Friday, November 4, 2011

Homer verus Orpheus

e earliest literary reference to Orpheus is a two-word fragment of the sixth-century BC lyric poet Ibycus: onomaklyton Orphēn ("Orpheus famous of name"). He is not mentioned in Homer or Hesiod.[6] Most ancient sources accept his historical existence; Aristotle is an exception.[7]

Pindar calls Orpheus "the father of songs"[8] and identifies him as a son of the Thracian king Oeagrus[9] and the Muse Calliope:[10] but as Karl Kerenyi observes, "in the popular mind he was more closely linked to the community of his disciples and adherents than with any particular race or family".[11]

Greeks of the Classical age venerated Orpheus as the greatest of all poets and musicians: it was said that while Hermes had invented the lyre, Orpheus perfected it. Poets such as Simonides of Ceos said that Orpheus' music and singing could charm the birds, fish and wild beasts, coax the trees and rocks into dance,[12] and divert the course of rivers. He was one of the handful of Greek heroes[13] to visit the Underworld and return; his music and song even had power over Hades.

Some sources credit Orpheus with further gifts to mankind: medicine, which is more usually under the aegis of Aesculapius; writing,[14] which is usually credited to Cadmus and agriculture, where Orpheus assumes the Eleusinian role of Triptolemus, giver of Demeter's knowledge to mankind. Orpheus was an augur and seer; practiced magical arts and astrology, founded cults to Apollo and Dionysus[15] and prescribed the mystery rites preserved in Orphic texts. In addition, Pindar and Apollonius of Rhodes[16] place Orpheus as the harpist and companion of Jason and the Argonauts. Orpheus had a brother named Linus who went to Thebes and became a Theban.[17]

Some call homer the father of poetry and the psalm one of the first psalm, song writers in ancient Greeks. He was a type of micxheal angelo and a type of renessance man way before this age.

He is credited with practicing medicine and increasing humanities and the cosmos knowledge, he was credited for a few innovations in medicine including his holy cup we now call medicinal wine, one of might be more correct. Msany pieneered magic from his mystical art and writings and he was said to have dabbled and made up new abilities, He was also said to have had interets in the movement of bodies through space and also practice astrology though he lived before zoroaster- he practied hadatha which was also a love of his wife. he was into it before her as he was tne year older.
Both apo;onians and dianisians liked his works and this founded schools in this though and a mystery school in other desciplines including the one named after him. He was jasons harpist and some place him on the argo, argo is greek for arc, lilandic greek, its a greek language that existed before the greekes called themselves helenist, some might call it an earlier greek language, some of it is celtic, but declared fully greek by thier people, unified through atlas hercules nad even before that. His brother went to thebes prior to theseus and edipus. As jason is found in homer, orpheus lived during that time and wrote songs or divine peotry to song during the time homer wrote the chronological takes of teh greeks that we have already analysysed, So if one was ordering the greek chapters of the bible Orpheus was a psalm writer like david and solomon and homer a chronologer. Thus thesius is like a prophet amongst the others we have looked at, Hercules is the unifier or start of the Zeus era though cadmus 3was before him and we will look at him more later after Orpheus.

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