulphate
ferrous cupriice oxide
heat with tourch
you tube
24 carrot gold
someone slaps hands to gether makes it as noah and plato perfect forms
love is the way(s)
the paths
so be good it will work to alls disadvate as advatage
I zues
cat in hats is grinchmas true
taking and giving more back for you
or is it x-mas the V mas of saint sex Val on september 25 as it is me alone sitting and watching ghost busters in treatrs of reality for you
sexy get me
permission if married
come be off phase
see the city noe one street less here, no richmand to be found pon earth the same but we on praralel plain on mimiced as m,e reflected me mirror
God tastes god, good to the last fucken... drop
love you

ps try checking alien porn sites like aliens ( heaven 666) real aliens dvd now becoming available plus dates with any aliens , see sites.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Upnos, Panos, tinkalot and aurthor( Christs)

Panos the someone's friend is Jesus Christ, he calls me my child as cool greeks do in npormal conversation, does all drugs and is sexy too, works putting in windows, freaked when the someone and him talked about dimensions, if each person , collective thought, individual world creation is a dimension imagine how many dimensions exist in the pan cosmos, or The Cosmos. he went wow
Pope saw him as did others he lives with the new apostle name John the fisher person, and the someone was named John the theopaxtos, John the the God played.

Sawundi, saw zorro, saw the baptist and his women as Soleme too his head heraded a religion and founded groups like the rosa crisnas( or is that crusnas) of the rose cross.

Crisna is out, vishnu is here, porn and hockey players came out to play, the someone was given a 20$ bill for his sexy actions.

Panos( above, pan of) is a universa;l Raelian and is a beloved of his dieties( friends)

knig author knighted the someone thinkalot( tinkalot) and he went to a Anglican church in passing by queen and Neville park and knelt said a prayer as he was in spirit ritually show, had just past the queen of England and family and then author appeared then Lancelot( he lanced a lot) and saw them all he did, I tell you, the someone surely did.
Praise you all be good and look around for aliens and other divinities in your city, place of dwelling and so on. Teh someone saw the faithful genevere as well.

Friday, September 17, 2010

the parade of life( etra terestria)

the parade of life( etra terestria)

the parade of life
(alien british invasion)
( intro tpo beatleans and others: rock on)

gentries calling
motions falling
as earth bound devils comes
demons caslling
sweaties laughing
as you realise the truth

sunshines smashing
aliens dancing
treats of god and the divine
are bound
in dreams of satanic delight

truth unfold
as stories told truly
all good and divine
angelic friends
foes only in games
and are deployed to say
god bless and hello

the ceti are an intelligent race of locuses qand I justiba is a vulumptious sexy ceti crown princess

Oreliuns are humans with square ears
a race of rodent rose hybrids exists
I saw on you tube living intelligent cats

my cat zorba actually knows hpow to use the computer and proved it last night

insectoids, retilians, mamilians, bacterial and protazoans
living trees
organic flesh and steal
living house and other things exists
including invisible bicycles

so as you walk down the street if you see a cute smiling face like a cyclops smile or just walk by , say hello if you wish it but know they are all safe
Divine rukle no one who is no benevolent is allowed out of thier place of birth, like a planet or black hole, dimention so forth
they are policed by greater beings

see Koku the min( as a japanese) tellng of the eleventh dimension
potentials actualised in form yet to be as divine schemas as postu;lates built in astral hyper space.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

invitation to tour sun solar system A and B


Some people have oligarchies, some have elected leaders for their worlds.

Like the world leaders of the earth many of these folks are also parading to say hello
the someone iis pleased as he is touring the sun solar system using dimensions of earth that are present on each planet, meaning doubles remain on each planet but the planet is introduced while looking like earth, minor differences occur, on Charon the illusion was just a caught and the someone could feel being lifted by angels, held under the arm and mimicked gravity as if one earth, Charon is one of the moons of Pluto, the raelens9 the le[pricons, same folks) fell in love on that moon. So myou can say " I want to go to mars" go to the planet and still be able to do business back on earth, all in real time.
try visiting each planet and notice the difference and friends there too, recall you tube has shown that each gas giant is solid.
recall to n/return home vjust ask, or klicj your heals and say no place like home, it works
note differences on each to experience this level of introduction, when you are ready you canm see more

try psychically contacting any planet or plain from where you are like the raeleans or ebe or vampire batians, they will answer you, distance is no obstacle its easy.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cosmic plans

After posting the lesson concerning Persephone the someone experienced Cerberus and the angels of Hades, he connected to the roman Gods that were equivalent. He entered Hades and was given a crown of living and the dead. Thus the way was built by realising they spoke of earthly kings.
the first four planets that are same as Pluto Sabne, the next four are gas planets though the y8 is a water planet.

