Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pan(s) as Orpheus

did you know that the teh which appears when you type the as well as four other forms of it are spy programs built into the teh system grid back when teh internet was used by the military. yjere are extra programs I and the someone sugger that cause spelling errors to appear on finished work, the gods use it as crunch code but understand why they appear.

Parr Noel in french means father christmas which was originally drawn in red to resemble st basil teh gift giver imported into x mas tradition reflective the older presents for a birthday. It was germans and dutch who at teh time where northern euorpeans who added st nicleclaus to st basil, but it was later people who connecte3d st basil, st nicolous to x mas, as teh dutch celebrate him on dec 4 st nicolos days.

[10] X. TO PAN

The Fumigation from Various Odors.
I Call strong Pan, the substance of the whole, etherial, marine, earthly, general soul,
Immortal fire; for all the world is thine, and all are parts of thee, O pow'r divine.
Come, blessed Pan, whom rural haunts delight, come, leaping, agile, wand'ring, starry light;
The Hours and Seasons [Horai], wait thy high command, and round thy throne in graceful order stand.
Goat-footed, horned, Bacchanalian Pan, fanatic pow'r, from whom the world began,
Whose various parts by thee inspir'd, combine in endless dance and melody divine.
In thee a refuge from our fears we find, those fears peculiar to the human kind.
Thee shepherds, streams of water, goats rejoice, thou lov'st the chace, and Echo's secret voice:
The sportive nymphs, thy ev'ry step attend, and all thy works fulfill their destin'd end.
O all-producing pow'r, much-fam'd, divine, the world's great ruler, rich increase is thine.
All-fertile Pæan, heav'nly splendor pure, in fruits rejoicing, and in caves obscure.
True serpent-horned Jove [Zeus], whose dreadful rage when rous'd, 'tis hard for mortals to asswage.
By thee the earth wide-bosom'd deep and long, stands on a basis permanent and strong.
Th' unwearied waters of the rolling sea, profoundly spreading, yield to thy decree.
Old Ocean [Okeanos] too reveres thy high command, whose liquid arms begirt the solid land.
The spacious air, whose nutrimental fire, and vivid blasts, the heat of life inspire
The lighter frame of fire, whose sparkling eye shines on the summit of the azure sky,
Submit alike to thee, whole general sway all parts of matter, various form'd obey.
All nature's change thro' thy protecting care, and all mankind thy lib'ral bounties share:
For these where'er dispers'd thro' boundless space, still find thy providence support their race.
Come, Bacchanalian, blessed power draw near, fanatic Pan, thy humble suppliant hear,
Propitious to these holy rites attend, and grant my life may meet a prosp'rous end;
Drive panic Fury too, wherever found, from human kind, to earth's remotest bound.

Pan in greek to hindu means all, pan games in english means a game or evenst for all. first Orpheus calls pan the universal quantuum of all things spirit,, ethiric and matter

pan is energy and eternal fire, pan is a spirit and god(s) heads that can be utilised and controlled by pan. God who is tiemless and timefull in control, able to control time itself as the pan does..

Pan is fruitfula nd active, able to act in time and also the source of life and sexuality. multiply and be fruitful.

Pan is the universe divine songs and programs who dances, sings and uses these programs as well as compose them.
whose parts encompass all, gaot is like sheep who are rams.
for pan is all things that are and are accessed by people as pan does.
pan guilds us and the there is nymphs and aftes programs that cause things to occur, it is a refuge from all bad.

[an of all the avatars as well whose programs and authority are the rite to all authority. from divine judge and always solibit to horned one who is always fertile as all pans are these as one, becoming who in thier unity. the fertile side is all mountains trunchs and caves, secrets amnd open knowledge are the realms of the pan as it is after all all things even those beyond all things that can be such.
this also covers all religions that use these images avstracted to the who and thus expres a dimention opf god with them, christians use the panasgia fopr instance as the thetata of the unity of thier marriage always when single to godess as thier wife now asnd in the future when known and coupled. of all elements, fire, earth, water and air and by the authority of god through them. the void and the beyond of matter energy and all change active and inactive know and forever and upon the ages of ages Proviodence be of fury og just judgement and benevelence to good behaciour amen.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Seasons greetings 2011

May all those celebrating or in the holiday period, Please hace a safe and fun experience, may it truly have the pleasures you desire and for those who think hum bug, enjoy it, cause being good leads to better things each day.

During the excaltation of nature we did not mention how the systems and forces represent the science concerning same.

I will continue orpheus next week as it is the holidays, but will add some spice to your holiday meal by enlightening you guys more concerning some holidays.

some new religions
brahatic satanists for instance now celebrate drhana a midnight, winter solstice holiday that including people walking with God during x-mas eve.
draka a vampire club celebrates drahna a similar holiday based on teh beleif that vampires prefer real darkness made by nature and this period of teh year is longer.
the martians celebrate krmanaph, the birth of teh golden light.

Aslam celebrates the birth of the light celebration
which is x-mas or jenuthas birthday
it was Mohamed favourite, it contains the mention in section two of Hanuka.

teh bristh of eth golden light was what teh someone called x mas based on it being spelled with a ippselon and not a hita as christs name is in greek.
christ witha yiota means fixer and it was used by cabbalists.
christ with an hita means virtuous and good one and with an yipselon a Y as a vowel, not gam,,a as in yellow, try the end of the word pony measn gold like, so xystougena in greek means the birth of the gold like

Noel was the first santa nicleclaus drawn with red st basil clothes, teh dutch who helped make it popular were part of France at the time, it was the dutch and Germans the popularized the name sanat nicle claws, for Santa Claus that became santa claus for short.

Naturally the female only begotten

Naturally the the female only begotten


The Fumigation from Aromatics.
Nature [Phusis], all parent, ancient, and divine, O Much-mechanic mother, art is thine;
Heav'nly, abundant, venerable queen, in ev'ry part of thy dominions seen.
Untam'd, all-taming, ever splendid light, all ruling, honor'd, and supremly bright.
Immortal, first-born [Protogeneia], ever still the same, nocturnal, starry, shining, glorious dame.
Thy feet's still traces in a circling course, by thee are turn'd, with unremitting force.
Pure ornament of all the pow'rs divine, finite and infinite alike you shine;
To all things common and in all things known, yet incommunicable and alone.
Without a father of thy wond'rous frame, thyself the father whence thy essence came.
All-flourishing, connecting, mingling soul, leader and ruler of this mighty whole.
Life-bearer, all-sustaining, various nam'd, and for commanding grace and beauty fam'd.
Justice, supreme in might, whose general sway the waters of the restless deep obey.
Ætherial, earthly, for the pious glad, sweet to the good, but bitter to the bad.
All-wife, all bounteous, provident, divine, a rich increase of nutriment is thine;
Father of all, great nurse, and mother kind, abundant, blessed, all-spermatic mind:
Mature, impetuous, from whose fertile seeds and plastic hand, this changing scene proceeds.
All-parent pow'r, to mortal eyes unseen, eternal, moving, all-sagacious queen.
By thee the world, whose parts in rapid flow, like swift descending streams, no respite know,
On an eternal hinge, with steady course is whirl'd, with matchless, unremitting force.
Thron'd on a circling car, thy mighty hand holds and directs, the reins of wide command.
Various thy essence, honor'd, and the best, of judgement too, the general end and test.
Intrepid, fatal, all-subduing dame, life-everlasting, Parca, breathing flame.
Immortal, Providence, the world is thine, and thou art all things, architect divine.
O blessed Goddess, hear thy suppliant's pray'r, and make my future life, thy constant care;
Give plenteous seasons, and sufficient wealth, and crown my days with lasting, peace and health.

orpheus now turns to the idea of nature or the theotokos or physis of God. she is the panegeia or Protogeneia. She is divine and the source of all life, the green sphere that is the balance of the gold, it married the gold and created universal understanding, wisdom, the only beggotten marrying the only conceived. reason marrying understanding, she is the femaleotogen the universe or as shadia calls it the yin we are born in from god the yang as male. she is everywhere causes enlightenment and is everywhrere, ruling shining, in all domains, as is the only beggotten. she the dame or our lady and the forces that cause reality to be, the yin yang is oriental and doistic refrany also found in teh south, it has been used cosmically, even by the universal councils that now use three one for 0 obe for 1 and one a null to make words out of the first witha space. the essence is self beggotten like the only beggotten,
the cicles of the turning are the mechanisms of teh unverse,
she is father and mother as is the only beggotten first born who is the male face to her femaleness, though she is both, infinite and timeless, finite and durable. immortal and seen only by those who reach the divine, but all the works are born within the cosmos womb, seeding fertlility in her though one can be born of herm she is abstracted as ulrimately male female, gendered, neutral and all. she is invisible and visible, and with drive sexy and fertile, impeteous means eager to be create more. the forces and currents of reality and creation are active energy PROTOGONUS, or the FIRST-BORN( the only beggotten) she like teh sun is on teh car or train of life and is part of teh command structure that works the cosmos. the command are the laws and rules that gorvern creation emotively like force from within as apart from the protopgenus who is without breathing in and out from the womb. the essence the divine program tests jusdges and does things perfectly, she is a parthena well teh thena in parthena. immortal everlasting she is the forver virgin mother Godeess and mother of God(s) like hera and juno the source of good people called heroes. in her world alllead to the divine

holy energies like foires and otehrs are wileded by her. art of all setting teh program grin with teh only beggotten as she and he both are. she is providence amd arta we pray for suppliance and care in life so our furture and all times are splendid for even after being born of her we shine and are one with her and he always. both only beggotten are sources of creationa and formed both of paretns and not of either.

the paart abou her that has no father means she is also godess and the source as is teh only beggotten as the male, god as either and both always.
may the our lives be with out pain and tribulations let us pray to the godess(ess) [God(s)] wealth, health, blessings, divinity and immortality and all the divine goods offered by the divine program of the first borns and God(s) access through them as God(s) do
physical, naturally may it be so.

seasons greetings everyone.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Orpheus better understood

I will look at the next section of the Orpheus myth next week.

