Saturday, October 9, 2010

Philosopher stone and the joggers hi of the dragon chase


by valpetridis @ 2010-10-09 – 23:32:45

Many have gathered to say thanks this weekend, here on Toronto, dimetional Niribu, the party will last till Monday night.

People around the wporld say please and thank you to the divine feast of ideas and thought. A evil twin awaits those earth geographically south sometime later this earth year.
How many days has this adam dream lasted, one ends as several running are beyond those yet to begin, formed unformed, born and realised in constant reality, broken flowers spreading thier seeds as they sway to the rythem of the reconstruction, time is the essence of s;liders that debute as a movie today, see you tube

philosopher stone: it is a fabled substance that caused wisdom to be sired in the minds of the ones seeking what they find in the elation of the moment of the reality that is that is

what a taste of this nectir makes you wiser
so does the alchemist, chemist and medicine person

see you tube for furmulas of the philosopher stone, its a buzz, the muslims have a version with assasin hear precurser plants.

wait , did this crack Zues head open with the fires of iofestones ( vulcons buzz) hammered like nails through his skull to create athena, menervus wiser side. the serpents hissing pant and gasp of hope as you reach into the light hoping to find the romantic black, touching feeling the wisdom intelligence written on her for head, contemplate this as your fate, venus , raven, serpent, dragon force rise warping to the call of scientrific philosopher stone

its Coke guys, yes the earth and blessed Matters gave you this essence so loved via life itself
Coke is the philosopher stone at 0.001 percent trace coke in cafeien extracted from cocoa leaves before coke being sold to pharmacutical companies for nova cain, in coke c0.25 miligrames coker per can at 65 mg of cofien times 0.065 grams( 6 mg) in a cokacpola soon to be where it was, keep the caffein, it speads me up, cokle just makes the someone run in full consciouness and no heart rate change, thank you eartrh, pan cosdmos gov for the clean taste of viictpory says he and I, as I the servent of the somebody et All love it as if it were my own and now case celery made of pop pea flavoured femakle hearioes, praise the someones who are somebodies

be good and may the Good say : its to youyr advantage as it is

Philosopher stone and the joggers hi of the dragon chased

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