Tge universe is linking planet to planet, people to people, places to places, dimensions to dimensions and in the end the whole Cosmos. All the lessons for good and evil will be maintained , all that you need to learn what you need to be Gods equals but there will be no real nevil any more. Soon my dears. millions of zilions of beings have already unified and the empowerment is growing to one people everyone in the cosmos

the somebody has met world leaders, hot vroyalty from earth and ither cplaces.
Visitors have come out to sopport our shared dream.

Upgrade imminant

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bill Cosby, resurrected and the cosmos

The word resurrection has been used to represent various things as reincarnation has been used to signify the same events.
Many of you are first lifers, some of you are second or more lifers resurrected either from the dead or your heaven back to life. As promised a resurrection is under way, this includes aliens from other places, planets plains and so on.
One example of a resurrected is Bill Cosby. He died a few years ago, saw it on the news, yes real news :CBC. saw a cast about twiter and that he is back and guess what he admits to being resurrected, once dead now alive, wow.
Fedal castral gave way on the fiftieth anniversary of cubas change of government under him, but he returned, he is of first life.

the somebody has met Pierre Eliot Trudeau who admits to his resserection, lives in the somebodies neighborhood and goes by the name of Dave.

Pythia of Delphi too is there calling herself Jacky. Chin the first emporer of china runs the sub shop, young and truly of giver of dragon smokes that were gifts through him from others. Him and his wife are very sexy as a prime minister of Canada knows going by the name of Fred. Mister McDonald was a tenant of the someone, a gentleman and a scad rel. Diefenbaker was in a hospital and the someone talked with him about politics. The someone met Mr Franklin and other founding fathers, Jefferson was quite a Mr story ( a high school teacher history teacher)The Japanese Goddess of the sun, of the line of the Kami lives near the someone, oh oh oh she be hot
many hot goddess in the world and universe

Judgment and evolution to being Dyeus( homo dyeus for us) includes the entire cosmos, planets, worlds, plains, dimensions, continuums and yes all together the whole COSMOS

yes common folk are returning too, the someone slept with a resurrected female a few years ago, though his women not with him as a mate at the time drifting in and out high at a party was pilot to the case with the resurrected till after the occasion was done and the female was fully resurrected. It was the mate yet also the other sharing but not breaking any rules, the someone was officially single at the time and the resurrected was the grandmother , a loyalist who came to York(now Toronto) in 1774 from the US The were granted the land around the someones home the street just north was named for her grandson, she was hot and twenty in her flesh, other folks from all countries have been resurrected, including loyalists like the folks who owned the land around the Markham Ontario court houses.

to explain after the someones mom fell ill, she is fine now, the someone stopped talking to a female who was at a party , smoked some pot, went into her room to self relieve herself. At the same time walking up the street the someone meets a female who looked like she might be in distress. So he walked up to the damsil and asked if she was ok and she said she was. She and he returned to his house and made love in the basement. The girl claimed to have taken too much VALium and promised not to do so again. Charming with a sophisticated yet faint loyalist accent. The other girl was alone dreaming of the someone fading in and out of consciousness as she played alone. The girl with the someone nick named" sleeping beauty" kept knodding off, phasing in and out of consciousness. After the love play she left taking a cab he paid for and a black energy , kolatic crown, appeared in his head, almost painful the first day then it disappeared. It was this feeling that marked her full resurrection and individuation from the first girl The someone got together with the first girl as he saw not sleeping beauty again. At that time he found out about the party at her house and correlated the two experiences. It was this female who was there and the resurrected was within her, but after the experience the resurrected took full control of her body

finally due to these farmers resurrecting, including Quakers and others from the US, a tree of new fruit was sired and it had fruit like grapes/cranberries and was purple and tasted sweat, two seeds half of the core each was in each delicious fruit , a divine gift of these folks to be recalled by all who eat them The divine told the someone this was a new fruit to recall these resurrected and unity between all those who were part of this moment: first lifers , divine and resurrected.