I wanted to analyse what we have observed thus far in teh psalms to better frame our analysis of it.

if you have noticed during teh nalysis of the moon we covered all teh diferent ideas and divine ways associated to teh moon. The moon cults were prolific in teh ancient world, even modern religions use images of the moon star and sun

if you were a believer in one of these archetypes you would be drawn to these rites.
In fact the scientic knowledge itself draws the physicist and scientist to the irtual, it portrays orpheus scientific and philosophic( then called knowers) way of understanding teh world. He is not simply a mystical spiritual person but also a mathematician and scientist.

He mentions of the divinely constructed waysand modes that are beleived in also shows that he was attempting to unify the greeks and their beleifs in a universal manner meant to unify and call the people and teh divine powers these ways and spirits and divine forms incite.

If you think of orpheus as a divine diplomat or just a good diplomat you will realise that he gives a inspired all encompassing tribute to the archetypes of divine focus of God in all the ways that cover all teh ways people might think or believe in these divine bodies You might think the stars are planets and suns and he covers this, you might see them as lights of enlightenment or windoews , glass particles, that act like ways or pin pricks in teh comic viel and he covers that. He covers the encompassment of the entire divine form and spirit of the divine essence he speaks of.

new cards use create and apply for goblolar spirits

use form or mold to actiovate and then induce to end the use of teh spirit card or access .

use access or access form to activate the dio valeni card, gods machine, and manifest as before to end teh accesss.
the prayer card is pray to activate and incite to end acess,

some use cal and requested asked to end teh animal call card

the angel card is beackon to activate and serve to end it
like the sommon card angels do not have to obey someonme but do if a good request
sommoning cards work too

the divine commune card refered to veofre can be used as commune with god, or divine commune, interceded and do or do or just interceed or intercept, like angels like christ are said to do, their spirit intercedes for you with god if you use that system and is part of gods oness of face always as all high end gods are, recall we are all linked to the cosmos, the link upgrades as you earn wisdom and grace, power and knowldge.

peace till next week

we call them ritwe cards but their divine system prenta or divine system access commandsa dn codes.

Saturday, December 17, 2011





The Fumigation from Aromatics.
Hear, Goddess queen, diffusing silver light, bull-horn'd and wand'ring thro' the gloom of Night.
With stars surrounded, and with circuit wide Night's torch extending, thro' the heav'ns you ride:
Female and Male with borrow'd rays you shine, and now full-orb'd, now tending to decline.
Mother of ages, fruit-producing Moon [Mene], whose amber orb makes Night's reflected noon:
Lover of horses, splendid, queen of Night, all-seeing pow'r bedeck'd with starry light.
Lover of vigilance, the foe of strife, in peace rejoicing, and a prudent life:
Fair lamp of Night, its ornament and friend, who giv'st to Nature's works their destin'd end.
Queen of the stars, all-wife Diana hail! Deck'd with a graceful robe and shining veil;
Come, blessed Goddess, prudent, starry, bright, come moony-lamp with chaste and splendid light,
Shine on these sacred rites with prosp'rous rays, and pleas'd accept thy suppliant's mystic praise.

here orphius calls to the moon and thE faces of divinity represented by it and through it(s).

the moon is nemesis star as foe, the light of wisdom as in the songs of learning from it, it produces prudence and a good life as nature,










Saturday, December 10, 2011

the sun of enlightenment and God(s)


The Fumigation from Frankinsence and Manna.
Hear golden Titan, whose eternal eye with broad survey, illumines all the sky.
Self-born, unwearied in diffusing light, and to all eyes the mirrour of delight:
Lord of the seasons, with thy fiery car and leaping coursers, beaming light from far:
With thy right hand the source of morning light, and with thy left the father of the night.
Agile and vig'rous, venerable Sun, fiery and bright around the heav'ns you run.
Foe to the wicked, but the good man's guide, o'er all his steps propitious you preside:
With various founding, golden lyre, 'tis mine to fill the world with harmony divine.
Father of ages, guide of prosp'rous deeds, the world's commander, borne by lucid steeds,
Immortal Jove [Zeus], all-searching, bearing light, source of existence, pure and fiery bright
Bearer of fruit, almighty lord of years, agil and warm, whom ev'ry pow'r reveres.
Great eye of Nature and the starry skies, doom'd with immortal flames to set and rise
Dispensing justice, lover of the stream, the world's great despot, and o'er all supreme.
Faithful defender, and the eye of right, of steeds the ruler, and of life the light:
With founding whip four fiery steeds you guide, when in the car of day you glorious ride.
Propitious on these mystic labours shine, and bless thy suppliants with a life divine.

here we pray to the light and to the sources of the divine light.
ilion dedaskomon
the light is also theophanisis or the uncreate light of zues, the life bringer, yes without light , even when darkness, there is no life. the light is uncreated and self born. it mirrors divine delight when its presence appeaqrs. it is god manifesting in modern terms. this light is the same for all.the stead ships and suns that on some planets are artificial and on some natural make seaqsosns by way of another form and dimention of Light universally.
the right path shine of light light and the left hand path the darkness of light as the monks say too fast to see. image of the two natures of light divine and manifest by all means. then we praise the natural sun and the divine for manifesting it by light we guild the good may we be enlightened. thus based on the founding principals of god and the divine programs or songs do we create divinely heavenly harmony. here we praise God the source of all light(s). For theothanisis as Jove zues God(sS) is the source of uncreated and created light and all things. we access God as God(s) does. agil we now call energetic, praise the god who is tiomeless and of all ages, that we acess as God(s) does. for creation, nature and the eyes it is of god to all the cosmos and all its stars are purged by Gods fore to be pure good anfd immortal. like a perdition all will spend thier tiime in in life or death , do it in life that opurges us clean to be sealed by God. Blessed is God(s) who is just, strong, agil energetic, meaning active for all and acting for us as we act for God, Blesser of kings and all powers based on enlightenment. Lord of light even when called darkness. defender of right and life, us acting for all, accessed by the good. the four founding corners of the cosmos universe are the steed that by day blesses by enlightenment all, be they present in all ways to a divine life for all, as they reach benevelance by enlightenment of the way(s)

Friday, December 9, 2011

US renegades subdued call to stars for wisdom by Orpheus

US renegades subdued call to stars for wisdom by Orpheus


The Fumigation from Aromatics.
With holy voice I call the stars [Astron] on high, pure sacred lights and genii of the sky.
Celestial stars, the progeny of Night [Nyx], in whirling circles beaming far your light,
Refulgent rays around the heav'ns ye throw, eternal fires, the source of all below.
With flames significant of Fate ye shine, and aptly rule for men a path divine.
In seven bright zones ye run with wand'ring flames, and heaven and earth compose your lucid frames:
With course unwearied, pure and fiery bright forever shining thro' the veil of Night.
Hail twinkling, joyful, ever wakeful fires! Propitious shine on all my just desires;
These sacred rites regard with conscious rays, and end our works devoted to your praise.

Here Orpheus calls to the lights of heaven, the stars that represent hol;y fires and enlightenment as they did with christ at his birth and in prayers like the stars worship you, ipo asteron se didascondos, he learned from those in teh stars as does Orpheus who calls for the enlightened wisdom of teh stars to enligtten and bless us all. To teh angels whose fires streem from them to help us in our work to produce good. The stars themselves have spirit and soul and the someome has seen them appear as flickering women dressed in mother look fours, plump and hote, white like stars flickering as they twinkle, twinkling/ with consciouness rites teh rites of angels and teh stars are bestowed and asked for by good people who focus their love on good desires, by conscent all is good. Also the lights of heaven illuminate the holy night and divine darkness, which is blessed and already called in the psalm we analysed just before, two posts ago.

The Former us disedent army has been subdued by Usean, Canedianand other american nations, including international and cosmic friends. 500000 terrorists who tried bullying the new fereed nations and teh return of chicago. now asatat and detroit who is denthen and seatle that is now deferenta. 15-22 mile clip north, briayanda to janifa and brandanda are now born, even usea declatred itself now, all nations, former us is now USea, south of mason dixie line to arm pit of clifornia the brhana straight, ilsands secure its rout to pacific all

Saturday, December 3, 2011

TO PROTOGONUS the only beggotton first born of God- christ or buddha force


The Fumigation from Myrrh.
O Mighty first-begotten [Protogonos], hear my pray'r, two-fold, egg-born, and wand'ring thro' the air,
Bull-roarer, glorying in thy golden wings, from whom the race of Gods and mortals springs.
Ericapæus [Erikapaios], celebrated pow'r, ineffable, occult, all shining flow'r.
From eyes obscure thou wip'st the gloom of night, all-spreading splendour, pure and holy light
Hence Phanes call'd, the glory of the sky, on waving pinions thro' the world you fly.
Priapus, dark-ey'd splendour, thee I sing, genial, all-prudent, ever-blessed king,
With joyful aspect on our rights divine and holy sacrifice propitious shine.

protogonos is the only begotten and the unified christ or golden shere of logos or logic, reason. he is born in the wind of teh equal egg or mix of teh face of god and the waters it floated over, born into teh air into the pneuvma or spirit of God(s) strong like the torrah or bull and the unity of teh sourcer of and unity of all the angels and God(s). and has loaghty flight on golden or god wings like all angels. looks like some renditions of herovim based on teh bull but the bull represents its strength

from the only beggotten all religion and reason of logic and wisdom grew. it is the bhudda sphere, the christ the doistic presence of reason of the doa in presence reality. its pure and holy light is invisible yet fills the night with prersence as day and all. iit uis prwesent in heaven, earth and all places, even all hells. the throne of the avatar and ability to bind is signified by the diefied saint king Priapus who was giood and prudent meaning a virtuous man who they called a christ. it calls in presence the powers of the rites of the progonos only beggotten and the rites set by the avatars fotr empowerment and grace to access God(s) as God(s) does.
till next week.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Holy fire and holy energy, Orpheus, incursion former USA


