Saturday, August 14, 2010

traveling without moving.

In 1988 Carpenter came out with a movie called They Live. It is based on a short story writen by someone called " the mourning after" It depicts aliens that wa;lk amongt us and are in contact with human leaders and influencial amongst non influencial peoples. It was turned into a story about world conquest as a dramatic term. The Alien race depicted in this story vis real. They are friendly benevelent peoples who live like the Ebee outside of time. They are masters of Time, A singer on U tube tells you in song to strech byour mind across space and time and call to thier intergalactic peioples and star ship if you desire a visit. Her name is karen a sexy female departed for 18 years with said people and she returned unaged.

One race depecting the universal God as a lizard or serpent bird like being equal to the serpent of the Mayans dated to return, invite you to their world by telling you go have a beer and ask to go to the,m. Yes you gert to go there. Old key trasnports include things in cups and things consumed, some you need extras to tale as they are normally poison, but enjoy the beer abnd the journey.

I Got back late from a beer and the someone really liked their planet/plain, lots of dogs there as dogs like the swill alot.

enjoy the terip, plus there are 5th dimentional beings from eistiens seven level of his 11 level description of the multiverse and cosmologuy of existance.

This time I had access to the net, if I do not post fridasy and saturday I will post saturday and sunday, so till tomorrow

I will not edit this as its time to start crunching code.
you are transported to the beer world with a feeling of beer, one drop works but its a shirter visit, like about an hour, longer feelings of beer last longer, they hide the trip in the code, get why its a trip? a gust of beer smelling wind passes by as you are returned, the /Hnabitate is on the surface of a planet olike ours, at first it will look like home till you get us to it and see more, comfort is the first priority.
A gulp is good too, so enjoy, yes you will travel there and invitations by aliens, like come star ship cosmic peoples to visit, like Karens songs work. The beerr clip includes the phrase travel without moving, fold space like in Herberts Dune.

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