Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dimetional strata ( aliens and russia)

Transdimetional reality
pitch through vibration reality
quattum shift regularity and a choice of said reality

Thus strata dictates oneness regulated through substrata regularities or forms to singularities fluxing through multidimensional reality regulated through the strings of programed metaphysical structures creating structures unbounded in focused string realities to the potenmtion programed head of the super strata to the strata which is the above and the below the same.

think system ( key interpretive, strata to super strata to structure which is both metaphysical and physical to substructure or string theory to the foundation or singularity dimetions to the sub strata or unity forns of regularity of the strata that is the bottom or unity to the top as one)

to see aliens and Russians working together to destroy attacks on aliens and learn how Stalin used military to create with scientists and the top military heads , et al, the airplanes that are too noisy for anything but peaceful use
Praise Papa Joseph peace maker and God of war

God praise RT R ET
U R ET 2

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