The Fumigation from Saffron.
O Ever untam'd Fire [Aither], who reign'st on high in Jove's [Zeus'] dominions ruler of the sky;
The glorious sun with dazzling lustre bright, and moon and stars from thee derive their light;
All taming pow'r, ætherial shining fire, whose vivid blasts the heat of life inspire:
The world's best element, light-bearing pow'r, with starry radiance shining, splendid flow'r,
O hear my suppliant pray'r, and may thy frame be ever innocent, serene, and tame.

this passage is to the holy fire , ayia zestithe holy fire that transfigured christ , radiates and changes matter, it is untamed but civil anmd good to its person , it is a part of Gode(s
) energy, it is God as its presence and energy. Who riegns as part of God(s) kingdom and domains

the very heat and enmergies, holy be thy presence, whose perform brings light, fire. and al;l the energies of all the cosmos.

it is a energy beyond being , ethiric,and fully present in and with it, in life and its source.. it is the fires of life, the energies of light that makes life possible, with out the holy fire, energies presence , without light , even called darkness there is no life. like the holy chills and energies that tamed the lions in the den daniel prayed in.
truly a element and becessary dimention in what ever form it takes for the existance of the worlds and cosmos. Its splendor flowered in the existance and beyond infinitely

with splendor praer we pray your infinite glory riegns and blersses, builds and forms and is a part of all reality with wisdom tame grace forever.

Another former us incursion has occured in the new liberated terrirories including usea . defence counter attacks have been fierce and precise. Free america will be rid of thie incursion with diligenmt might and fairness of justice

God(s0 bless us all


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Propitious Ophic hymn 3 TO HEAVEN [OURANOS]


The Fumigation from Frankincense.
Great Heav'n [Ouranos], whose mighty frame no respite knows, father of all, from whom the world arose:
Hear, bounteous parent, source and end of all, forever whirling round this earthly ball;
Abode of Gods, whose guardian pow'r surrounds th' eternal World with ever during bounds;
Whose ample bosom and encircling folds the dire necessity of nature holds.
Ætherial, earthly, whose all-various frame azure and full of forms, no power can tame.
All-seeing Heav'n, progenitor of Time [Kronos], forever blessed, deity sublime,
Propitious on a novel mystic shine, and crown his wishes with a life divine.

Here a call to the sky gOD OURANOS THAT IS akk. Here the sky that reviolves around creation

this sky god is both ethiric and full of forms, manifest as copncrete. thus God(s) full of the gaurdians and angels, a plurality that isdetermined in tone in the psalm as a singularity has both a actual and non actual ethiric source of all being that gave form and birth to time and cronos. Thus ouranos who is also the form of nature and one with this angel as well, is the same God or face of God represented by the God who is in the hjeavenas or heavens. the night is part of the sky yet gave birth to those who sing praises to God All the Gods and guardian angels live in the heavens of the oneness of the shared soul of God as the sky or heavens whio is also on earth and encompasses all. May this face of God(s) and unity of good on earth and in akll places thjat are always heaven lest you are not a good person and you find it a correction place and purging system of your ways be Propitious to us the good who might call our selves evil as just and good, help us reach the divine crown it offers and make us divine abnd reach theosis.

another prpheus site.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Orpheus and night and USEA plus 1967 return to caneda.

ok so we have now done the parathynaa or virgins prayer, parthena means goddess , thus the last post is orpheus' prayer for inciting the goddess. the name parthena is used in christian to doist chenita. It means par or equal to god or goddess or parthyn, the god par excellance, partinant in jewish means god as goddess, femanine face.


The Fumigation with Torches.
Night [Nyx], parent goddess, source of sweet repose, from whom at first both Gods and men arose,
Hear, blessed Venus [Kypris], deck'd with starry light, in sleep's deep silence dwelling Ebon night!
Dreams and soft case attend thy dusky train, pleas'd with the length'ned gloom and feaftful strain.
Dissolving anxious care, the friend of Mirth, with darkling coursers riding round the earth.
Goddess of phantoms and of shadowy play, whose drowsy pow'r divides the nat'ral day:
By Fate's decree you constant send the light to deepest hell, remote from mortal sight
For dire Necessity which nought withstands, invests the world with adamantine bands.
Be present, Goddess, to thy suppliant's pray'r, desir'd by all, whom all alike revere,
Blessed, benevolent, with friendly aid dispell the fears of Twilight's dreadful shade.

here darkness is revered and blessed, it is a light of enlightenment sent through the hells, it rose as romantic loving and brought about creation by procreation, as men rose with the gods, its the yang in theatapou, shintayo that is enlightenment and the birth of myrth, life and thought. it is bueatiful of cyprius venus afrodite represented by cyprus.and as tough as andimatium, like wolverine's claws see x men marvel comics. night and darkness makes the mix of twilight unfeared as it is light and darkness as well. there is also a shadow recall and those spirits and beings that exist in all

for we send light as darkness into the darkness of ignarance and they did not recognise us till the saw the light of truth, hopefully before the lost everything.


the occupied territories of canada south have been liberated. these illegally captured territories that were under contention have been returned to canada, athetate or former chicago and all the territory around the 42 parallel has been returned. al;l terriitory captured by wayworth of the usa in 1967 have been liberated from the tyrany of ignarance, when we came the saw darkness and were incapable of recognising us, but shattered and destroyed the former isa lost like no country ever ghas.l smashed by the heal of god and the iron rod, god bless USEA the middle nations and the line coast to coast returned as desired to Canada before it became Caneda, if Ussr did not save the ignorance of theUSA in 1968 the incvation of 1967 into former new york to orgon, vermount would have ended with the clean up after canada was forced to police and capture washinton again, the usa has never won any illegal battle ever, real citizens prefered perace and not being USA citizens, joy rings across the american continent, canada was its own in 1996, Ussr failed in 1970-1971, hitlers round about led to many trying to take over the world as he thoyught to help police these nations knights fighhting to take fklags knowing they can not keep them justly, obama is USEAn, sounds good, peace and a new epoch, new york is in brayayanda or soputhern new yorn jersey so on south of the line illegally taken in 1967 and liberated in 2011 as professy fortold, as it was said and written it has been done,
good night anmd may God(s) be with all uis good folks, including former US citizens on our side, wise.

Friday, November 18, 2011



The Fumigation from Storax.
O venerable goddess, hear my pray'r, for labour pains are thy peculiar care;
In thee, when stretch'd upon the bed of grief, the sex as in a mirror view relief.
Guard of the race, endued with gentle mind, to helpless youth, benevolent and kind;
Benignant nourisher; great Nature's key belongs to no divinity but thee.
Thou dwell'st with all immanifest to sight, and solemn festivals are thy delight.
Thine is the talk to loose the virgin's zone, and thou in ev'ry work art seen and known.
With births you sympathize, tho' pleas'd to see the numerous offspring of fertility;
When rack'd with nature's pangs and sore distress'd, the sex invoke thee, as the soul's sure rest;
For thou alone can'st give relief to pain, which art attempts to ease, but tries in vain;
Assisting goddess [Eileithyia], venerable pow'r, who bring'st relief in labour's dreadful hour;
Hear, blessed Dian [Artemis], and accept my pray'r, and make the infant race thy constant care.

paraphyr is paraphera or par to godess or hera.

if you notice she is the constant protector of procreation and birth, odf new children and races, the reference to parthena or equal to god which is the greek word for virgin which is not a sexual word but was inducted that way using christ and the parthena or virgin mary anmd mother of christ. it is a revered title not a sexual oruientation base4d on having or not having had sex, this psalm calls to a fertile loving face of Giod and tells how she is invoked in procreation and the energies there of. this goddess is artemis the dian or goddess as God. the prayer includes the idea of misery being redeamed and changed to a good energy like sex as it helps seed the new thing born as wisdom from such misery to avoid misery in the future, the prayer is redeamptive. this psalm is a redeamption of the gadaria or angels of love earth and fertility, it is productive and causes things to have more in the future, from all events we grow and become divine and closer to god like children reaching maturity, thank you goddess

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Greek psalm one To Musaeus

Greek psalm one To Musaeus(

THE ORPHIC HYMNS are a collection of 87 short religious poems composed in either the late Hellenistic (C3rd or C2nd BC) or early Roman (C1st to C2nd AD) era. They are based on the beliefs of Orphism, a mystery cult or religious philosophy which claimed descent from the teachings of the mythical hero Orpheus.
The Hymns of Orpheus. Translated by Taylor, Thomas (1792).
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. (current edition)

The 1792 translation by Taylor with his notes is still available in print. However a much more accurate, modern translation by A. Athanassakis has since been released. See the booklist right for details of these two volumes and other related works on Orphism.

1) I have compacted each of Taylor's verse couplets into a single line to shorten the page and make the information easier to print.
2) Taylor has translated most of the Greek names to their Latin equivalents. For the sake of clarity I have reinserted the Greek names from the source text in square brackets.