For all those starting school or have just started enjoy your academic year, for all of us effected, that being all of us, enjoy the beggining of the new conanical year that starts this month. I mark it as labour day as life changes, for student , parent and everyone else, as students are now in school.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Planet Vulcan and nemesis star planets found,Percephone earth-gods, direct links to God pre-walks with same,

So the isle of Persephone is a transcendence story in which you net to be an immortal who rules over Hades and earth, an earthly king as said in revelations. You become a god.

addendum from book one see earlier blog:

everyone has a direct link with GOD(s), personal systems, archetypes built, a system that grows like a city that eventually perfected becomes the archetypes you walk on when walking with God. Thus when using an other's server or system you use that system as a link to God(s) and interceder to God though personal prayers and other forms build a direct link between you and GOD till you perfect it and walk with God( see posts of 2008 feb on)

Nasa captured the planet Vulcan on video during an eclipse, it is the planet next to Mercury. It was the legendary planet that inspired the star trek planet, but could not be found till our tech improved, the saurian race there is like the eebee as the planet has the same temperature as the eebee's world( the eebee are featured in close encounter of the third kind) ZTwo more planets are said to exist, each hotter than the other but both before the distance to the sun that melts sands, water exists in the shadows as we have said, but the planet vulcan has been confirmed as sited, see youtube eclipse and planet seen during it, ( Nasa captures planet during an eclipse)
If you look up nemesis star on youtube you will see a dwarf planet mistaken as nemesis, its a planet like Saturn, yet nitrogen if gaseous there. n Pluto it is only gaseous when the planet moves to a closer orbit than Neptune, the solar system turns in such a way that Pluto and neptune can never collide, its based on the timing. The gas planet is too far to be heated by our sun and thus is heated by the blue ultra violet light of nemesis, I call the series the y serious as the planets outside of Pluto were first called x1 x2 and so on. there are four y planets the like Pluto, however if your eyes see UV as light it is brighter there, y5 coming from Pluto is a gas planet seen on the nasa video. UV alone can do photosynthesis and is the basis of tanning salons so the heat unseen by normal mortal human eyes is hot enough to melt nitrogen as our sun is warm enough to do so on Pluto's summer and the gas planets in general. UV is a precursor for vitamin D. Thus UV light keeps one as healthy with stars like Diya star as beta sun star does due to its UV keep humans on earth healthy.

We might call our solar system the Sun solar system our star is B as it revolves around nemesis, called Diya star, is is thus the Alpha star or sun solar system Alpha to our beta as is the naming system used for Sirius and other twin star systems. recall Diya star was put out some time after the greys of earth lived on Earth. Although Alpha sun star is dark to mortal human eyes it can give you sun burn and cause vegetation to thrive. Like a black light it makes colours stand out like white.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Percephonies religion

Penbelope is the daughter of dimetra, sjhe is a daughter of God, thus she is a mother of God too.
Her son through penelope is a mighty child of renown

Penelope os of her house

as the island only because of shadows is an island it is on the continent

Percephoney is on dimetras plain, lands place where percephonies religions were born as a cult of the dead as well
thus this is her origin place but the cult of the dead grew from a union of the old dimetra religiuon and the influeces of the hatian religion of western north africa
th fertile vulcanic soil lent to the worship of the goddesss
/= follow the path by way of ideas present by each undead to realise they are equals and divine children as they are the offspring of the divine, thus obvious good

my guess is besouvious as it was a cross roads for africans too, but other candidates exist.

