Sunday, August 15, 2010

Trans directional reality

Trans directional reality can be explained as such:
directional deviance between interworking dimensions set to a same goal are alternatives positioned in regards to each self.
example: + I plan a trip to greece, I can take a boat, several different airlines with different routes. The routes of each plane is a dimention of the trip, but whether I go directly, take a boat or fly via a city for an exchange does not diviate the time line as these demotions all culminate in the same *trip and each is actual.*

=The difference of each route is the dimention that can equal the same exact trip, barring the dimensions of the trip which vary and can be equally congruent to the end of the trip, Did I go to Athens first or Thessalonica though I ended up on Curfu for most of the trip, now to diviate it more did I go to Corfu?

Plains diviate with directional regulate that makes them parallel if the outcomes are the same but can differ greatly if the directional difference causes directional realities that are not parallel.
example: At 18 I met a girl, on one dimention I get married to her on another I do not.
once married though I end up still writing this blog as I do as a single person the dimensions of life due to the wife are in essence influencing the ingle self , but are not the same as those possible due to being single, if the plains interweave then I can have same events in real/ties where the dimensions can form similarly based on not depending on being married or single, like going back to school, both the single and married person can finish the same degree in the same way, barring directional deviance due to the difference due to the marital statues

finally the interplay of both dimensions make up a plain as both gained regularity and reality from the same event , like meeting the girl at 18. The plains of said continuum influence the structure of the interplay as separate continuums need not be influenced by others a-ccept in essence.
Example-: In one universe in another continuum there is no earth, but the universe essence of my being inf;luence it as being present as a universe but the dimetions are influenced equality as I have no actu>ality there verses a continuum that contains the ideas of dimention , plains and reality as mentioned above.
The essence of universal beings throu>gh Gods world are universe and a dimention (P)of it universally whether the actuality is presence pr just essence, this essence might cause someone who is nothing like me to be that> essence in actuality non congruent to me.
Thus I realise how to create world peace, the essence of that lesson influences another being on another plain on another conti>nuum that has nothing to do with my plain and exists independently and is influenced by other plains and continuums that are separate and would exist as is even if I do not exist here or on any plain.


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