0. To Musaeus
1. To Prothyraea
2. To Nyx (Night)
3. To Uranus (the Sky)
4. To Aether
5. To Protogonus
6. To Astron (the Stars)
7. To Helius (the Sun)
8. To Selene (the Moon)
9. To Phusis (Nature)
10. To Pan
11. To Heracles
12. To Cronus
13. To Rhea
14. To Zeus
15. To Hera
16. To Poseidon
17. To Pluto
18. To Zeus of Thunder
19. To Zeus of Lightning
20. To Nephelae (Clouds)
21. To Thalassa (Sea)
22. To Nereus
23. To the Nereids
24. To Proteus
25. To Gaea (Earth)
26. To Mother of the Gods
27. To Hermes
28. To Persephone
29. To Dionysus
30. To the Curetes
31. To Athena
32. To Nike (Victory)
33. To Apollo
34. To Leto
35. To Artemis
36. To the Titans
37. To the Curetes
38. To Corybas
39. To Demeter of Eleusis
40. To Mother Antaea


41. To Misa
42. To the Horae (Seasons)
43. To Semele
44. To Dionysus Bassareus
45. To Dionysus Licnitus
46. To Dionysus Pericionius
47. To Zabazius
48. To Ippa
49. To Lysius Lenaeus
50. To the Nymphs
51. To Trietericus
52. To Amphietus Bacchus
53. To Silenus, Satyr, Bacchae
54. To Aphrodite
55. To Adonis
56. To Hermes Chthonius
57. To Eros (Love)
58. To the Moirae (Fates)
59. To the Charites (Graces)
60. To Nemesis
61. To Dice (Justice)
62. To Dicaeosyne (Equity)
63. To Nomus (Law)
64. To Ares|
65. To Hephaestus
66. To Asclepius
67. To Hygea (Health)
68. To the Erinyes (Furies)
69. To the Eumenides
70. To Melinoe
71. To Tyche (Fortune)
72. To the Daemon
73. To Leucothea
74. To Palaemon
75. To the Muses
76. To Mnemosyne (Memory)
77. To Eos (Dawn)
78. To Themis (Custom)
79. To Boreas (North Wind)
80. To Zephyrus (West Wind)
81. To Notus (South Wind)
82. To Oceanus
83. To Hestia (Hearth)
84. To Hypnus (Sleep)
85. To the Oneiri (Dreams)
86. To Thanatus (Death)

Attend Musæus to my sacred song, and learn what rites to sacrifice belong.
Jove [Zeus] I invoke, the Earth [Gaia], and Solar Light [Helios],
the Moon's [Mene] pure splendor, and the Stars of night;
Thee Neptune [Poseidon], ruler of the sea profound, dark-hair'd, whose waves begirt the solid ground;
Ceres [Demeter] abundant, and of lovely mien,
and Proserpine [Phersephone] infernal Pluto's [Haides] queen
The huntress Dian [Artemis], and bright Phœbus rays, far-darting God, the theme of Delphic praise;
And Bacchus [Dionysos], honour'd by the heav'nly choir,
and raging Mars [Ares], and Vulcan [Hephaistos] god of fire;
The mighty pow'r who rose from foam to light, and Pluto potent in the realms of night;
With Hebe young, and Hercules the strong, and you to whom the cares of births [Eileithyia] belong:
Justice [Dikaisune] and Piety [Eusebia] august I call, and much-fam'd nymphs, and Pan the god of all.
To Juno [Hera] sacred, and to Mem'ry [Mnemosyne] fair, and the chaste Muses I address my pray'r;
The various year, the Graces [Kharites], and the Hours [Horai],
fair-hair'd Latona [Leto], and Dione's pow'rs;
Armed Curetes, household Gods [Korybantes, Kouretes, Kabeiroi] I call,
with those [Soteroi] who spring from Jove [Zeus] the king of all:
Th' Idæan Gods, the angel of the skies, and righteous Themis, with sagacious eyes;

note on section by val, me: if one notices the invocations of angels and gods sets a pattern or divine program concerning the invokation,. the idean, or unity of gods , angels and characteristics of thje gods invoked are calculated to cause a god level spell to activate
With ancient Night [Nyx], and Day-light [Hemara] I implore,
and Faith [Pistis], and Justice [Dike] dealing right adore;
Saturn [Kronos] and Rhea, and great Thetis too, hid in a veil of bright celestial blue:
I call great Ocean [Okeanos], and the beauteous train of nymphs, who dwell in chambers of the main;
Atlas the strong, and ever in its prime, vig'rous Eternity [Aion], and endless Time [Khronos];
The Stygian pool [Styx], and placid Gods [Meilikhoi] beside,
and various Genii [Daimones], that o'er men preside;
Illustrious Providence [Pronoia], the noble train of dæmon forms, who fill th' ætherial plain;
Or live in air, in water, earth, or fire, or deep beneath the solid ground retire.

note from val if one notices the invocation elements adds to the incitation of all the divine elements to participate in the religious ceremony and empowerment prayed for the idean is the god soul of pandemonas all power of God christians and others refer to.

Bacchus [Dionysos] and Semele the friends of all, and white Leucothea of the sea I call;
Palæmon bounteous, and Adrastria great, and sweet-tongu'd Victory [Nike], with success elate;
Great Esculapius [Asklepios], skill'd to cure disease,
and dread Minerva [Athene], whom fierce battles please;
Thunders [Brontoi] and Winds [Anemoi] in mighty columns pent,
with dreadful roaring struggling hard for vent;
Attis, the mother of the pow'rs on high, and fair Adonis, never doom'd to die,
End and beginning he is all to all, these with propitious aid I gently call;
And to my holy sacrifice invite, the pow'r who reigns in deepest hell and night;
I call Einodian Hecate, lovely dame, of earthly, wat'ry, and celestial frame,
Sepulchral, in a saffron veil array'd, leas'd with dark ghosts that wander thro' the shade;
Persian, unconquerable huntress hail! The world's key-bearer never doom'd to fail
On the rough rock to wander thee delights, leader and nurse be present to our rites
Propitious grant our just desires success, accept our homage, and the incense bless.

thios is the opening psalm that invites all to become one with the ritualand the invokation includes angels, high end angels called by thier divine godly names, tthe idean and all good people and things are invited and invoked to bare witness and empower the religious ceremony, the idean is the ancient greek word for God represented through the God(s) and angels and the domans the have offered as character of thier spirit and presence. thus he calls to all the good and the names of the high angels and God as christian, to doaist to bhuddist'hindu would believe in. Theon, theos is idean, but this is the unity of the holy spirit and all gods together. The original invoked ancient greek names but invoking both roman and greek names invokes more angels and faces of god, theon, theos is the face of god the god head of olympus represents, twelve faces make up this god head see earlier part of the blog. To Musaeus is the messiah or the divine all and good as a all or capital M messiah( God(s) or elohim the plurality that is a singularity as we should be singularities that are a unity of all as the good[ even if you call evil a form of justice and good which is a meteric trick to redeam things esp as the term first meant just baal or God)
see :
Peace next psalm tommorow

Friday, November 11, 2011

Orpheus as part of the argonauts

So orpheus ended up representing the hight of the thracian kingdom building epoch in greece. His story connects to the journeys of jason and the argo naughts, which means we will be examining this tale as well, we will begin the Argonautica this year. Argonautica is a better choice to do before we read the psalms as we will know more about orpheus and the influences of these journeys that influenced them. Using this method we will have also covered jason and another epoch of greek history, by the end of this analysis we will have covered both the argonauts and orphic digma.

The Argonautica

By Apollonius

Translated by R. C. Seaton

also see :

Golden Fleece

The Argonautica has been divided into the following sections:

from the wikipedea
In the first book, the ship Argo is built and a crew of around fifty heroes is assembled in response to an oracle received by King Pelias. Led by Jason, the heroes include Heracles and his companion Hylas, Castor and Pollux (the Dioscuri: sons of Tyndareus and brothers of Helen and Clytemnestra), Orpheus, Meleager, Zetes and Calais (sons of Boreas), Peleus (father of Achilles), Laertes (supposed father of Odysseus), Telamon (father of Ajax), and the ship's builder, Argos. Their goal is to travel to Colchis and to obtain the Golden Fleece. After Jason suggests the election of a leader, Hercules (Heracles) recommends Jason himself, and the heroes agree.

The story of the argos begins with the building of a ship based on a vision by King palias. as one notices this era predates the oddysey and represents a time in which hercules existed. Some have interpreted teh golden fleece to represent grain. To further our understanding of this section we will also examine the story of frixcun and eli that contains the early greek tale concerning the origin of the fleece. These are the main stories that link the tales with orpheus. Hercul4es suggests making jason and they do not chose hercules, thus the rite of hercules gave authority to jason to lead the band. Orpheus also gave rite by way of thrace which in this time was an area larger than bulgaria and eastern north greece and eautropean turkey
if yopu look at the wikipedea site there is map, but the thracians founded many kingdoms in the bulkans and along the black sea. Jason is a story of the greeks entering the eastern part of the black sea, as the golden fleece was llocated in georgia of the cacuses.

After making prayers to Apollo,[1] they set sail from the eastern coast of Thessaly, the Argonauts first reach Lemnos, where the women, led by their Queen Hypsipyle, have murdered all of their husbands. Omitting the murder from her story, Hypsipyle convinces the men (except for Hercules) to breed with the women in order to repopulate the island. If Hypsipyle, Jason’s choice of consort, has a son, he tells her, send him to my parents; then the Argo sets sail. Traveling through the Hellespont, they reach land of the Doliones; though the King, Cyzicus, is friendly, the Argonauts accidentally fight with the Doliones and kill Cyzicus. His widow Cleite then commits suicide, and Jason makes sacrifices in order to appease the gods. The Argonauts’ next destination is Cius, where Heracles’s companion Hylas is abducted by nymphs. Heracles becomes upset and the Argo is obliged to leave him behind, though Glaucus appears from the sea to reassure its crew that they made the right decision.