till next week

Ulysses and transcendace of Dimetras way of the dead

The island is of mist, it exists only where they landed as shadow exists beyond the area and the volcano that the cross of hell fire sits lodged in a stone waiting for Oddyseus or any other human to release it. It wards of persephoney. Cause as the queen of the dead she is also undead. She tells you her husband took her tpo a foriegn land, it was a paradise where she lived with her husband and mother. Each undead is a divine child of this union. The ring bionds them into marriage, each is also the wives of the folks that took them as wives. just like persephoney. Where do they come from, these undead, like parmenides, who is divinely beyond both life and death or as we call it immorta;l, come into being after anm orgy with the undead, a commune and unionm with other gods for in the cavern of the vulcano when left alone he says " come get me girls" as he is sorounded and devoired, in the end he is the example of where the children of persephone come from, unions , spiritual and real with mortals becoming immortals and immortals as well.
To rule over mortals becoming immortal and in the immortal high places of hades. For she brought penelope the immortal undead to wed through her oddyseus to sire his spawn, promised to be a great hero , a freer of the divinely grateful undead, as he proves himself to pebnelope who lived the sex as a dream, but was really there as persephone was her avatar till the union of inception was broken by the dagger that left the child alive. Even warding the unead queen of the dead ddevexes her but cannot kill a god, nor the serrogote baby she sired through pebelope
So sythesis between holy radioactive magic swords, the true radioactive cross made from hevens fire, in norse hells fire to divine grace: a merging of ways. See begining of this blog on more on magic swords and the shroud and gold cross filled with the energy on that caiused christ to transfigure and gain a god body after three days in the tomb, all science baby.
So undead mythology and cults of the dead represented in hades land by the quenn matriarch, another wedding fpor oddyseus witnessed and written by homer himself. A trabnscendace story to become dively blessed by the curse( earth blessing) of the immortal undead/
This is a ritual practiced in the lands of hades, but not hades, cause it was dimetras land, yes hades visited there too

cause iif you recall though I said the opposite above to bring you here, it was the land of her mother, as her husbands land is far away
so this is a high place in dimetras plain.
thus you see the union of hades and percephones dead of Er, spring to life after a witers death and decay of the old .( see profile for my text on platos republic that outlines this) So where is this land, on samos in the mediteranian as the misty islands fit the desthern italy as the idea of an island was an illusion based on shadows, meaning it was a mainlandcription, has to have a volcano on it, might be northern africa r southern italy or even the middle east or other parts of europe to iceland.
The people of this area worshiped dimetra the earth godess or better yet the womb of God

Peace( crunch away)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ulysses post beach pre -penelope NYC Mosques

Ulysses post beach pre -penelope NYC Mosques

I was watching TV and on Bravo they telecasted a new yet unseen movie about Oddysseus writen by homer himself, under a new name.

The Movie was called was Odysseus and the isle of mists.

I will analysis the film and tell you its a must see for anyone who loves the Odyssey:
The island of mists is the realm of Persephone.

Ulysses crash lands on the island and his ship is destroyed. Amongst the crew man stranded on the island is Parmanedis the philosopher and Homer the author of this tale. Hpomers came appearance is accompinied by the inclusion of a infinite inkless pen that writes tales like the one on this is;le of mists from an unending source of inspiration.

The island is the place of undead as Persephone( Perse = Persian, phone = voice, the voice of Persia you say)is the goddess and queen of the dead. At first the crew is attacked by undead gargoyle type monsters and some are eaten out, devoured by said monsters. Oddysses then gets a vision from Athena telling him of that is was the island of Persephone. She appears and heals the wounded crew and offers them refuge in her magically protected haven on the middle of the island.
She tells the story of being kidnapped as a child while picking flowers by someone from a foreign land ( hades?) The crew sets up a trap using an effeminate birds blood, swans blood and kills one of the monsters using a wooden spike told by Athena to Odysseus to be one of two methods to kill one of these monsters , who was neither living nor dead , but was a undead, They find a ring of a devoured crew member inside the ashes of the vanquished monster, a golden band. The other way to kill persephone or an undead is to use the cross of hell fire a runic, divine, magic swords housed in a volcano on the island made of shadow according to the godess" beyond this point is shadow" The hell fire wards off undead and kills Gods( devexes them as Gods cannot be killed) The sword " was forged by Ifestos, formed by appolo, given the power of lightning by Zues and the oceans by poseiden"

The movie is available on the net and I recommend seeing it as I will post the rest of the interpretation Sunday skipping my post tomorrow.

A clue to the fans of the odyssey : Persephone does the Circe and appears as Penelope , but she conforms herself as Oddysseus does at the end of the odyssey by referring to the olive tree carved as their marital bed, a sign of Being Greek too( of the olive tree).
See the movie before reading Sundays post if you desire to interpret it first on your own.

