Saturday, December 4, 2010

Medusa and the alliance with the daughter of Oenomaüs, Hippodamei

Dictys means net as in fishing net, which fits the hypothesis concerning his role as fisher king.
Perseus was invited to a wedding proposal by the king of Seriphus Polydectes. At said wedding Polydectes receives a gift from the guest and Perseus feeling ungracious due to not bring a gift with him offers to give the Ki8ng any gift he desired. Polydectes who had already fallen in love with Perseus mother and wanting to get rid of him took advantage of the situation he helped foster and told Perseus he wanted the head of the Gorgon Medusa that was thought an impossible task by those who are mortal. The wedding was to a daughter of Oenomaüs, Hippodamei and reflects an alliance Polydectes has forged though his extra intentions was to lure Perseus to volunteer for a task that was equal to suicide, mission impossible. It is in this alliance that one sees the necessity to ally with The Medusa, take her head and thus her authority and unify her people with the Greek as Greek. The taking of the head means taking the authority to represent a person as if them , two heads as one.

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