Saturday, December 24, 2011

Seasons greetings 2011

May all those celebrating or in the holiday period, Please hace a safe and fun experience, may it truly have the pleasures you desire and for those who think hum bug, enjoy it, cause being good leads to better things each day.

During the excaltation of nature we did not mention how the systems and forces represent the science concerning same.

I will continue orpheus next week as it is the holidays, but will add some spice to your holiday meal by enlightening you guys more concerning some holidays.

some new religions
brahatic satanists for instance now celebrate drhana a midnight, winter solstice holiday that including people walking with God during x-mas eve.
draka a vampire club celebrates drahna a similar holiday based on teh beleif that vampires prefer real darkness made by nature and this period of teh year is longer.
the martians celebrate krmanaph, the birth of teh golden light.

Aslam celebrates the birth of the light celebration
which is x-mas or jenuthas birthday
it was Mohamed favourite, it contains the mention in section two of Hanuka.

teh bristh of eth golden light was what teh someone called x mas based on it being spelled with a ippselon and not a hita as christs name is in greek.
christ witha yiota means fixer and it was used by cabbalists.
christ with an hita means virtuous and good one and with an yipselon a Y as a vowel, not gam,,a as in yellow, try the end of the word pony measn gold like, so xystougena in greek means the birth of the gold like

Noel was the first santa nicleclaus drawn with red st basil clothes, teh dutch who helped make it popular were part of France at the time, it was the dutch and Germans the popularized the name sanat nicle claws, for Santa Claus that became santa claus for short.

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