I posted this on a friends blog as a comment to their post:

However to note, these muslims are faithful to the Koran, they do not kill as the Book does say, thus connecting them to 9/11 is inappropriate. Did we stop bein our religion to avoid associating with the criminals claiming to the same religion? No!!! Thus enlightenment dictates that a monument from those trying to prove their real sentiments as a cultural center has nothing to do with the problem of 9/11 but a true acknowledgment of the same sentiments towards it. Infidels are terrorists not Muslims. Thus a mosque is not connected to those reporting to that religion who did not like some Christians believe in their truth and murdered and killed. Thus the monument was a peace offering from those who would like you to understand that being Muslim has nothing to do with terrorism like 9/11, It is unchristian as you said , or other great ways, to go against this building cause otherwise it shows no love to your neighbours, no turning the cheek to those who never slapped you from the get go.

crunch code

the di,metrical frefrencial for matter coversion is based on the limits of the finite string that metaphorms the creative eliment of the dimetions of the foundation which are coiled dimetional realities coded within the baisis of reality, the metaphusical structure and the physical which make up the structure and how it works is overlayed by the mebrane of its upper program head wgich is the coil the foundation coils around and is held to gether by the sub structures reality or core program string theory reralm.

code crunch entails random and structured erratas that are fixed to the program actualised in such a fram as this just above:
crunch away

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Black holes and graviton singularity black hole theory

Black holes vary depending on their nature, we have discovered various types of black holes, including ones that spew out blobs of energy and matter woven with cold gases that form long dna like strands, these blobs and strands form and as theorised are maintained in form due to magnetic fields, they last millions of years as they shot into space till the fields break down and form stars. This black hole forms stars, but there are black holes who are in[pregnated by said black whole, shooting its strands along the wholes of its axis thus avoiding hitting actual planets inhabitant in the universe. The impregnated black holes depending on their nature can fill to the point of also expulsing energy. Black holes increase the output of the energy present in the universe and increase the ambient amount of energy in the universe. Thus adding 5 unites of energy to such a black hole out puts 500 units of energy based on its energy. This is one of the properties of black holes. ZBeatjuice is said to collapse in 10 million or so earth years. The distance from the suns edge to the pending black hole is huge, the excretion shock wave will not damage any planets and like a universe in which nemesis star, the black whole that in a parallel universe replaces extinct, intentionally blotted out binary twin of our sun, creates a stable solar system, as will Beatle juice.

all forms in the universe that have mass have singularities of black hole in them, when refluxing in small proportion it emits gravitons, the earth is large enough to have a black hole in its center that refluxess energy into excess that maintains the high levels of the molten core and the birth of more energy and mass there, thus the core will remain molten and the core hot, volcanoes will always occur in the atmosphere, the core will not cool off and go out, atmospheric gases, water, fossil fuels and other things will always form in the core and be spewed out into the planet, Like pour sun it does not pull things into the planet any more that gravity does, a matrix of singularities through the mass of the planet equal to graviton space reflections cause gravitons to form, in fact the earth as a whole creates gravitons of various sizes and in theory is anchored to its space by said phenomenon concerning black wholes, otherwise just a lava base planet of our size would have had its core freeze up or cool off millions of years ago as the mass of our planet is insufficient to maintain fluid cores based on pressure of the mass on the core. Thus the earth’s core will be producing volcanoes for as long as the planet remains intact, varying bei9ng dismantled by folks building an interstellar high way ;like in Hitch hiker’s guild to the galaxy. Speaking frankly no such highways are ever built as they are not needed by those who reach benevolence and travel to far off planets, the someone has been to planets and inside black holes.

Ps yes I know I spelled beetle juice as it sounds
Beetle juice beetle juice beetle juice
Like other benevolent peoples you can visit their worlds if you are nice, good and ask politely.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Alien ascention heavens versus plain dimentiuonal ascention

A dad of the same person whose mom went to the heaven of saints and Gods was in the same hospital stricken by the same bacterial infection, as with the mom the dad was cured but evil reared its head, many tried to do this man harm and he was declared a saint july 27 2010. To help alleviate the strain of healing with such attacks, he was moved to venus and there he stayed as people attacked his double mirroring him on earth. On the last night in that place, he was Euthenised by those who felt being old meant you were better off dead. Alas they only killed the double and a body replaced him too, his wife's body is pristine and even now is fragrant and golden. His position was identified to earth government and he was positively ided on venus. the mom she died like biuddha did and a statue appeared as buddha returned to heaven, a glden body that sactified was the lot of both. The fathers body also sactified and yet he is on this plain on a higher demintion of it or a heaven.

