Saturday, September 18, 2010

Upnos, Panos, tinkalot and aurthor( Christs)

Panos the someone's friend is Jesus Christ, he calls me my child as cool greeks do in npormal conversation, does all drugs and is sexy too, works putting in windows, freaked when the someone and him talked about dimensions, if each person , collective thought, individual world creation is a dimension imagine how many dimensions exist in the pan cosmos, or The Cosmos. he went wow
Pope saw him as did others he lives with the new apostle name John the fisher person, and the someone was named John the theopaxtos, John the the God played.

Sawundi, saw zorro, saw the baptist and his women as Soleme too his head heraded a religion and founded groups like the rosa crisnas( or is that crusnas) of the rose cross.

Crisna is out, vishnu is here, porn and hockey players came out to play, the someone was given a 20$ bill for his sexy actions.

Panos( above, pan of) is a universa;l Raelian and is a beloved of his dieties( friends)

knig author knighted the someone thinkalot( tinkalot) and he went to a Anglican church in passing by queen and Neville park and knelt said a prayer as he was in spirit ritually show, had just past the queen of England and family and then author appeared then Lancelot( he lanced a lot) and saw them all he did, I tell you, the someone surely did.
Praise you all be good and look around for aliens and other divinities in your city, place of dwelling and so on. Teh someone saw the faithful genevere as well.

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