The second book begins in Bebryces, where King Amycus challenges the heroes to a boxing match. Pollux accepts, killing the king.

if one notices king Amycus autheticates teh rights of teh argo naughts by boxing them, once you had a fair boxing match it was the equivalents to a peaceful killing of teh king, esp if you won

read from here down for next week:

At Bosporus, Zetes and Calais drive the Harpies away from Phineas, a former king being punished for the misuse of his prophetic gifts; Phineas rewards them with the secret to passing through the Clashing Rocks. He tells the heros to fly a dove through the rocks first, if the bird makes it, then row through the narrow channel with all their might.[2] Passing through the Clashing Rocks, using this secret and the aid of Athena, they visit many strange lands: the land of the Amazons, led by Hippolyte; the land of Mossynoikoi, who make love in public; an island sacred to Ares, where they are attacked by Ares’ birds. Passing near the place where Prometheus is chained, they rescue the survivors of a ship from Colchis, and the Argonauts gain the grateful sons of Phrixus as accomplices in their bid to steal the Golden Fleece. Arriving in Colchis, Jason considers the best way of approaching the cruel King Aeëtes.

Athena helps build the Argo; Roman moulded terracotta plaque, first century CE

The third book begins with Hera and Athena, determined to help Jason in his quest. Hera conceives a plan; she suggests they get Kypris to influence her son Eros with a toy[3] made for Zeus by his nurse Adresteia. Kypris tells her son, if he fires an arrow at Aeëtes’ daughter Medea, causing her to fall in love with Jason, he shall get the toy.[4] Jason, accompanied by Phrixus' sons, goes to see Aeëtes. Phrixus' sons tell the king of their shipwreck and rescue by the Argonauts. Aeëtes sees a conspiracy in this story, and tells Jason he can take the fleece if he passes a test of strength and courage: harness the bulls with bronze hooves, plow the plain of Ares, and plant the teeth of a serpent, giving rise to an army of soldiers. Medea, powerful and skilled with herbs and magic, sees the hopelessness of the task and prays to Hecate. Jason, seeing that Medea is a useful tool although not knowing that she is under a divine love spell, asks her for drugs and aid and receives them; he returns her affection, asking her to follow him to Greece and to be his wife.

Medea instructs Jason to build a pyre and make sacrifices to Hecate. After honoring the goddess, he is to turn around and retreat. She says he will hear the sound of hellish barking dogs, but he is not to look back lest he ruin everything. Courageously, he does exactly what Medea says.[5] After making sacrifices to Medea’s favored goddess, Jason sprinkles Medea’s drug on his skin, clothing, spear, and sword. Protected by the drug, he is able to withstand the charge of the bulls and to harness them to plow the field. He plants the teeth in the plowed field, and the earth-born warriors rise from the ground. Jason places a great round rock among them, which Medea has also instructed him to do. They go to war over this rock, and Jason joins in the fighting until all are slain. Jason has succeeded at his task, but Aeëtes does not intend to release the Golden Fleece.

In the last book, Medea offers to put the dragon guarding the fleece to sleep in exchange for the Argonauts taking her aboard their ship and away from the father she has betrayed. Jason agrees, promising again to marry her, and she uses her skill with drugs to neutralize the dragon. Departing with the Golden Fleece, the Argo is pursued by Aeëtes and by Medea’s older brother Absyrtus. Jason proposes to leave Medea to Artemis, protector of virgins, an idea which causes an enraged Medea to threaten setting fire to the ships until Jason explains she is the bait in a trap set out for Absyrtus; the trap works, and Absyrtus is ambushed and killed by Jason, causing the Colchians to scatter.[6]. However, in order to reach home, they have to navigate a second set of dangerous rocks known as the Planktai. With the help of Hera, Thetis and the maiden Nereids, they safely make it through.[7]

A few incidental adventures later, the Colchians return, demanding the return of Medea. They are persuaded that Medea, because she left voluntarily, may stay with Jason if their marriage has been consummated, but she may not if she is still a virgin; Medea and Jason then consummate their marriage, and Medea is allowed to remain with her husband. At Lake Triton, possibly the Nile, they come across a serpent killed by Hercules, but are unable to find the hero himself. On Crete, the Argonauts encounter Talos, the last survivor of an ancient race of men, who attacks them; Medea comes to the rescue with her spells, and slays Talos, who bleeds ichor as he dies. Euphemus, son of Poseidon, casts a clod of earth he received at Lake Triton into the sea, creating the island of Kalliste (Thera); and at long last, the Argo reaches the coast of Thessaly and home.

I will continue interpreting this section next week, I will interpret at the same pace as
I was with the other myths

Thursday, November 10, 2011

the muse of orpheus.

According to Apollodorus[18] and a fragment of Pindar,[19] Orpheus's father was Oeagrus, a Thracian king; or, according to another version of the story, the god Apollo. His mother was the muse Calliope; or, a daughter of Pierus,[20] son of Makednos. His birthplace and place of residence was in Pimpleia,[21][22][23] Olympus. In Argonautica the location of Oeagrus and Calliope's wedding is close to Pimpleia,[24] near Olympus.[25][26] While living with his mother and her eight beautiful sisters in Parnassus,[27] he met Apollo, who was courting the laughing muse Thalia. Apollo became fond of Orpheus and gave him a little golden lyre and taught him to play it. Orpheus's mother taught him to make verses for singing. Strabo mentions that he lived in Pimpleia.[25] He is also said to have studied in Egypt.[28]

Orpheus is said to have established the worship of Hecate in Aegina.[29] In Laconia Orpheus is said to have brought the worship of Demeter Chthonia[30] and that of the Kores Sōteiras (Greek,Κόρες Σωτείρας) savior maid.[clarification needed][31] Also in Taygetus a wooden image of Orpheus was said to have been kept by Pelasgians in the sanctuary of the Eleusinian Demeter.[32]

In Greek mythology, Calliope ( /kəˈlaɪ.əpiː/ kə-ly-ə-pee; Ancient Greek: Καλλιόπη Kalliope "beautiful-voiced") was the muse of epic poetry,[1] daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, and is now best known as Homer's muse, the inspiration for the Odyssey and the Iliad.

One account says Calliope was the lover of the war god Ares, and bore him several sons: Mygdon, Edonus, Biston, and Odomantus (or Odomas), respectively the founders of Thracian tribes known as the Mygdones, Edones, Bistones, and Odomantes.

Calliope also had two famous sons, Orpheus[2] and Linus,[3] by either Apollo or the king Oeagrus of Thrace. She taught Orpheus verses for singing.[4] She was the wisest of the Muses, as well as the most assertive. She married Oeagrus close to Pimpleia,[5] Olympus.

Calliope is always seen with a writing tablet in her hand. At times, she is depicted as carrying a roll of paper or a book or as wearing a gold crown.

so orpheus' mother is the muse or goddes of the inspiration mof epic poetry and was the one who taught orpheus to mcompose poetry to the music of teh golden lyre that appolo gave him.
she represents a mother bwho was able to inspire people both with her bueaty and intel;ligence to a cstyle of poetry that is represented by her sons composition, she is the child of zues and Mnemosyne. She was both inspired to compose poetry for memory based on her mothers and divine songs.
she bore ares sons based on the wars that founded thracian kingdoms, each son was virtuous and vseen as divine vchildren.
She was a daughter of God(s).

Appolo was courting thalia who is

Roman statue of Thalia from Hadrian's Villa, nowadays at the Prado Museum (Madrid)
Muse of comedy and idyllic poetry, Jean-Marc NattierThalia /θəˈlaɪə/ (Ancient Greek: Θάλεια, Θαλία; "the joyous, the flourishing", from Ancient Greek: θάλλειν, thállein; "to flourish, to be verdant") was the Muse who presided over comedy and idyllic poetry. In this context her name means "flourishing", because the praises in her songs flourish through time.[1] She was the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the eighth-born of the nine Muses.

According to pseudo-Apollodorus, she and Apollo were the parents of the Corybantes.[2] Other ancient sources, however, gave the Corybantes different parents.[3]

She was portrayed as a young woman with a joyous air, crowned with ivy, wearing boots and holding a comic mask in her hand. Many of her statues also hold a bugle and a trumpet (both used to support the actors' voices in ancient comedy), or occasionally a shepherd’s staff or a wreath of ivy.

appolos luaghinmg courtship was with one of the eight muses one of which was orpheus' mother.
here sisters are both indicative of real sisters and ways of thought and poetry meant to flourish or subsist as styles in time.
it is this courtship that fostered oroheus other sude.

his father was teh avatar of apollo and thus orpheus was both teh father anbd tyhe mothers sons and a divine avatar.

the lyre represents teh divine song he god from apppolo who is symbolised as teh good of teh sun, wine and secret or mystery, he also is a god with a divine song.
Orpheus the father of epic poetry used idilyc and his mothers muse. the poetry flourishes as the people who sing it and use it represent the flourishing whose epic time reflects the growth of a people and feets that vallow people to be recalled in epic ways. Thus orpheus represnts anb epic time represnting an new epoch in thracian and gancient greek history. His lyre and poetry are teh divine musings of idylic and spic songs that represent the psalms in ancient greek history, his mother fostered homer who like her taught orpheus a part of the musing to create the divine song that represnts the greeks and is indicative of teh stories and time of teh aurgonaughts.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Homer verus Orpheus

e earliest literary reference to Orpheus is a two-word fragment of the sixth-century BC lyric poet Ibycus: onomaklyton Orphēn ("Orpheus famous of name"). He is not mentioned in Homer or Hesiod.[6] Most ancient sources accept his historical existence; Aristotle is an exception.[7]

Pindar calls Orpheus "the father of songs"[8] and identifies him as a son of the Thracian king Oeagrus[9] and the Muse Calliope:[10] but as Karl Kerenyi observes, "in the popular mind he was more closely linked to the community of his disciples and adherents than with any particular race or family".[11]

Greeks of the Classical age venerated Orpheus as the greatest of all poets and musicians: it was said that while Hermes had invented the lyre, Orpheus perfected it. Poets such as Simonides of Ceos said that Orpheus' music and singing could charm the birds, fish and wild beasts, coax the trees and rocks into dance,[12] and divert the course of rivers. He was one of the handful of Greek heroes[13] to visit the Underworld and return; his music and song even had power over Hades.