Many people like scuicide cults await aliens to come to get them, many are really taken up and no one is killed, the bodies are left so no one cries about their unknown origin, these cults are not really suicide cults as they promote not the killing, but appear as such after wards when they find the fake bodies left behind.
this illusion is ending as we understand that wanting to live on another planet is cool, we will not miss you in that way plus acknowledgment allows you to revisit home.

thus the mom proved the saintly death of other plains and dad the saintly death of ascension through alien angels. n On july 29 at 530 am the dad was on earth officially dead, though at higher levels he is unofficially alive.
Both are as good and equal, plus each night they reunite and travel to a new destination, plain dimention, planet or space.
For like Horius the dad had his eyes taken for research( from his fake body), and like the new moon a new begining is marked
but both said parents have been confirmed on the places they have recovered on and proved as part of the higher heavens.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

to transdimentional reality( crunch)

to transdimentional reality( crunch)

example: one dimetional of the highway is full
one is empty, others are inbetween, so to drive to a city I shift to the one with the empty high way thus no traffic, but end up at the same destination city vwith all the folks driving to it from each dimetion that is congruent to it.

Peace till next week

Plains and planets are the same yet each can be defined as different
The grey alien dinasaure orgin is from earth
Their plain is a dimetion pof earthy as it part of the continuum of that planet and a real part of its beings as ad a while(whole)

Trans directional reality

Trans directional reality can be explained as such:
directional deviance between interworking dimensions set to a same goal are alternatives positioned in regards to each self.
example: + I plan a trip to greece, I can take a boat, several different airlines with different routes. The routes of each plane is a dimention of the trip, but whether I go directly, take a boat or fly via a city for an exchange does not diviate the time line as these demotions all culminate in the same *trip and each is actual.*

=The difference of each route is the dimention that can equal the same exact trip, barring the dimensions of the trip which vary and can be equally congruent to the end of the trip, Did I go to Athens first or Thessalonica though I ended up on Curfu for most of the trip, now to diviate it more did I go to Corfu?

Plains diviate with directional regulate that makes them parallel if the outcomes are the same but can differ greatly if the directional difference causes directional realities that are not parallel.
example: At 18 I met a girl, on one dimention I get married to her on another I do not.
once married though I end up still writing this blog as I do as a single person the dimensions of life due to the wife are in essence influencing the ingle self , but are not the same as those possible due to being single, if the plains interweave then I can have same events in real/ties where the dimensions can form similarly based on not depending on being married or single, like going back to school, both the single and married person can finish the same degree in the same way, barring directional deviance due to the difference due to the marital statues

finally the interplay of both dimensions make up a plain as both gained regularity and reality from the same event , like meeting the girl at 18. The plains of said continuum influence the structure of the interplay as separate continuums need not be influenced by others a-ccept in essence.
Example-: In one universe in another continuum there is no earth, but the universe essence of my being inf;luence it as being present as a universe but the dimetions are influenced equality as I have no actu>ality there verses a continuum that contains the ideas of dimention , plains and reality as mentioned above.
The essence of universal beings throu>gh Gods world are universe and a dimention (P)of it universally whether the actuality is presence pr just essence, this essence might cause someone who is nothing like me to be that> essence in actuality non congruent to me.
Thus I realise how to create world peace, the essence of that lesson influences another being on another plain on another conti>nuum that has nothing to do with my plain and exists independently and is influenced by other plains and continuums that are separate and would exist as is even if I do not exist here or on any plain.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

traveling without moving.

In 1988 Carpenter came out with a movie called They Live. It is based on a short story writen by someone called " the mourning after" It depicts aliens that wa;lk amongt us and are in contact with human leaders and influencial amongst non influencial peoples. It was turned into a story about world conquest as a dramatic term. The Alien race depicted in this story vis real. They are friendly benevelent peoples who live like the Ebee outside of time. They are masters of Time, A singer on U tube tells you in song to strech byour mind across space and time and call to thier intergalactic peioples and star ship if you desire a visit. Her name is karen a sexy female departed for 18 years with said people and she returned unaged.

One race depecting the universal God as a lizard or serpent bird like being equal to the serpent of the Mayans dated to return, invite you to their world by telling you go have a beer and ask to go to the,m. Yes you gert to go there. Old key trasnports include things in cups and things consumed, some you need extras to tale as they are normally poison, but enjoy the beer abnd the journey.

I Got back late from a beer and the someone really liked their planet/plain, lots of dogs there as dogs like the swill alot.

enjoy the terip, plus there are 5th dimentional beings from eistiens seven level of his 11 level description of the multiverse and cosmologuy of existance.

