Friday, October 1, 2010

Festival and OZ Y series and Diya star( Nemesis)

The festival is going great, plains exist where dreams like stories do rise and come true, like going to OZ and seeing the wizard married to and loving his wicked witch of the north.
up on eglignton ave near don mills in that dimension of earth
sign says " road temporarily closed" Like all wizards places it is hidden by signs that warn

OZ is sometimes equated to the planet of Y1 which is smaller than mars but similar.

Diya star( nemesis or Satan star) is as large in the sky as it is on earth, Y1 is the first star as we head towards as we go towards Diya star in the direction from us, so y1 is the first planet we would call planets if you call Pluto one too, x1 is sebne, x3 is Meuw( nasa has different name) the last planet before going to planetoid or dawrf planets, if you call these dwarf planets in the kieper belt then you can refer to the next four to five as planatoids, planetesmas are smaller and are many.

as we said before Y5 is the nasa current pick as diya starm though at higher leves the NSA csis and counter parts world wide have seen nemesis at a 45 degree angle from our solar system that revolves around it
pluto and neptune never craash into each other that are at diferent orbital plateaus and thus pass by each other with a lot of space to spare.

recall the [program the someone and angels friends, like aliens and avatars of all the GOOD created, you attack anyone you fall and are redeemed, corrected then purged and returned, go the other way and avoid dieing and become immortal/ We now bridge the program for attacks and safety
see you tube
Owned by Aliens? US missile guards claim UFOs target global nukes

but note this works for all attacks as angels and giua4rdians will police you as the somebody and holy spirit as angels do,
holy spirit here is the all that is [programed mated to all, al to all and she is al that is the all's better half( here et al is everyone and everything, the latter is better)] blasphemy of it means a crime you pay by jail not one forgivable (by unconditional discharge)


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