Some sources credit Orpheus with further gifts to mankind: medicine, which is more usually under the aegis of Aesculapius; writing,[14] which is usually credited to Cadmus and agriculture, where Orpheus assumes the Eleusinian role of Triptolemus, giver of Demeter's knowledge to mankind. Orpheus was an augur and seer; practiced magical arts and astrology, founded cults to Apollo and Dionysus[15] and prescribed the mystery rites preserved in Orphic texts. In addition, Pindar and Apollonius of Rhodes[16] place Orpheus as the harpist and companion of Jason and the Argonauts. Orpheus had a brother named Linus who went to Thebes and became a Theban.[17]

Some call homer the father of poetry and the psalm one of the first psalm, song writers in ancient Greeks. He was a type of micxheal angelo and a type of renessance man way before this age.

He is credited with practicing medicine and increasing humanities and the cosmos knowledge, he was credited for a few innovations in medicine including his holy cup we now call medicinal wine, one of might be more correct. Msany pieneered magic from his mystical art and writings and he was said to have dabbled and made up new abilities, He was also said to have had interets in the movement of bodies through space and also practice astrology though he lived before zoroaster- he practied hadatha which was also a love of his wife. he was into it before her as he was tne year older.
Both apo;onians and dianisians liked his works and this founded schools in this though and a mystery school in other desciplines including the one named after him. He was jasons harpist and some place him on the argo, argo is greek for arc, lilandic greek, its a greek language that existed before the greekes called themselves helenist, some might call it an earlier greek language, some of it is celtic, but declared fully greek by thier people, unified through atlas hercules nad even before that. His brother went to thebes prior to theseus and edipus. As jason is found in homer, orpheus lived during that time and wrote songs or divine peotry to song during the time homer wrote the chronological takes of teh greeks that we have already analysysed, So if one was ordering the greek chapters of the bible Orpheus was a psalm writer like david and solomon and homer a chronologer. Thus thesius is like a prophet amongst the others we have looked at, Hercules is the unifier or start of the Zeus era though cadmus 3was before him and we will look at him more later after Orpheus.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

orpheus the divine Psong judge messeger

orpheus the divine Psong judge messeger
Orpheus ( /ˈɔrfiːəs/ or /ˈɔrfjuːs/; Ancient Greek: Ὀρφεύς) was a legendary musician, poet, and prophet in ancient Greek religion and myth. The major stories about him are centered on his ability to charm all living things and even stones with his music; his attempt to retrieve his wife from the underworld; and his death at the hands of those who could not hear his divine music. As an archetype of the inspired singer, Orpheus is one of the most significant figures in the reception of classical mythology in Western culture, portrayed or alluded to in countless forms of art and popular culture including poetry, opera, and painting.[1]

To the Greeks, Orpheus was a founder and prophet of the so-called "Orphic" mysteries. He was credited with the composition of the Orphic Hymns, a collection of which survives. Shrines containing purported relics of Orpheus were regarded as oracles. Ancient Greek sources note Orpheus's Thracian origins.[2][3] Archaeologists have interpreted finds within ancient Thrace as evidence of Orphic cult.[4]

from wikipedea

So orpheuss was a musician his works were so prized that people began to compliment him as a divine voice or messeger of God(s). He also took this to heart and composed works or psalms. his divine music was also a divine song or bagavatan and judgement retera, program, those who were not good tried killing this holy martir of God(s)like those who stand aghainst justice and the good, those whory to do evil including stand against the good peple like the good somebody they were judged and sentenced based on the epoch shift orpheius and his good people,, including his wife. this enlightenment of a christ before christ and toleya his teacher called him this way before immanuel as it was a standard greek word for a GOOD AND VIRTUES PERSON OR ONE. FOR PANOS IMMANEUL SON OF MARY AND JESEPH IT WAS HIS TITLE. he was a divine person till tommorow peace

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Orpheus epoch change

Orpheus is a hero for two reasons: he was counted among them in the Golden Fleece quest of the Argonauts and he survived a quest that even the more obviously heroic Theseus failed. Orpheus went to the Underworld to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, who had just died of snakebite. He made his way to the Underworld's royal couple, charming all in his passage with his extraordinary musical skill. Then Orpheus persuaded Hades to give him a chance to bring his wife back to life. He got permission -- on condition that he not look at Eurydice until they reached the light of day. While Orpheus failed to accomplish his mission, he returned to life without need of human intervention.

According to the above our hero was part of the tale of the golden fleece and the argonauts, we will be examining the tale of jason on another occasion in the fute, there are only so many myths left to analyse, including a look at the Iliad which we have glossed but should one day look at more closely.

According to the glossed version of his trip through hades, which was orpheus katebasis or descent there are many characteristic of the tale that are similar to a walk with God as found in the story of lot which is abraham's walk with God.

The song Orpheus uses to begile hades is a divine song or judgement sound. Inasmuch as people might see his descent as an attempt to cause a resserection it might also be the song that allowed him to get a wife who like lots wife turns to into a pillar of salt.
if one thinks of orpheus' wife as christ's (mary lady despina aremathea) or lots she can be said to reflect or represent the city whose epoch was changing and was purged by holy fire during abraham's walk, the someone purged new jeresulum or toronto on his walk with God. the divine song that represented orpheus upgrade of the program set by theseus tried retriving the old which like lots wife transformed into salt to represent the fantasies she bought lot and sactified as good by God(s)' grace and purging. Homosexual sex, sex with two people of the same sex, sex orgies and plain kinkiness was sanctified and authorised by abrahams walk through the city representing the old epochm sodom, lot like adam hasem triatha found in a high room of hades who was resserected on christ's plane, lot moved to zion or the plain formed or epoch by abraham, see bible old testiment and earlier part of the blog here in. So a transition of eras occurs from theseus to orpheus whose divine song almost brings women to the light of day or the light of equality and enlightenment, which furthered theseus project of liberating women and matriarchs as equals, this furthers oddyseus and even gerculkes equality plans, no one great is not an egalitarean as they miss out on half of the population and powers of thier species and universe, God(s) is male, female, nuetral and gendered( both at the same time.
till next week, wull try to post earlier in the week but time cops moved me opne day forward so thursday became yesterday though from my garbage day on Tuesday two days past before I posted, time trick to police general plain collerctions of people doing similar crimes and deliniating them by day of the week and up to date three series, monday oct 31 week one is diferent than week two or three and so on, oct 31 for some is a monday , tuesday - sunday and so on.

Friday, October 28, 2011

To begin our walk with orpheus

I guess we will begin the next interpretation of myth, I want to more closely look at orpheus

Orpheus is a hero for two reasons: he was counted among them in the Golden Fleece quest of the Argonauts and he survived a quest that even the more obviously heroic Theseus failed. Orpheus went to the Underworld to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, who had just died of snakebite. He made his way to the Underworld's royal couple, charming all in his passage with his extraordinary musical skill. Then Orpheus persuaded Hades to give him a chance to bring his wife back to life. He got permission -- on condition that he not look at Eurydice until they reached the light of day. While Orpheus failed to accomplish his mission, he returned to life without need of human intervention.

we will examine myths and hyms concerning said heroe

see wokopedea plus

tommorow we will look at the above section and this reading
we will peace together the myth of orpheus and examine it as we have others
we will look at the wikipledea the next blog [pst then go through each hymn and story on the other site, we will all 40 hymns found second liml after the woikipledea link, we will take our time and updates on space walks of authority will be sprinkled in

peace to tommorow read the stuff for your self ahead of time.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

moon fire walking and earth crawling

we completed the aunaguaration authority rituals on the moon, in the waters, on land, on the fire and soon the air

the earth included five holdings and 8 princip[alities,jentha, organi, vahout, omayona and trahi

proincipalities included
tahi, which was tenha and draki, but are unified by wedding of ex pringipas darhali and wife megani

drapa and chani were united under old king rifta and queen tahi

magni under drahniaya
vouchi is alderun
mahamini in the south trahbakis
monita is now ruled by draki
mounita is hasradi
and cupa is under drakti

the first two are now ruled by sheti a male and droupa a female

under the water were drah and beyinia ruled by drak and yourna respectfully

along the inner fire was drakti mourani vehhna kratik and bromonia, the new tehgna was born
they are ruled by drahni verna, moukla vernea, toulmood and troupa

plus edga in the new one, he like all of them is very cool

are there any suggestions as to what we should interpret next?
I will start by looking at the myths concerning zeus himself but will look at eastern and western tales next with suggestion, a hindu one might be cool
I will now try to post thursday , friday to allow for more time on a computer for free to eliquate the interpretation of what I am analysing, thus a thank you to the community center that is closed early friday and saturday, if open saturday and not sunday
it should be good, we are working on restoring the cable, they say soon as all those tampering with them are being arrested, others like the pm of caneda has suffered it

Friday, October 21, 2011

update on bills war and stuff

ok there are 57 continums or universes plained bundles starting from the same sart stem.

thosde of terran earth prined are from galatia vourif is one name for our plain, though through the continuum window to jathna the reflection we are collecting the good people to judge those on the other side
we will fold over the reality later taling it fully as we allowed the idiots to bury it proving thier world failed without us

noticehow people orchastrate fake deaths all the time, ben ladin died countless times yet is still alive, kadafi died a few times but still lives

did you know he was of the true royal line of lybia?

the jefna unity program of the artas finished a few days go, it has allowed the females through jusna to unify through arta the host and the good guys only through the someone.

the war goes well

the metraki world is being checked and policed, Usea the new name of the former usa was chosen by obama.

the fight will continue till aug 2015 , the new countries in the former usa will be announced next year november after the election that will occur. all things are changing
up to 12 new pronvinces are being introduced in Canenda yes with an e not A.

starting this week, I will try to post during the week so I can begin a new myth to analyse, I will post Monday as my internet is on and off as idiots have tried destroying my connection because they are joulous of our superiority, obviously
found out someone had ditted a old cia code to block my phone , my siode including the task force god Alpha with assistance from the someone caugfht it and returned service

I am paying no more bills as 67% of the rest of the world, no utilities or even entertainment bills as the government had covered it over excess to the needed amount to have said utilities and services so to save money the governments of the world and by extention growing in the cosmos gotr rid of bills and took control to regulate the failed industries, we policed the criminals amd its getting better.

