Friday, September 17, 2010

the parade of life( etra terestria)

the parade of life( etra terestria)

the parade of life
(alien british invasion)
( intro tpo beatleans and others: rock on)

gentries calling
motions falling
as earth bound devils comes
demons caslling
sweaties laughing
as you realise the truth

sunshines smashing
aliens dancing
treats of god and the divine
are bound
in dreams of satanic delight

truth unfold
as stories told truly
all good and divine
angelic friends
foes only in games
and are deployed to say
god bless and hello

the ceti are an intelligent race of locuses qand I justiba is a vulumptious sexy ceti crown princess

Oreliuns are humans with square ears
a race of rodent rose hybrids exists
I saw on you tube living intelligent cats

my cat zorba actually knows hpow to use the computer and proved it last night

insectoids, retilians, mamilians, bacterial and protazoans
living trees
organic flesh and steal
living house and other things exists
including invisible bicycles

so as you walk down the street if you see a cute smiling face like a cyclops smile or just walk by , say hello if you wish it but know they are all safe
Divine rukle no one who is no benevolent is allowed out of thier place of birth, like a planet or black hole, dimention so forth
they are policed by greater beings

see Koku the min( as a japanese) tellng of the eleventh dimension
potentials actualised in form yet to be as divine schemas as postu;lates built in astral hyper space.

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