Friday, December 2, 2011

Holy fire and holy energy, Orpheus, incursion former USA


The Fumigation from Saffron.
O Ever untam'd Fire [Aither], who reign'st on high in Jove's [Zeus'] dominions ruler of the sky;
The glorious sun with dazzling lustre bright, and moon and stars from thee derive their light;
All taming pow'r, ætherial shining fire, whose vivid blasts the heat of life inspire:
The world's best element, light-bearing pow'r, with starry radiance shining, splendid flow'r,
O hear my suppliant pray'r, and may thy frame be ever innocent, serene, and tame.

this passage is to the holy fire , ayia zestithe holy fire that transfigured christ , radiates and changes matter, it is untamed but civil anmd good to its person , it is a part of Gode(s
) energy, it is God as its presence and energy. Who riegns as part of God(s) kingdom and domains

the very heat and enmergies, holy be thy presence, whose perform brings light, fire. and al;l the energies of all the cosmos.

it is a energy beyond being , ethiric,and fully present in and with it, in life and its source.. it is the fires of life, the energies of light that makes life possible, with out the holy fire, energies presence , without light , even called darkness there is no life. like the holy chills and energies that tamed the lions in the den daniel prayed in.
truly a element and becessary dimention in what ever form it takes for the existance of the worlds and cosmos. Its splendor flowered in the existance and beyond infinitely

with splendor praer we pray your infinite glory riegns and blersses, builds and forms and is a part of all reality with wisdom tame grace forever.

Another former us incursion has occured in the new liberated terrirories including usea . defence counter attacks have been fierce and precise. Free america will be rid of thie incursion with diligenmt might and fairness of justice

God(s0 bless us all


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