Saturday, September 10, 2011

the moon walk ands update on finacial situation in ontario

after the space walk we will examine the beings on the earth, an ancient twin planet that orbits the earth, there are several smaller moons that orbit at slightly farther from the moon and earth, these are sometimes call3ed astraroids but some are moons the next one tifon is 2/3 rds teh mioon approximately lok it up

this is what I heard through the grape vine abd through the grace of teh someone and the politicinas of PM primier of ontario and city of torontonto mayor,
this will be unvailed soon as part of upcoming elections and updates on progress in changing teh world asnd beyond.

the primier has eliminated property tax using a political device permenately for every ontarion, check it out , thank you Premier Dalton McGuinty. started last year in october to save canadians from going belley up during teh economic crisis.

the city mayer David Miller discovering how much everyone has over paid for water and teh meters that nmisread them, has fully pardoned everyone permanately of water bills
this is part of changing the world.

the PM in unicen with these people is working to help establish the rule of law set forth later this year reinforcing teh new system coming into being.

this will spread and as wanton province in china proves mixed with good capitalism this type of system makes lots of money with asmall sales tax paying for everything in excess as corruption is policed fully as it is being done.

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