Friday, October 8, 2010

Aliens offer upgrade fpor mestral cycle, festival Toronto Nirubu man, Kningdom cum, come all..

The alien Earth divinioty unity, its pan cosmic, offered an upgrade to the female human reproductive system, it will be genode coded and it entails having the overies act like testicles without loss of egg productions, like a guy they are produced through sex, it misses sometimes but after inhregnation mestral walls occur with a few clear drops for the first days to marjk the success and to give you menstral fluid for spells,
after a long time of no sexual relioef you go metaposal as nuns do, feeling wise. The egg ejaculation like a male is machanical and can be very orgasmic, peace tampones can be used during the few drops time, no genetic errors will be coded in deviance factor equal to no more than simple variations like I have a ferw drops you seem to have a few more. All within reason.
One must prepare women for new body upgrades as they will not mestruate and will now cycle as aften as men do esp after one month of no relief.
It will be perfect think about it and if you want the feedon from the period as all of us do, think yes and that is all, all the angels are watching, its theotic , its angelificated.
Better than ever baby

Another festval bigger than ever on TO star ship Nirubu this weekend, gate access pass level dimetion transport will occur when coming to Toronto, but know you can do this by even wondering astral projection, to coming here in person, or being teleported by any means including aliens, magixc, psychics and teleporting tech that many on earth developed as info was given on creating them by the aliens and angels during a highlinghting of the enlightenment happeing around and as part of the someones enlightenment of ALLL

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