This time I had access to the net, if I do not post fridasy and saturday I will post saturday and sunday, so till tomorrow

I will not edit this as its time to start crunching code.
you are transported to the beer world with a feeling of beer, one drop works but its a shirter visit, like about an hour, longer feelings of beer last longer, they hide the trip in the code, get why its a trip? a gust of beer smelling wind passes by as you are returned, the /Hnabitate is on the surface of a planet olike ours, at first it will look like home till you get us to it and see more, comfort is the first priority.
A gulp is good too, so enjoy, yes you will travel there and invitations by aliens, like come star ship cosmic peoples to visit, like Karens songs work. The beerr clip includes the phrase travel without moving, fold space like in Herberts Dune.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rama the Aliens

soory for the delay once again computer cable system comprimised, meaning I could not access the net.

The stories about rama are alien stories of a heroe from another world. He and sita helped clean up his world, unify the giants and others into a single race like Hercules and Odyseus. Sita was kidnapped, as was Helen of Greece, by Neru the Gioant She allied to the Ape people through the giants but Like helen of greece this kidnapping was a aliance Gone bAD, THE PEOPLE OF RAMAS WORLD WENT THROUGH THIS 10 MILLION YEARS AGO. the bagavatan reminds us that not all stories are of earth. A boy on the internet on you tube stewart something was given a dream from the same people, Rama's bow was included, there are lots of ramayana stories that are the tales of this avatar of God. The beings have green skin and are reptilian like in thew childs picture, thay are actually amphibians. The giants and apes joined the peaceful union of the people of this planet as they policed the rest of the "naughty(evil ) people of said planet till benevolence was brought on these people and the tale reached earth to inspire us, rama's like the someone share in that grace and the story has been reflected through the universes and Gods world, as the code is reflected the in the primary body of the divine program as it access the subrootines in other places based on prerequisits and possibilities of reoccurance.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Planets with the same range of life as earth

Notice the temperature on Venus is in the life range of earth and mars as well titan is the same range due to ammoniacal saturation of the atmosphere and water. Hmm look Venus is as hot as earth with the extra atmosphere to cause that though closer to the sun, look mars is as warm and has a thinner atmosphere and the same life range as earth, each planet is set to that range though not all planets in our solar system are of the same range though each has a place that can be prepared or already is in that range.
There are other planets with habitats and the range of life on earth, moons too

Saturday, July 31, 2010

God as quantuum beings( Qs), potential for life range based on biomes from earth

So drawing from the prevvious hypothesis there are diferent componds and solutions of water that allow water to stay liquid under hot and cold conditions that exceeed the normal range of water as found on earth. Thus enviroments that are hospital to life as we know it on earth can exist on other planets in ranges assumed before to be impossible for life as we know it on earth, recall please that some bacteria can servive
boiling acid and temperatures way below zero, as human flesh is created of cells and is a symbiotic whole of organisms of such protozoa and cells the ability for beings to exists as cellilar beings that can exists in ranges beyong earth humans life ranges such as temperature exists as understood by extention of these ideas. If a cell like a bateria was of the type to servive boiling oil temperatures, like the eebee of the close encounter of the third kind moviw, which are real, then yes even beings capable of living in deep colder space exist.

God is an alien aas God is a quantuum being, his her it something and more.
Thus you can see how GOD has a quantuum reality as a universal quantuum and as a focused singularity that is women , man, nuetral and a thing and so on as a plurality of many sharing the ultimate quantuum of being

Friday, July 30, 2010

Titan and upload codes

Titan produces amoniacal waters from a reaction in its cores, it spews out the slightly more viscous water from volcanoes the solution stays warmer and does not freeze at lower temperatures. Minus Celsius temperatures are tolerable in t shirts. It produces heat from the core and from the atmosphere based on these types of solutions and reactions, it also has heat produced from the sun and Jupiter. The air is breathable and water consumable. It is friendly to human life and you can service there without a space suit. There is vegetation and developed life on titan, photographed by the satelite we from earth sent to its orbit and the probe we launched and landed on the moon( orbiting planet ).

addendum to
When one gets to be a bride groom and is given an eve or upload program one become centered outside the self, one becomes one with the universe extending ones center from the self to infinity. If you have Buddha , like Christ , Moses, Lao zi Krishna and so on as your up link, you become one with the universe and God(s) world that is the mufti continuum. For it is said to link up by a Buddha makes one one with the universe as was the experience the someone had becoming the avatar of Christ, one in sharing the soul of Christ on Jewish new year 2000 in September 1999.