Friday, November 12, 2010

Spheres and orgies siring new peoples of God(s)

The repercussion of the September 25 revelation is still being realised. This year the golden sphere or the only begotten mated with the green world wide begotten one green sphere. The outcome is a universal wisdom.
This occurred during the summer in late July. In September a unity of all love through out the pan cosmos occurred. It unified all created chambers. The golden sphere( bhuddha or enlightenment sphere, Christ so on) sired a new sphere with the earth( matter Goddess) a universal sphere. These spheres are the saphron refereed to by caballa as the tree of wisdom. A seragacy with the someone occurred in every chamber, thus the someone has sired a alliance with child in every divine chamber, like the Moses orgy that created a new people of God or the Jews, the york university orgy on the last Thursday in may 2009 that created one people on earth under God. The September 25 all love day is a orgy festival du God at all levels of love, to sire one people under God under the pan continuum level, the highest ;level possible, that includes beings of the unsayable. Panos or Christ is still calculating some of the repercussions of the event. It has cosmic permanent repercussions for altering the very fabric of the universe and has altered reality permanently. All the kings of the world allied on earth by drinking of this cup of divine ambrosia. Religious, political, economic, entertainment and common folk came to partake in the ritual to sow the seeds of the new brighter more peaceful universe devoid of real evil and death.
Welcome...Keep teaching people how to empower themselves, become peaceful and divine, the stars are the limit so lets go beyond!!!
On wards...

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