Monday, August 30, 2010

Percephonies religion

Penbelope is the daughter of dimetra, sjhe is a daughter of God, thus she is a mother of God too.
Her son through penelope is a mighty child of renown

Penelope os of her house

as the island only because of shadows is an island it is on the continent

Percephoney is on dimetras plain, lands place where percephonies religions were born as a cult of the dead as well
thus this is her origin place but the cult of the dead grew from a union of the old dimetra religiuon and the influeces of the hatian religion of western north africa
th fertile vulcanic soil lent to the worship of the goddesss
/= follow the path by way of ideas present by each undead to realise they are equals and divine children as they are the offspring of the divine, thus obvious good

my guess is besouvious as it was a cross roads for africans too, but other candidates exist.

till next week

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