Friday, December 9, 2011

US renegades subdued call to stars for wisdom by Orpheus

US renegades subdued call to stars for wisdom by Orpheus


The Fumigation from Aromatics.
With holy voice I call the stars [Astron] on high, pure sacred lights and genii of the sky.
Celestial stars, the progeny of Night [Nyx], in whirling circles beaming far your light,
Refulgent rays around the heav'ns ye throw, eternal fires, the source of all below.
With flames significant of Fate ye shine, and aptly rule for men a path divine.
In seven bright zones ye run with wand'ring flames, and heaven and earth compose your lucid frames:
With course unwearied, pure and fiery bright forever shining thro' the veil of Night.
Hail twinkling, joyful, ever wakeful fires! Propitious shine on all my just desires;
These sacred rites regard with conscious rays, and end our works devoted to your praise.

Here Orpheus calls to the lights of heaven, the stars that represent hol;y fires and enlightenment as they did with christ at his birth and in prayers like the stars worship you, ipo asteron se didascondos, he learned from those in teh stars as does Orpheus who calls for the enlightened wisdom of teh stars to enligtten and bless us all. To teh angels whose fires streem from them to help us in our work to produce good. The stars themselves have spirit and soul and the someome has seen them appear as flickering women dressed in mother look fours, plump and hote, white like stars flickering as they twinkle, twinkling/ with consciouness rites teh rites of angels and teh stars are bestowed and asked for by good people who focus their love on good desires, by conscent all is good. Also the lights of heaven illuminate the holy night and divine darkness, which is blessed and already called in the psalm we analysed just before, two posts ago.

The Former us disedent army has been subdued by Usean, Canedianand other american nations, including international and cosmic friends. 500000 terrorists who tried bullying the new fereed nations and teh return of chicago. now asatat and detroit who is denthen and seatle that is now deferenta. 15-22 mile clip north, briayanda to janifa and brandanda are now born, even usea declatred itself now, all nations, former us is now USea, south of mason dixie line to arm pit of clifornia the brhana straight, ilsands secure its rout to pacific all

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