Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rama the Aliens

soory for the delay once again computer cable system comprimised, meaning I could not access the net.

The stories about rama are alien stories of a heroe from another world. He and sita helped clean up his world, unify the giants and others into a single race like Hercules and Odyseus. Sita was kidnapped, as was Helen of Greece, by Neru the Gioant She allied to the Ape people through the giants but Like helen of greece this kidnapping was a aliance Gone bAD, THE PEOPLE OF RAMAS WORLD WENT THROUGH THIS 10 MILLION YEARS AGO. the bagavatan reminds us that not all stories are of earth. A boy on the internet on you tube stewart something was given a dream from the same people, Rama's bow was included, there are lots of ramayana stories that are the tales of this avatar of God. The beings have green skin and are reptilian like in thew childs picture, thay are actually amphibians. The giants and apes joined the peaceful union of the people of this planet as they policed the rest of the "naughty(evil ) people of said planet till benevolence was brought on these people and the tale reached earth to inspire us, rama's like the someone share in that grace and the story has been reflected through the universes and Gods world, as the code is reflected the in the primary body of the divine program as it access the subrootines in other places based on prerequisits and possibilities of reoccurance.

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