I will post again tommorow then start a new myth, its about time.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

impart lock

inside the locks, you can use a impart lock to further the reinforcement of the lock out of undesirable in the divine impart, even the cosmic impart is gods cosmos locked out to any bad person, use limited or access denied
gods divine cosmos is reflected through the systems of the archetypes that govern the unity of the principals fully merged with each house within it

imagine if you want these structures are archetypes and access systems, use anothers house you are governmed by thier rules, use your own you use the built systems there of, so be like us build one as god has, with a room or system connection for every way, including divine atheism,

you can say you are on the streets when born, given a place to build a house and it is good when built well, you can lose access to everything if you build it badly. no homophobia, no sexism, no anti other religions no anti alien, other beings, you can swing or have sex , record it at any age,
swinging is only allowed by cosbncent of the mate.

once your house is reflective of gods cosmos you can access it as god does.

you can leave the impart with a depart and the lock out remains against those not cleared or unable by designation to acess it, same with dimentional locks.

the impart is used also as a one systenm bundeling everysystem into one level

till next week
use the lock on any system even as the filter of the god shield or field which is complete and one cannot get around it but it filters everyone.

even the doors opening and closing between plains is set to t5he filters of triedm upper doors, lower untried limited access and the middle which is mixed but still restricted to the level of the person

Friday, October 14, 2011

Metatrons , who are tone program formers and divine song regulators and creaters

the metatrons or meta sound beings are tone tretna beings that are mythed and told about by shantha of the innuit trahana and the brehenda.

they are the sounds that tune and by tone cause things to occur,
the major tones are the diatic or tones that hard wire the reality of the divine song through therotic energies and transcended levels of existence and reality. they are infinite beings that set principals dictems into sound regularity or quntuum reality sets.

hard soft, lanmd, liquid, fluid solid, time, space, other....

megaly fell to traesga and got rehada as wife, the someone was the missing tone, tretha and rehana fell to hanena the place of the lower tone, beha was the middle tone and traha pr bridge, belt tie the highests level, the missing topne merried adrida an RT and arta married draha the somebody elsewhere or counter major tone fopr balance and harmonic opposition. hahena evolved into full beings place exposed into infinite priority existant and married atla the reverse of self but equal in all matter.

the middle tones the brenda were torn, several fell including the brahana which are gins and others, they re[present organic mechanical reality like energy or matter forms based on physics
it is the minor tines who are being interutive or formed based on living verses non living, the energy beings fit the transition of the two, but fit here not the based of their beings as is ours which is middle tones.

kraha fell to tratha which is the juristica place of reverance, like the major tones wives rehata married bahania or the someone as spiritual double, enfolding prime matter through creatic space reflected into reality based on an understanding equal to the quality of the tones ability to rangte and alter, form reality.

dreta rose to convey and trithan to melesta the middle or belt, finally bragana ta are tresereth to crata powerrs and tones that built things like waters , land, spaces and places
liquid to water, solid to rocks, earth and so on zang ran off fearing his destruction, the piter ninja found him and thought he feared wrongly, as he feared the zing the somebody would destroy him though the linked creatively. morin was seneted to trafonia of weva ebnergy curents and crasta ebnded by realising they were better off as he did from falling.

the minor tones are being the are divine at the higher level, tones of empathy, they are relational, warm love feeling, create love anmd immortality toned in synthany with the others. hartha fell to nonea and treha to frothen, martina to hietha and grupta to tritha, each a tone, the first reversed the second opposite the third retreated and the fourth triested. the fith laughed then returned the program and the last said hello but after the smaller tone, it belted one below as purging tone or fiter, four went up thr trafani, beha, rula, defta and crata each creating a greater minor tone or tie in rythem with life and relation to all, the fiftha landed in the middle and said nothing but woo, as it fliped inside out creating tone refera.this was washa refuta the l;ove relation mismic tone woven and realised.

finally the tie tones or small or smaller tones werre nine refta fell to three then returned by set free fell to 5 and created the kigdom of fire punishment, trfta fell to 12 was released and fought fell again and went to 23 created brime stone fire , bretha wanted to destroy it all fell to 96 and begged for forgiveness the some goit her to surrender to him and she created tar kolasis like punishment the third kigndom, drfta fell to 2 and created purging light fire or burning sun fire the first agreed to peace to keep his kigdom even as paradise when no one else needed healing or correction, they all were resserected in the end, the hiba became a reality and the defta upper cielings of same, these are meta form beings and tones like speach ideas formed into being based on concept reverted upon iotself
oh you can use create apply for the spirit glotomous beings rather than mesh ( messaghe or command) then apply to end the sequence.

to the tones major refta the counter married drafta arta throyugh the someone and created coiunterance and peace

the second drefta married mufet the reflected reverse tone to create counter bnalance and bread nmushin the place of being harmonised balance and self

triha married dtrafti in molen to create peace and love as a minor tone, the sm,aller tones united creating brahas and artarefta called mufin who by blessing of hratha and moon allowed her husband to rise and unify to trfta completeness as totality of love and oness.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

muslim to moslick

the universe is evolving, the cosmos is becoming upgraDED


the festival last week in st johns that was for some back on aug 27 was a big hit, it mimicked higher realities and recompenses.

,oslicks, moslims, moslems are new
good muslims
and correct moslems obey merreta laws that dictate equality of all races religions, sexes and promote monagomy
the drefa lesbos xe program persists, but it promotes equality opf the sexes at a even more impinging level
the old muslim mesma was direted and imposed to the others
if you are old sexists or bad musl;im you are powerless
draha and homata are the two other brands

Friday, October 7, 2011

moon water walk, matrix card

we just completed the water route of the moon walk, the someone made a few new conssessions and we ended up also looking into northern manitoba next to ontario Caneda.

there are eight main principalities on the moon's waters
the first is teresa which is bicameral and rerpresented by their president and officiated by their eight kings/queen treford traha, teritha moroon, bgadi braha and refretha moontoon are the state of reps names, plus gintham tretha, meckritha and gapi petredetha

the second is called brahanda and is ruled by two queens and three representative governments, they are like shangton a new country in china. bretha and hootha are the queens names

the third is trina and it is the home of one of three old emporors which are offiociated twelve countries and thier reps. the new emoporor is hinthen terhatha

the fourth is terena and it really is a small principality/country now particianed to the previous emporors, ral[ph handoorth, to brendas

the fifth is satarna and is half under water and the above is treha
it is rukled by a partician country ioof two houses of reps, and the witchea ruler called puithen trumpet( male)

the sixth is trehnouna opr trehna for short, it elects a house rep, a senate and a council of four represented by throne called a tehnia and the rulers are tehrina and banka his wift.

the seventh is justina and is ruled by thetan kalef a kalilif who predates arabia on earth, kaliff is dwelling as in kalivi they elect a council of reps and the subject house of counter thought, interesting system the opposition is the other house. state head is called the threfta and the name is sesa ruthela of bgrumbi

the eighth is tralala and housed by three houses and the fourth seneta which is the trahina place or forward house that represents trahana and is ruled by tethent rublin of the rublimins

greece is becoming elatia, teh someone now has teh riights to all banks on earth and the mortgages in caneda dn the world are absolved.

recall the wetitath is a system bornm on the moon but used in arabia minor as it like all nations obn earth are changing tio reflect the new age

the matrix card is load run , one can use ancient systenms as described in the movie

try dimentional series ( or grid) lock
it allows controlled speach over multi grips and systems, so you maintain a private conversation with one person and throw stuff at another person on another grid, you can change grids by naming them, now to grid two...
brahdi of the dehfi a human from mehrani in secton 23 5 in the grid matrix based on a 15 line grid breakling the houndred million light year secton, then parsec numbered then solar units then planets equal to about the earth
so secton 23 grid 5 and 3 parsects 4 solar units and 3 planets.

navigators use a long aproch across arcs and might say secton 23 5 3 6 1

matrix is a term found in old testiment said by god the someone to abraham who did not uunderstand it, at the time, its greek, persian, chinese and way before that, the first to use the term is grahana a space substance being in gruha or inner space based on metrical measurements of innner related phenomena.

universal quanmtuum be with you.

matricx card activate with load or relod then run.. to put into serbvice or end communication.

program matriox actuate.

qus away.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

art feastval and enlightenment there of.

the someone was visiting st johns during the great feastival that occured in toronto in septe,mber 24=26 2010. using eth continnum lanes of places that lo=k like down town place of the soemone you acn jump here and enjoy the feast.
use main corrodor of the city, it will open till it ends tonight. its called the art show, it was advertised on radio and covered by tv news.

its an enlightment festival in university district down town, it had menta rockets that use gentry energy bursts to travel, the look like fire but is trampid, the energy is equal to tahitic energy or fast sub fire heat and are cool to the touch the someone is sensitive enough to feel the heat from these exhusts. they had the moon rover, a copy, mars and venus in center mall, they had a set up of a docking center and a filter god program that governms time travel and dimentional reality, it hads molten reality screens that by touch megama or move if you have gentry power levels. lastly tenda light holes with bruta sensitive lights allow the light to change and free new comp cell phone aps games like crega on earth the cube, its working title can be gotten. great stuff.

he got a meritha sword which acts liuke a toy or training sword but it is set at plaqy level and cann only be unlocked by divine powers as it is dimentionally locked. it allows one to manipulate the hari energy that exists in teh vrandi upgrade arms.

