Friday, November 25, 2011

Orpheus and night and USEA plus 1967 return to caneda.

ok so we have now done the parathynaa or virgins prayer, parthena means goddess , thus the last post is orpheus' prayer for inciting the goddess. the name parthena is used in christian to doist chenita. It means par or equal to god or goddess or parthyn, the god par excellance, partinant in jewish means god as goddess, femanine face.


The Fumigation with Torches.
Night [Nyx], parent goddess, source of sweet repose, from whom at first both Gods and men arose,
Hear, blessed Venus [Kypris], deck'd with starry light, in sleep's deep silence dwelling Ebon night!
Dreams and soft case attend thy dusky train, pleas'd with the length'ned gloom and feaftful strain.
Dissolving anxious care, the friend of Mirth, with darkling coursers riding round the earth.
Goddess of phantoms and of shadowy play, whose drowsy pow'r divides the nat'ral day:
By Fate's decree you constant send the light to deepest hell, remote from mortal sight
For dire Necessity which nought withstands, invests the world with adamantine bands.
Be present, Goddess, to thy suppliant's pray'r, desir'd by all, whom all alike revere,
Blessed, benevolent, with friendly aid dispell the fears of Twilight's dreadful shade.

here darkness is revered and blessed, it is a light of enlightenment sent through the hells, it rose as romantic loving and brought about creation by procreation, as men rose with the gods, its the yang in theatapou, shintayo that is enlightenment and the birth of myrth, life and thought. it is bueatiful of cyprius venus afrodite represented by cyprus.and as tough as andimatium, like wolverine's claws see x men marvel comics. night and darkness makes the mix of twilight unfeared as it is light and darkness as well. there is also a shadow recall and those spirits and beings that exist in all

for we send light as darkness into the darkness of ignarance and they did not recognise us till the saw the light of truth, hopefully before the lost everything.


the occupied territories of canada south have been liberated. these illegally captured territories that were under contention have been returned to canada, athetate or former chicago and all the territory around the 42 parallel has been returned. al;l terriitory captured by wayworth of the usa in 1967 have been liberated from the tyrany of ignarance, when we came the saw darkness and were incapable of recognising us, but shattered and destroyed the former isa lost like no country ever ghas.l smashed by the heal of god and the iron rod, god bless USEA the middle nations and the line coast to coast returned as desired to Canada before it became Caneda, if Ussr did not save the ignorance of theUSA in 1968 the incvation of 1967 into former new york to orgon, vermount would have ended with the clean up after canada was forced to police and capture washinton again, the usa has never won any illegal battle ever, real citizens prefered perace and not being USA citizens, joy rings across the american continent, canada was its own in 1996, Ussr failed in 1970-1971, hitlers round about led to many trying to take over the world as he thoyught to help police these nations knights fighhting to take fklags knowing they can not keep them justly, obama is USEAn, sounds good, peace and a new epoch, new york is in brayayanda or soputhern new yorn jersey so on south of the line illegally taken in 1967 and liberated in 2011 as professy fortold, as it was said and written it has been done,
good night anmd may God(s) be with all uis good folks, including former US citizens on our side, wise.

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