Friday, September 23, 2011

moon politics and moon gates

so mgravity on the moon acts like it does on earth though it adds a bit of speed, on the eartha milimeter per ten meters of fall,

there are seven countries on the moons surface , which has a bio friendly atmosphere.

they have been moving between earth as we have been using moon gates to visit it
meretha is a common name for this twin planet.

in the 1950's pictures of the moon were called hoxes based on looking too much like green earth, so the slow nasa system was used to introduce people to other planets in cluding the moon that many thought was an illusion of light not a living planet, many thought it was there but life only existed on earth
galaleo pointed out to what he saw but this text was beyond forbidden seven exists on the earth.

the moon has been a symbol of power, psi, god, godeess and other worlds, some use to beleive it was a gate to another world. some teh wife of the sun, to some the reflection of the sun in the earth sky.

we have visited the conglamerate nation of danfi and the danfitics, uit is made up of 12 provinces 9 of which of principaalities, made up iof.

they have a central elected council

we also visited roffolty as it was the manitutdit empire on the moon till last earth century, it broke up into two peoples and 25 countries loosly combined through the deritrava
they elect a central el;ectoral and their own governments.

the krasha is the third place made up of 2 peoples and 5 principality / nations, most prefer calling themselves earthlings
they have elected councils and a cetral council governing all of them

the drefta are a peoples with countries on three continents on the moon, they refer to 1`0 continents as we do atleast 6 on earth. the garavi are the governing people though several subject states are part of an equal unity of peoples, kind of like the ussr and usa.

the mouchela are sm,aller humans who claim descendency from the moon though like us earthlings we agree we have mixed in. nowadays they claim to be like us pure mix, three countries with four languages are governemed by a middle council that is countrolede by the patriarch ( or matriarch though male now) on mount tella, he is subgovernmed by twenty peoples and 5 lower houses.

the grafi are three peoples governemed by twelve parentarchs both amle and female, they are religious but are elected
a landed senated is based on theological apointment.

till tommorow guys.

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