Saturday, November 26, 2011

Propitious Ophic hymn 3 TO HEAVEN [OURANOS]


The Fumigation from Frankincense.
Great Heav'n [Ouranos], whose mighty frame no respite knows, father of all, from whom the world arose:
Hear, bounteous parent, source and end of all, forever whirling round this earthly ball;
Abode of Gods, whose guardian pow'r surrounds th' eternal World with ever during bounds;
Whose ample bosom and encircling folds the dire necessity of nature holds.
Ætherial, earthly, whose all-various frame azure and full of forms, no power can tame.
All-seeing Heav'n, progenitor of Time [Kronos], forever blessed, deity sublime,
Propitious on a novel mystic shine, and crown his wishes with a life divine.

Here a call to the sky gOD OURANOS THAT IS akk. Here the sky that reviolves around creation

this sky god is both ethiric and full of forms, manifest as copncrete. thus God(s) full of the gaurdians and angels, a plurality that isdetermined in tone in the psalm as a singularity has both a actual and non actual ethiric source of all being that gave form and birth to time and cronos. Thus ouranos who is also the form of nature and one with this angel as well, is the same God or face of God represented by the God who is in the hjeavenas or heavens. the night is part of the sky yet gave birth to those who sing praises to God All the Gods and guardian angels live in the heavens of the oneness of the shared soul of God as the sky or heavens whio is also on earth and encompasses all. May this face of God(s) and unity of good on earth and in akll places thjat are always heaven lest you are not a good person and you find it a correction place and purging system of your ways be Propitious to us the good who might call our selves evil as just and good, help us reach the divine crown it offers and make us divine abnd reach theosis.

another prpheus site.

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