the presi is the race of people who invented the brandi weapon they come from a planet 18 light years away center equater left center. it allows people to marshal their ideas before being able to unlock higher powers.

did yopu know the marsians thought earth was adry planet that might have water on it and ants
hmm we thought they had only worms, both planets are as bontiful of life and is under similar social conditions

I will describe more concerning the event next week.,
all is welcomew peace

Friday, September 30, 2011

metabeings or angels and humans on the moon.

metabeings or angels and humans on the moon.

we are now walking through the oceans of the moon walk but I will go through them later. recall that human'sv live on the moon, the someone got a consession from called sappjb also called truthi and its origin, the common name of the substitute was jaravi or thrafi qwhich is popular substitute in asia and africa respectfully.

krayeta angels pr fprms like keta dragons create reality through methods that change the metara or system that subjects them to thier reality, we form time relatively but there is a field form that interrelates, for such beings time is set relative but independent to the interwoven reality above mentioned.

at high god levels reality can be both.
sychronisity for the later is chosing a point to meet and a relative proportion that might not be ralitive to share, our universe sets time and reality based on each person plus a cosmic clock which is a indepent relative to these beings and a relative shared reality set in constant relative fluc to each other

we create wood in a metrix of the life and reality we share with what forms wood, they form it relative onkly to thier concept even if inspired by something opr someone else.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

psychic dimentinal , more moon politics and policing bad banking and commerce

the badisha are a peoples on the moon who are said to have come from earth though mixed with several extra terestrial races like teh media of mars.

they are ruled by two anarchs who bestow authority to a two tyr political system made up of elected representatives

the brasha are the newest principality born of bahana and the triest unity of the moon, king rafti of the above mentioned granted his daughter a dominion that was anoguarated aug 6 2011.
it will have an elected senate and be part of teh driata electoral council though it will have a parliment of its own.

starting tommorow the someone will be visiting the under water kingdoms under the waters of lunea.

now lets look some more at the magic gifts of dimentionalism as found in the dimentional lock

it like all forms of power are controlled or governed by way of the the god shield or god form that regulates all reality at all levels and contains all the protacals for safety of the good and the policing of the criminal part of the universe that is permanately being changed to the good,
as it is said everything is to the advantage of the good, so stay good.

ok when you said dimentional lock you enter a controlled dimentional lock with the person(s) you are locking with, you mounth could be closed in plain shared reality whjile you are talking out loud to those locked.

for instance in psi powers on can imagine that a mic is off by imagining a hand or filter over it.
during a dimentional lock no one can enter or break the protacal except if you are doing a criome and you get policed by the high end gods and the proper good authorities.
no way to break this but you can use it to your good benefit.
Queen betrix of holland first showed off this ability to the someone who invented the method based on dimetionalism taught by friends like the bagadi or the fifth dimentionmal beings and psi powers.
when you are done your speack in the lock you end the link by saying done or over and out.

I love this power.

if one is using open psi powers without using the lot alot system you are filtered by the godshioeld but in an open system, cops use systems as do agents throughout the world, it was built up upgraded yesterday,

news flash, due to policing by good agents it was discovered that banks had misused a 1950's system of paying defaulted morgages for the porpose of stealing money, they get paid the default morgage though they send it to the broker who also recieves the full amount, one criminal system used was actuallu defauting a loan without telling anyone and collecting the money, the broker also recieves the full morgage from the government.
canada like the us and the world uses this system and new moratoriums over mortgages have been put into place as this crime and others get policed.
the world is changing
ever since martial law was declared such actions are withhekd and no fotrclosures are allowed, anyone sufering anything concerning morgages or attempts to forclose which is illegal should contact the rcmp or police in thier area, interpol is fine too.
criminal corprate bank world failed but the good side which is under reform is still alive and it will be to everyones benefit
the government saves trillians by eliminating morages based on teh old system
as we all have paid extra money hidden in mortgages exceeding the morgages
in canada all mortagaes were defaulted in the last 5 months to get illegal money from the bank of canada that is also under investigation based on these illegal practes
its just getting better for all the good and the money stollen is being confiscated.
these practices had a role in the economic tropubles of the world and fixing them is the only way to repair the economies and have evweryone benefit from it

till next week val

Friday, September 23, 2011

moon politics and moon gates

so mgravity on the moon acts like it does on earth though it adds a bit of speed, on the eartha milimeter per ten meters of fall,

there are seven countries on the moons surface , which has a bio friendly atmosphere.

they have been moving between earth as we have been using moon gates to visit it
meretha is a common name for this twin planet.

in the 1950's pictures of the moon were called hoxes based on looking too much like green earth, so the slow nasa system was used to introduce people to other planets in cluding the moon that many thought was an illusion of light not a living planet, many thought it was there but life only existed on earth
galaleo pointed out to what he saw but this text was beyond forbidden seven exists on the earth.

the moon has been a symbol of power, psi, god, godeess and other worlds, some use to beleive it was a gate to another world. some teh wife of the sun, to some the reflection of the sun in the earth sky.

we have visited the conglamerate nation of danfi and the danfitics, uit is made up of 12 provinces 9 of which of principaalities, made up iof.

they have a central elected council

we also visited roffolty as it was the manitutdit empire on the moon till last earth century, it broke up into two peoples and 25 countries loosly combined through the deritrava
they elect a central el;ectoral and their own governments.

the krasha is the third place made up of 2 peoples and 5 principality / nations, most prefer calling themselves earthlings
they have elected councils and a cetral council governing all of them

the drefta are a peoples with countries on three continents on the moon, they refer to 1`0 continents as we do atleast 6 on earth. the garavi are the governing people though several subject states are part of an equal unity of peoples, kind of like the ussr and usa.

the mouchela are sm,aller humans who claim descendency from the moon though like us earthlings we agree we have mixed in. nowadays they claim to be like us pure mix, three countries with four languages are governemed by a middle council that is countrolede by the patriarch ( or matriarch though male now) on mount tella, he is subgovernmed by twenty peoples and 5 lower houses.

the grafi are three peoples governemed by twelve parentarchs both amle and female, they are religious but are elected
a landed senated is based on theological apointment.

till tommorow guys.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


the world is getting prouder and richer.
If you realise that house heating costs will cost less than one 5th on earth and yes even the moon based on the new system of regulation that costs its users nothing.

utilities managed by a badge till new system fully anagurates as it is.

today you will feel teh cold of many attacking to try to make you pay more for bills by proving you need to. they are a bit behind. its baratic energy and cold energy machines amongst gases and other coolants that are causing this. the new attack is being done by idiots who have no idea what they are doing
task force cosmo earth abnd so on ias countering

big battle on east and west side of toronto, rogue military have reinforced the insurtion , former usa and others , aliens using lower portal doors like rogue martian humans . counter attacks and defence by humans and aliens alike has almost quelled the battle made up of over 120 000 troops on thier side.
the largest battle in canada since 1976 when hitler jr of germany took over under the secret war caopture the flag war countries fought since wwII
ion chicago a similar large battle is being fought, in shagon china its twice the forces fighting over trimiria or han choi.

in rusia truvina , north siberia is a fire field. south africa has had six major battles this summer alon, in europe german republic fell yesterday to give way to 23 new countries , including bismarkia.

s9nce my last listing the 8 groups are triha, bahara, masha, ratnoon, trempa, moofith, granha, and boorit

respectively as nines are traham, hira, hema, magmana, havaha, krata, moori and dareri

eight are extra terrestial holdings and the nine universal governing councils/

the cosmic gov being formed is 10 made up of a rep from each nine which is 1800 aprox and elected leaders from everywhere, be up fully in 2030 but is for some

the physics card is theory then dictem

the neotic prayer net card is hypothesis then theto, or place

the someone is still living anuguaration rituals as he tours and introduces peopple to the moon.

july 8 the death energy chem super attack was cosmic and it was one time date added to the universal calader as was june 6 1998 and sex with god june 7 2007, program insertion god as the completion, it was sex with goddess impregnating full code for upgrade and it is the full actuality that is unstopable.

due to cards and such system eviolution in cosmos is huge

no more evil after 2028

great death caught all cosmos to universal seal of death, see revations, digmata of bughism that includes revolations since 4 AD. ST STALI CELEBRETATED IN OCTOBER IS MOHAMEDS SON, MOHAMED IS CELEBRATED ON THE 18 OF AUGUST AS HIS WIFE AND SEPTEMBER 12 IN CHTRISTIAN ( SEE ORTHODOX AND CHATHOLIC CALADERS) SEE WE ARE ALL CONNECTED



Friday, September 16, 2011

terran moon walk

after announcing that the land or property taxes have been eliminated fake stories trying to counter this truth appeared. several arrests occurred due to the fake propaganda and politicians ensured that no matter how the enemies of everyone try to misreport the world's affairs to hide how they are losing the battle against justice, truth and God(s).

we began the moon walk on Wednesday and have passed through arefra the kingdom that was once an emporium and now is a state capital. after that he gave us a pompi of several keys tyo vaults equal to the nations on said moon. the regent was given a rod to represent earth moon cosmic unity, then the grta or key rings spiral was given to tatha today we are in anatha which is also a jungle, 2/3s of the moon is an ocean, looks like earth, light white blue is itts astral colour is, earths is blue, its the way light bends on it says science, which bridges its reality to physics, thus making it true. so we gave teh dahada to ramphry and it looks like a nose with holes on top too.
there are seven country unities like nafta on earth, to visit on the the terran moon.( earths moon.
one month on the moon is three days on earth, one day on earth is a month on the moon.
thus the time flux diference and joke in syncronised reality based on fixed yet relative time realities based on the size of planets, the moon accelarates dropped items at 3 zseconds per point as the earthj is 5.7, gravity acts the same, esp for the first 80 feet of drop then minor speed diference to max speed, which is the same plus devience times 2. ie 3 miles per hour down hill on earth is 3 times or .3 on the earth